08.01.2024 - I'm currently enrolled in a one year Backend Development study program at Noroff - School of technology and digital media, which I will take over the course of two years, beside working.
- I'm a self taught developer, primarily working with SQL and Python, on prem. I'm also a state authorized accountant, but in later years I've solely worked with IT, scripting and programming. Currently we're planning and working on moving several things from on prem to the cloud.
- Python
- Go (just started learning)
- JavaScript (what we use in school)
- Git
- Working with APIs, using Pythons Requests library
- Several norwegian accounting/ERP systems
- Home automation (Home Assistant, Zigbee, MQTT, Node-RED, and more)
- Music, particulary synthesizers, sequencers, samplers and the piano
- Soldering, just started building a small modular synthesizer
- Mechanical work on cars and all sorts of tinkering in my garage