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The aim of this project was to investigate the Chilean wine trade and its impact on the environment and economy, as well as to examine the country's unique natural resources and their role in the wine industry. Data was collected from various sources, including government reports, industry publications, and academic research. The analysis process involved cleaning datasets in Jupyter Notebook and creating new, cleaner CSV files from which infographics were generated in Datta Wrapper. I designed a custom map of Chile's wine regions using Figma. At my current python skill level, removing data and creating a new file is easier, but it takes away some ability to provide context, such as comparisons to other countries. I found an overwhelming amount of public data on this topic, it was challenging to narrow the scope and decide what to leave out. With more time, I would like to explore biodiversity information further and create a wine region map with habitat information.

I am working on uploading shapes to Mapbox using SVG plotter. to convert shapes into geoJSON. TI uploaded SVGs, added latitude and longitude to center each region. It was a manual process where I referenced print wine maps of the region to eyeball size, rotation and where to center it. I uploaded SVGs, added latitude and longitude to center each region. And then uploaded each JSON file to a Mapbox dataset. SVG Plot screenshot Screenshot of mapbox studio

Chile's Wine Regions

Chile's geography, climate, and soil make it ideal for growing grapes. The Mediterranean climate with warm, dry summers and cool, wet winters, creates perfect conditions for grape growing. Chilean wine regions have carved a niche for themselves in the global wine industry, each with unique characteristics that contribute to the distinct flavors of the wines produced there.

Chile's location between the Andes Mountains and the Pacific Ocean provides the ideal climate and terrain for growing grapes and producing wine. The country has carved out a unique niche for itself in the global wine industry, with each wine region offering distinct flavors and characteristics. In addition to being an important contributor to Chile's economy, the wine industry also provides employment opportunities in rural areas and brings travelers to the country's beautiful valleys. Chile's natural resources, including its geography, climate, and soil, make it a prime location for grape growing, with the Mediterranean climate providing the perfect conditions for producing high-quality grapes. The most northern regions are known for bold wines like Syrah and Cabernet Sauvignon, due to high temperatures and low rainfall.

Map of Chile's wine regions

  • The Aconcagua Region produces high-quality grapes such as Cabernet Sauvignon and Sauvignon Blanc due to cool ocean breezes.
  • The Central Valley Region is the largest wine-producing region in Chile and suitable for growing a wide variety of grapes.
  • The Southern Region is known for delicate, aromatic grapes like Pinot Noir and Riesling.
  • The Andes Mountain Region produces bold, structured wines with high tannins and acidity such as Malbec, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Syrah due to high altitude and dry climate.
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Chilean exports

Chile is the fifth-largest exporter of wine in the world, with its exports accounting for 10% of the global wine market. The country's wine industry generates significant revenue and plays a crucial role in the country's economy, providing employment opportunities and boosting tourism. In 2022, Chilean wine export volume totaled 833.5 million liters, a 4.0 percent decrease from 2021. The export value of Chilean wine was US$2.9 billion in 2020, and the country exports wine to over 140 countries worldwide, making it one of the most important wine producers and exporters in the world.

Along with wine, Chile exports many other valuable products including avocados and lithium minerals. Avocados are one of the country's top agricultural exports, with the United States as its largest market. Additionally, Chile is a significant producer of lithium, which is used in batteries for electric vehicles and other applications. The country has some of the largest lithium reserves and major mining operations. These exports contribute to Chile's global economic competitiveness along with its wine industry.

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Land area used for wine production

Chile has a total area planted for wine of 130,086 hectares (321,449.507 acres) in 2021, spread throughout the regions' valleys, from the Atacama to Araucania. In the past 20 years, the area planted for wine in Chile has grown from 12 million hectoliters in 1995 to 70 million hectoliters in 2005. However, this trend is beginning to reverse, with area planted for wine trending downward due to agriculture in the O'Higgins region shifting toward more profitable crops such as cherries and citrus. In 2022, Chilean wine production totaled 1.244 billion liters, a 7.39 percent decrease from 2021, and Chilean wine export volume totaled 833.5 million liters, a 4.0 percent decrease from 2021.

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Environmental Impact of Chilean Wine Production

Chile's wine industry is also important for the environment. Chile's wine regions are located in the central part of the country, where the climate is dry and there is little rainfall. The wine industry has helped to preserve the natural landscape by preventing desertification and promoting biodiversity, as vineyards provide a habitat for many species of plants and animals. Additionally, the Andes Mountains provide natural protection from pests and diseases, while the nearby Pacific Ocean provides cooling breezes that help to regulate temperature and humidity.


Overview of Chilean trade and land used






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