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Quick Tutorial of basic synchronization of typical renderloop

You will probably have two semaphors: e.g. imageAcquired and renderingDone.

(You would need more imageAcquired semaphores to prevent vkAcquireNextImage to signal the same semaphore twice, but let's ignore this aspect for now.)

Let's cover it in an order in which things should actually get executed (i.e. not necesserily in the order we called or recorded the commands):

  1. You provide imageAcquired semaphore to the vkAcquireNextImageKHR to be signalled by it.

  2. You provide imageAcquired semaphore to the command buffer submit to be waited on. As a pWaitDstStageMask you provide the stage where your first write access to the swapchain VkImage happens. Most often it will be VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT (but could be something different based on your command buffer contents).

  3. In the command buffer you change the layout of the swapchain image (Subpasses, Pipeline Barriers, or Events can do that) from the present one ( use VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED as an old layout, which means "sacrifice data" — there's rarely ever need to read it after present ). For source stage choose the exact same one as in step 2 and source access mask should be 0 ( because memory dependency is already part of the previous semaphore wait). For efficient loop, destination stage should also be the same as in step 2 and the new layout and destination access mask should be appropriate for whatever you plan to do (likely VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL and VK_ACCESS_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_WRITE_BIT).

    In the case this is done with Render Pass (which should be the preferred method when we need to draw something), the first use of the VkImage would be the automatic layout transition followed by loadOp you provided during creation. For color attachment load operation does occur in the VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT stage (so providing that value as dstStageMask makes sure the layout transition does not clash with the load operation). Access mask depends on the loadOp value chosen.

    The layout transition in render pass (and in Pipeline Barriers too) happens between srcStageMask and dstStageMask stages. So we do not need to worry about it too much, assuming our barrier\subpass dependency is otherwisely correct.

  4. You would write to your VkImage. Let's assume that is done with a draw command like vkCmdDraw (which implies use of a Render Pass). Now the loadOp guarantees that it happens before our first use of an attachment in a render pass. So, no additional synchronization is needed here.

  5. In the command buffer you change the layout of the swapchain image (again Subpasses, Pipeline Barriers, or Events can do that) to the present one (VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_PRESENT_SRC_KHR). As your source stage, old layout and source access mask choose whatever your last use of the swapchain image was. Destination stage should be VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT (i.e. non-blocking, becose that is instead handled by folowing semaphore signal) and the destination access mask should be 0.

    In the case of this being a render pass, first a storeOp happens after the last use of your image in a render pass. Again that is guaranteed and needs no additional synchronization to order these two. The Store Operation for color attachment happens in VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT stage and uses VK_ACCESS_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_WRITE_BIT access. The Store Operation is followed by the automatic layout transition to finalLayout. So, to prevent storeOp and this transition to clash, srcStageMask should be stage the Store Op happens (VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT as said above).

  6. You provide renderingDone semaphore to the command buffer submit to be signalled.

  7. You provide renderingDone semaphore to the present command to be waited on.

  8. The circle is now complete! 😷

    From this it should be evident we are just declaring dependencies between memory accesses (otherwisely Vulkan is allowed to mercilessly overlap execution of commands). When there is any kind of memory read or write, we must make sure any previous write to the same location has finished. Usually, value used in dstStageMask subsequently appears in following srcStageMask — so for a simple application it forms a nice dependency chain or path or lifetime of image that is not so hard to reason about:

Image Acquire
=> Semaphore Signal
=> srcStage=VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT stage of Subpass Dependency\Barrier
=> Layout Transition From Present Layout
=> dstStage=VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT stage of Subpass Dependency\Barrier
=> Load Op (VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT stage) => (Implicit Dependency)
=> (Implicit Dependency) => Store Op (VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT stage again\still)
=> srcStage stage of Subpass Dependency\Barrier
=> Layout Transition to Present Layout
=> dstStage=VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT stage of Subpass Dependency\Barrier
=> Semaphore Signal
=> Semaphore Unsignal
=> Presenting

From this diagram I can be sure the synchronization is correct:

  • The pipeline stage of previous and next step matches
  • or it is how the given primitive works (e.g. Semaphore wait does cover any previously submitted semaphore signal)
  • or I am given (relatively rare) specification guarantee that things implicitly happen in specific order (e.g. the Load Op vs first subpass attachment use).