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Jupyter support

Edmondson can run within a Jupyter lab environment through Clojure kernel support (using clojupyter/clojupyter).

Jupyter notebooks are documents that combine live runnable code with narrative text (Markdown), equations (LaTeX), images, interactive visualizations and other rich output. You can run notebooks like this example in Jupyter lab.

This allows you to build interactive reusable reports for survey read-out presentations (e.g. sharing the results of a psychological safety survey with a team).

Three modes: GitHub Codespaces, Docker-local, Local

You can run Jupyter either through local-machine development, using Docker locally on your machine, or using Docker and GitHub Codespaces.

All three modes require you to first follow the instructions in the README on the frontpage: to generate a credentials JSON file and run clj -X:google-oauth2 to generate tokens/StoredCredential.

GitHub Codespaces

WARNING: Running in Codespaces requires you to temporarily upload your credentials.json to the Azure VM running the Codespace as well as running the Jupyter notebook on a public IP (with a password though). If you're not comfortable with this, we recommend one of the other options.

This is the easiest mode since it requires no local installation of dependencies.

On GitHub fork the repo and click Code > Codespaces > New code space.

You should see Codespaces loading screenshot.

Once Codespaces is open run the following in a terminal

$ jovyan@codespaces_82e6c5:/workspaces/edmondson$ ./script/ docker
Building uber jar: target/Edmondson-standalone.jar
WARNING: Implicit use of clojure.main with options is deprecated, use -M
Clojupyter v0.3.2 - Remove kernel 'edmondson'

    Step: Delete /home/jovyan/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/edmondson

    Status: Removals successfully completed.

WARNING: Implicit use of clojure.main with options is deprecated, use -M
Clojupyter v0.3.2 - Install local

    Installed jar:      target/Edmondson-standalone.jar
    Install directory:  ~/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/edmondson
    Kernel identifier:  edmondson

    Installation successful.


For authentication/authorization you must upload the credentials.json file that you generated in the README on the frontpage:

  • In the Codespaces browser tab, upload client_secret... to the top-level directory, and tokens/StoredCredential into the tokens directory.
  • In a terminal run mv client_secret_....json ./credentials.json

Now in a terminal in Codespaces, run

 $ ./lab

Codespaces should forward port 8889. Click "Open in browser" button in codespaces.

You may see "Token authentication is enabled". In this case enter the token that is output (in the above example: a2eae6494223edc81e6cf797735b10468148912590dcb8c0).

You should now see the Jupyter lab web-app.

In the Jupyter lab web app file browser, navigate to examples/google_sheets/psych_safety_generative_culture.ipynb.

Click the Run menu and select "Run All Cells". You should see the notebook being populated (This can take a while the first time you run).

Things are now working!

It's beyond the scope of these instructions to dig into how to further use Jupyter and Codespaces.


This requires Docker installed locally on your machine.


docker run -it -u jovyan -p 8888:8888 -p 8889:8889 \
            -v ${PWD}:/home/jovyan/work/ \
            -w /home/jovyan/ \
            krukow/edmondson:v1.3.3-dev6 \

Then in the container, run

jovyan@810490d944d0:~$ cd work/
jovyan@810490d944d0:~/work$ ./script/ docker

Similarly to the Codespaces example above, run

jovyan@810490d944d0:~/work$ mv client_secret_....json ./credentials.json
jovyan@810490d944d0:~/work$ ./lab

Opening the URL that was printed ( should give you the Jupyter lab web app UI.

In the Jupyter lab web app file browser, navigate to examples/google_sheets/psych_safety_generative_culture.ipynb.

Click the Run menu and select "Run All Cells". You should see the notebook being populated (This can take a while the first time you run).

Things are now working!

It's beyond the scope of these instructions to dig into how to further use Jupyter.

Local: Prerequisites

Install Jupyter. This guide uses the Anaconda distribution (see:

Check that you can start Jupyter lab by running jupyter lab.

Build kernel

To build an Jupiter Clojure kernel with Edmondson support, run ./script/

Running the example

In this section we run the example psychological safety report notebook: psych_safety_generative_culture.ipynb.

Copy or move your to credentials.json:

$ mv client_secret_....json ./credentials.json

Optional: Customize survey

If you want to use your own survey rather than the example survey with fake data, set the following environment variables

Explore with Jypyter lab

Set these environment variables and run jupyter lab e.g.

    RESULTS_URL="\?usp\=sharing" NUM_PARTICIPANTS="66"  TEAM_NAME="Example" jupyter lab

This should open your browser with URL: http://localhost:8888/lab.

In the browser, open the file: examples / google_sheets / psych_safety_generative_culture.ipynb using the kernel Clojure (edmondson).

Run the example notebook! If you need help navigating the Jupyter notebook, check out this overview documentation page.

We encourage exploration by modifying each sections contents and re-evaluating.

Generating a report

Run the following (customize as needed):

export TEAM_NAME="My team"
./script/ examples/google_sheets/psych_safety_generative_culture.ipynb

You should see something like

Building uber jar: target/Edmondson-standalone.jar
WARNING: When invoking clojure.main, use -M
Clojupyter v0.3.2 - Remove kernel 'edmondson'

    Step: Delete /Users/krukow/Library/Jupyter/kernels/edmondson

    Status: Removals successfully completed.

WARNING: When invoking clojure.main, use -M
Clojupyter v0.3.2 - Install local

    Installed jar:	target/Edmondson-standalone.jar
    Install directory:	~/Library/Jupyter/kernels/edmondson
    Kernel identifier:	edmondson

    Installation successful.

Generating html report from: examples/google_sheets/psych_safety_generative_culture.ipynb
[NbConvertApp] Converting notebook examples/google_sheets/psych_safety_generative_culture.ipynb to html
[NbConvertApp] Executing notebook with kernel: edmondson
[E 08:21:28.668 Clojupyter] c8r.zmq.heartbeat-process -- heartbeat: Polling ZeroMQ socket returned negative value - terminating.
/Users/krukow/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nbconvert/filters/ UserWarning: Your element with mimetype(s) dict_keys(['application/vnd.vegalite.v3+json']) is not able to be represented.
  warn("Your element with mimetype(s) {mimetypes}"
[NbConvertApp] Writing 597812 bytes to results/html/report.html

From the browser open the file: results/html/report.html.

To customize the report look at the script ./script/