WinAPI Search helps you find functions in WinAPI DLLs. You can search by DLL name, function name, return type, and parameters, with results showing matches for all your search terms.
- AND Search: All search terms must match.
- Searchable Fields:
- DLL Name
- Function Name
- Return Type
- Parameters
This project works together with the winapi_to_json tool by Artideusz, which collects and formats WinAPI DLL metadata and exposes it as a daily refreshed endpoint. It gathers function metadata from Microsoftโs official repository win32metadata and Rust symbol bindings and makes them accessible through a refreshed GitHub release.
For undocumented API's, I've created a collector that works like winapi_to_json
, but uses various sources - undocumented-winapi-json.
- Krystian Bajno - winapi-search, undocumented-winapi-json
- Artideusz - winapi_to_json