Louis Taylor kragniz
OrioleDB – building a modern cloud-native storage engine (... and solving some PostgreSQL wicked problems)
Monitoring mixin for Ingress-nginx. A set of Grafana dashboards and Prometheus rules for Ingress-nginx.
KeySeeBee is a split ergo keyboard. It is only 2 PCB (so the name) with (almost) only SMD components on it. It's only a keyboard, no LED, no display, nothing more than keys and USB.
Docker files for a Gazebo simulation of a sailing robot
A programming language with static memory management based on λ-calculus
An easy to use, easy to deploy crypto library
A vector PDF of the official mission logo of NROL-39 released via FOIA
Single dependency Kubernetes clusters for local testing, experimenting and development
A controller to deploy and manage etcd clusters inside of Kubernetes
A generative clip-on cover for the CARD10 badge, modeled in OpenSCAD
Container registry which transparently builds images using the Nix package manager. Canonical repository is https://cs.tvl.fyi/depot/-/tree/tools/nixery
open source training courses about distributed database and distributed systems
Reverse proxy to authenticate to managed Kubernetes API servers via OIDC.
✨🐙 A GPL Licensed Cognitive Behavioral Therapy app for iOS and Android. Currently a teaching tool
KernelMemorySanitizer, a detector of uses of uninitialized memory in the Linux kernel
Class materials for a distributed systems lecture series