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Web Brutator

Fast Modular Web Interfaces Bruteforcer

πŸ“₯ Install

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

⏩ Usage

$ python3 -h

 __      __      ___.            __________                __          __                
/  \    /  \ ____\_ |__          \______   \_______ __ ___/  |______ _/  |_  ___________ 
\   \/\/   // __ \| __ \   ______ |    |  _/\_  __ \  |  \   __\__  \   __\ /  _ \_  _ _\
 \        /\  ___/| \_\ \ /_____/ |    |   \ |  | \/  |  /|  |  / __ \|  | (  <_> )  | \/
  \__/\  /  \___  >___  /         |______  / |__|  |____/ |__| (____  /__|  \____/|__|   
       \/       \/    \/                 \/                         \/                   
                                                                        Version 0.2

usage: [-h] [--url URL] [--target TYPE] [-u USERNAME]
                       [-U USERLIST] [-p PASSWORD] [-P PASSLIST]
                       [-C COMBOLIST] [-t THREADS] [-s] [-v] [-e MAX_ERRORS]
                       [--timeout TIMEOUT] [-l]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                   show this help message and exit
  --url URL                    Target URL
  --target TYPE                Target type
  -u, --username USERNAME      Single username
  -U, --userlist USERLIST      Usernames list
  -p, --password PASSWORD      Single password
  -P, --passlist PASSLIST      Passwords list
  -C, --combolist COMBOLIST    Combos username:password list
  -t, --threads THREADS        Number of threads [1-50] (default: 10)
  -s, --stoponsuccess          Stop on success
  -v, --verbose                Print every tested creds
  -e, --max-errors MAX_ERRORS  Number of accepted consecutive errors (default: 10)
  --timeout TIMEOUT            Time limit on the response (default: 20s)
  -l, --list-modules           Display list of modules


python3 --target jenkins --url -U ./usernames.txt -P ./passwords.txt -s -t 40

πŸš€ Available Modules

  • axis2
  • coldfusion
  • glassfish
  • htaccess
  • jboss
  • jenkins
  • joomla
  • railo
  • standardform
  • tomcat
  • weblogic
  • websphere

Notice: Some products implement account lockout after a given number of failed authentication attempts, by default (e.g. Weblogic, Tomcat...). web-brutator notices the user at the beginning of bruteforce attack if it is the case. Take this into account before launching bruteforce on such targets.

πŸ’‘ Standard web authentication form Auto-Detection

web-brutator can automatically detect standard web authentication forms and perform bruteforce automatically. This feature is available via the module standardform, it is still experimental and can lead to false positives/negatives since it is based on several heuristics.

Not supported:

  • Web authentication using Javascript;
  • Authentication with CAPTCHA;
  • 2-step authentication ...


python3 --target standardform --url -U ./usernames.txt -P ./passwords.txt -s -t 40 -v

Demo This demo is against a phpMyAdmin interface

πŸ”§ Add new module / Contribute

Adding a new authentication bruteforce module is pretty straightforward:

  1. Create a new file with appropriate name under lib/core/modules/
  2. Create a class in this file, using the following template. Development is very easy, check any existing module under lib/core/modules/ for some examples. Note that HTTP requests should be done via the static methods provided by Requester class: Requester.get(),, Requester.http_auth().
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lib.core.Exceptions import AuthException, RequestException
from lib.core.Logger import logger
from lib.core.Requester import AuthMode, Requester

class Mymodule:

    def __init__(self, url, verbose=False):
        self.url = url
        # Other self variables can go here

    def check(self):
    	This method is used to detect the presence of the targeted authentication
    	:return: Boolean indicating if the authentication interface has been detected
    	# Implement code here

    def try_auth(self, username, password):
    	This method is used to perform one authentication attempt.
    	:param str username: Username to check
    	:param str password: Password to check
    	:return: Boolean indicating authentication status
    	:raise AuthException:
        # Implement code here        

  1. Module is then automatically available (check using -l option) from the command-line.
  2. Test the module to make sure it is working as expected !
  3. Make a pull request to add the module to the project ;)