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Tool to migrate work items from mseng to msmobilcenter vsts instance.


  • Java 1.8 (check with java -version)

  • MSEng personal access token: Go to mseng > you > security - create a token with Work items (read) scope.

  • Set environment variable MSENG_ACCESS_TOKEN to the token created above.

  • MSMobilecenter personal access token: Go to msmobile > you > security - create token with Work items (read and write), Project and team (read) scope.

  • Set environment variable MOBILECENTER_ACCESS_TOKEN to the token created.

Note on windows you have to run this as

java -jar target/vsts-migrate.jar

on Mac/Linux you can run ./vsts-migrate as a wrapper for java -jar.


The vsts-migrate tool can do three things.

  1. dump specific work items from the mseng VSTS instance.

  2. copy a dump into the msmobilecenter instance (with some limitations).

  3. undo the copy by deleting created items from msmobilecenter

All commands support a -d/--dry-run option which only performs queries: it does not create or delete items.

The tool also support a -h/--help option (./vsts-migrate -h).

Below are the details which you should read first.


The dump-from-mseng command allows you to specify a "query" to be evaluated in the MSeng instance. The query evaluates to a number of work items which satisfy the query. After the query is performed, each work item is mapped using a mapping specification (e.g., mappings.json), and the resulting work items are saved in json format for inspection. (If you're happy with the result, the idea is that you use the copy-to-msmobilecenter defined below to import into the msmobilecenter instance).

Below we show how mappings and queries work. Note, you must customize both a mappings.json and query-file to use this tool.

Here is the default mappings.json file:

 "System.State": {"New": "New",
                  "On Deck":"New",
                  "In Progress":"Active",
 "System.WorkItemType": {"Scenario":"Epic",
                         "User Story":"User Story",
 "System.AreaPath": {
     "Mobile Center\\Test Cloud": "Test",
     "Mobile Center\\Test Cloud\\Web": "Test\\Web",
     "Mobile Center\\Test Cloud\\Services and Frameworks": "Test\\Services"

For example, an MSEng workitem with System.State of "On Deck" would have a System.State mapped to "New" in the msmobilcenter instance. It's important to also map the "AreaPath" since these will be different in mseng and msmobilcenter.

Note that even though this is invisible in the mappings.json file:

  • "System.TeamProject" will be mapped to a fixed project, specified in the "Copy" step below.
  • For Bugs, we map "Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.ReproSteps" to "System.Description" to deal with the way mseng is configured.

The query-file is a text file with a "WIQL" query (Work Item Query Language) query.

For example, here is the one for Test Cloud:

FROM workitems
        [System.TeamProject] = @project
        AND [System.AreaPath] UNDER "Mobile Center\Test Cloud"
        AND [System.State] IN ("New", "Proposed","On Deck","Committed","In Progress","Active")
        AND [System.Tags] NOT CONTAINS "NO_MIGRATE"
ORDER BY [System.ChangedDate] DESC

You can adapt the example above (also found in the test-cloud.wiql file), or you can learn about the WIQL language and interactively build a query string in the mseng instance via:

To run the dump-from-mseng command, refer to this example of usage:

# dump-from-mseng - Dump (and pretty print) WIQL query results from MSEng instance. 
# Args: <wiql-file-path> <mappings.json> <dump-file-path

./vsts-migrate dump-from-mseng test-cloud.wiql mappings.json mseng-test-dump.json

Dumping test-cloud.wiql from mseng via mapping: mappings.json
Options {}
Feature (878092): Admin Pages For Support and Sales
    User Story (878093): Add Users page to sales admin
Feature (876423): E2E customer workflow
    User Story (876625): As a User, I want to download all screenshots from a selected device so that I can review them offline.
Saved output in /Users/krukow/code/vsts-work-migrate/mseng-test-dump.json


The copy-to-msmobilecenter copies a dump json file into the msmobilecenter instance. To use copy-to-msmobilecenter, you must first create a dump via the instructions on dump-from-mseng above.

Note You must pick a specific project in the msmobilecenter instance which you have access to, and that you want to import the work items into. In the example below, I use the Test project.

