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WinAPI Search


WinAPI Search helps you find functions in WinAPI DLLs. You can search by DLL name, function name, return type, and parameters, with results showing matches for all your search terms.


  • AND Search: All search terms must match.
  • Searchable Fields:
    • DLL Name
    • Function Name
    • Return Type
    • Parameters


This project works together with the winapi_to_json tool by Artideusz, which collects and formats WinAPI DLL metadata and exposes it as a daily refreshed endpoint. It gathers function metadata from Microsoftโ€™s official repository win32metadata and Rust symbol bindings and makes them accessible through a refreshed GitHub release.

For undocumented API's, I've created a collector that works like winapi_to_json, but uses various sources - undocumented-winapi-json.
