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The Go programming language, modified to emit warnings


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The Go Programming Language

Modified to emit warnings

This git commit modifies the go compiler to allow emitting warnings instead of errors when it encounters unused labels, variables, and imports. Warnings do not stop compilation or production of the final binary while the -warnunused flag is set. Omitting -warnunused will make compilation fail as normal on unused things.

All changes to the upstream go compiler are contained within this one commit. From time to time, I'll rebase this commit onto upstream master and force-push to master in order to keep it clean and current.

Use Case

The use case for warnings is the exploratory development or debugging phases, where you really don't care about leaving unused things lying around for the time being (for example, temporarily commenting something out), and would rather that the compiler just got out of your way until you've got something ready to compile normally and commit.

Without a warnings flag, temporarily commenting things out turns into a game of whack-a-mole, where what you commented out was the only thing using something else, which you must now also comment out, exposing yet another variable and some imports that now must also be commented out, ad adsurdum.


go build -gcflags=-warnunused somefile.go
go test -gcflags=-warnunused

When you're done with your exploratory/debugging phase, simply build or test without the flag:

go build somefile.go
go test

Compiling without the flags will fail on unused things as normal.



package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var start int = 1

    // for x := start; x < 10; x++ {
    for x := 3; x < 10; x++ {
        for y := 0; y < 10; y++ {
            result := y * 10 + x
            // fmt.Printf("Result: %d\n", result)
            // if result == 42 {
            //  fmt.Printf("Breaking")
            //  break breakOuter
            // }

Result of go build -gcflags=-warnunused example.go:

./example.go:8:2: Warning: label breakOuter defined and not used
./example.go:3:8: Warning: imported and not used: "fmt"
./example.go:6:6: Warning: start declared and not used
./example.go:12:4: Warning: result declared and not used

When will this go into mainline?

This feature will not be put into mainline golang:

Getting and Building the Modified Go Compiler

Download the source code, install a bootstrap compiler, and build!

1: Download and install the source code

Option A: Downloaded as a tag directly from github:

Option B: Checked out of this git repository:

  • git tag to get a list of tags
  • git checkout goX.Y.Z-warn

The go tree must reside at /usr/local/go (according to

So for example: sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.12.6-warn.tgz

2: Download and install a bootstrap compiler

You can bootstrap from one of the official distributions at

It must reside at $HOME/go1.4

For example:

tar xf go1.12.7.linux-amd64.tar.gz
mv go $HOME/go1.4

3: Copy over the bootstrap go tool

mkdir -p /usr/local/go/bin
cp $HOME/go1.4/bin/go /usr/local/go/bin/

4: Build the compiler

cd /usr/local/go/src

This will build the go compiler binaries and put them in /usr/local/go/bin

Applying this Patch to a Specific Go Release

To apply this change to a specific go release, simply checkout the release tag, make a branch, cherry-pick this commit, and build.

Release patching example

Rebase to the golang team's latest upstream:

git pull --rebase master
git fetch --tags

Get the hash of the warnings commit (it's at the head):

git checkout master
git log --oneline -n 1
0e367a3c38 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Support emitting warnings ...

Make a branch from your chosen tag (for example 1.12.6) and cherry-pick:

git checkout go1.12.6
git checkout -b go1.12.6-warn-branch
git cherry-pick 0e367a3c38

Build the compiler:

cd src

Make a new release tag for your modified go compiler:

git tag -a go1.12.6-warn

Tracking this Repository

Since all changes are kept in a single commit, this repository must be repeatedly force-pushed, which makes keeping up to date with this repository slightly more involved:

git fetch
git fetch --tags
git reset --hard origin/master

Warning: this will destroy any local changes you've made to the repository!

Helper Script

Here's a quick script to put this change into a specific go release. If using the commit from from master (the default) causes conflicts, try using one from a previous warn tag instead. For example:

make-go-patched-branch -s go1.13.3-warn go1.13.4



set -eu

if [[ ! $(git config --get remote.origin.url) =~ .*/go\.git$ ]]; then
    echo "This command must be run from inside the golang git repository"
    exit 1


show_help() {
    echo "Usage: $0 [options] <go release tag>"
    echo "Use git tag to get a list"
    echo "Options:"
    echo " -s <tag>: Use the commit from the specified warn tag instead of $GO_RELEASE_SOURCE_TAG (example: go1.13.4-warn)"

while getopts "s:" o; do
    case "$o" in
            exit 1
shift $((OPTIND-1))

if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
    exit 1


WARNINGS_COMMIT=$(git rev-parse HEAD)

git checkout -b "$GO_RELEASE_BRANCH"
git cherry-pick $WARNINGS_COMMIT

echo "
New branch $GO_RELEASE_BRANCH created with warnings commit cherry-picked ($(git rev-parse HEAD))

Now you can build it:
    cd src
    ./all.bash or ./make.bash

When you're happy, tag it:
    git tag -a $GO_RELEASE_NEW_TAG

Original Document:

Go is an open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software.

Gopher image Gopher image by Renee French, licensed under Creative Commons 3.0 Attributions license.

Our canonical Git repository is located at There is a mirror of the repository at

Unless otherwise noted, the Go source files are distributed under the BSD-style license found in the LICENSE file.

Download and Install

Binary Distributions

Official binary distributions are available at

After downloading a binary release, visit or load doc/install.html in your web browser for installation instructions.

Install From Source

If a binary distribution is not available for your combination of operating system and architecture, visit or load doc/install-source.html in your web browser for source installation instructions.


Go is the work of thousands of contributors. We appreciate your help!

To contribute, please read the contribution guidelines:

Note that the Go project uses the issue tracker for bug reports and proposals only. See for a list of places to ask questions about the Go language.


The Go programming language, modified to emit warnings



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