# copy-to-msmobilecenter - Copy query result to msmobilecenter. 
# Args: <dump-file-path> <Project> <saved-results-output-path>

./vsts-migrate copy-to-msmobilecenter mseng-test-dump.json Test msmobilecenter-created.json
Saving created items as mapping from mseng items to msmobilcenter items as /Users/krukow/code/vsts-work-migrate/msmobilecenter-created.json

This will copy the work items from the mseng-test-dump.json file into the Test project in msmobilecenter and save the result as msmobilecenter-created.json.


  • We preserve the following fields only (:paths below)
  • The default is to query only "new" and "active" work items
  • We preserve only parent/child links between work items.
  • The history/comments/discussion field seems to not be fully preserved
  • Note, specifically that, IterationPaths are not preserved.

Since IterationPath is not preserved, it's recommended that you do the dump+copy just after completing a sprint/iteration. Then set up the next iteration in the msmobilcenter instance after the copy.

            [{:op "add"
              :path "/fields/System.Title"
              :value (get-item-field work-item :Title)}
             {:op "add"
              :path "/fields/System.AreaPath"
              :value (get-item-field work-item :AreaPath)}
             {:op "add"
              :path "/fields/System.State"
              :value (get-item-field work-item :State)}
             {:op "add"
              :path "/fields/System.Description"
              :value (get-item-field work-item :Description)}
             {:op "add"
              :path "/fields/System.AssignedTo"
              :value (get-item-field work-item :AssignedTo)}
             {:op "add"
              :path "/fields/Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Priority"
              :value (get-in work-item [:fields "Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Priority"])}
             {:op "add"
              :path "/fields/System.History"
              :value (get-item-field work-item :History)}
             {:op "add"
              :path "/fields/System.CreatedBy"
              :value (get-item-field work-item :CreatedBy)}
             {:op "add"
              :path "/fields/System.Tags"
              :value (get-item-field work-item :Tags)}]


Finally, if you're unhappy with the work items you created you can delete them again from msmobilecenter by running

# delete-from-msmobilecenter  - Delete previously copied work-items from msmobilecenter (i.e. "undo" creation).
# Args: <saved-results-output-path>.

./vsts-migrate delete-from-msmobilecenter msmobilecenter-created.json

where msmobilecenter-created.json is the file created in the Copy step avove.

Simple usage / Fast-track

If you don't care too much about the details and just want some thing simple that should work for most cases, do this.

  1. Make sure you've created personal access tokens and set environment variables as specified in the "Prerequisites".
  2. Make a copy of the test-cloud.wiql, say to my-query.wiql
  3. Edit the my-query.wiql file to change the line "AND [System.AreaPath] UNDER "Mobile Center\Test Cloud"" to specify the beacon area-path you want to migrate to the msmobilecenter instance. You should not select just "Mobile Center" and you should only select an area path you fully are responsible for migrating.
  4. Edit the mappings.json file, specifically the System.AreaPath property. This is where you specify how to map area-paths from mseng into desired area-paths in msmobilecenter. Remember to escape back-slash with "\\". Make sure you specify a mapping for all the possible area paths you might encounter for your work items in mseng. Note IterationPaths are not preserved.

Now you're ready for a dump:

  1. Run ./vsts-migrate dump-from-mseng my-query.wiql mappings.json mseng-dump.json
  2. Sanity check the pretty printed output and the output in mseng-dump.json

If you're happy and ready to pull the triger and import to msmobilecenter, follow the next steps.

First, make sure the msmobilecenter project you want to import to exists in msmobilcenter and is configured (ask your lead/manager if you're in doubt). Let's call it "Project" below (this would be e.g. "Test", "Build", ... depending on what you're migrating)

  1. ./vsts-migrate copy-to-msmobilecenter mseng-dump.json <Project> msmobilecenter-created.json

Inspect the msmobilecenter instance to check that everything looks good. If you realize there is a problem, don't panic. You can delete the created work items using:

  1. Only run this if things went bad: ./vsts-migrate delete-from-msmobilecenter msmobilecenter-created.json


Copyright © 2017 Karl Krukow

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


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