Antibody levels measured in a (cross–sectional) population sample can be translated into an estimate of the frequency with which seroconversions (infections) occur in the sampled population. Formulated simply: the presence of many high titres indicates that many subjects likely experienced infection recently, while low titres indicate a low frequency of infections in the sampled population.
The serocalculator script was designed to use the longitudinal response characteristics by means of a set of parameters characterizing the longitudinal response of the selected serum antibodies.
You can install the development version from GitHub with the following code:
A Note for Windows Users
Windows users will need to install Rtools, which contains a collection of tools for building and employing R packages that are still in development. This can be done either during the devtools package installation, or independently if devtools is already installed.
| During devtools installation: | When prompted to install additional build tools, select "Yes" and Rtools will be installed. |
!(Click Yes to install Rtools along with the devtools package)[\vignettes\fig\Rtools1.png] |
| Independently:
Download Rtools from
Run the installer
- During the Rtools installation you may see a window asking you to “Select Additional Tasks”.
- Do not select the box for “Edit the system PATH”. devtools and RStudio should put Rtools on the PATH automatically when it is needed.
- Do select the box for “Save version information to registry”. It should be selected by default. |
If you need assistance or encounter a clear bug, please file an issue with a minimal reproducible example on GitHub.
Another great resource is The Epidemiologist R Handbook, which includes an introductory page on asking for help with R packages via GitHub: