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🔭 I’m currently working on Lugetech.
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Go-based Ableton Live file manager for effortless navigation, providing song details and ratings. Simplify your workflow with fast search capabilities. Powered by Golang for optimal performance.
By creating this lyrics scanning app, I can save time editing for our radio station by knowing what to expect before even playing the song.
TypeScript 3
Secret Note Now you can add or replace an image with every note! Notes and Images stored on "secretnote" can be public or private, depending on the title. Simple titles lead to highly visible notes…
Vue 1
The Automatic Power Manager for Windows 10 allows you to automatically switch to High Performance mode based on what apps you are running. If none of these apps are running, it defaults to Balanced…
C# 1
Welcome to the ReviewIt Documentation! ReviewIt is a powerful online review platform that enables users to share their experiences and opinions about various products and services.
go-gin-clerk working together. React frontend signed into clerk. Go backend verifies tokens