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Tags: kubernetes-sigs/kueue




This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
mimowo Michał Woźniak
Changes since `v0.10.1`:

- Add missing external types to apply configurations (#4201, @astefanutti)
- Align default value for `managedJobsNamespaceSelector` in helm chart and kustomize files. (#4263, @dgrove-oss)
- Disable the StatefulSet webhook in the kube-system and kueue-system namespaces by default.
  This aligns the default StatefulSet webhook configuration with the Pod and Deployment configurations. (#4162, @dgrove-oss)
- Fix a bug is incorrect field path in inadmissible reasons and messages when Pod resources requests do not satisfy LimitRange constraints. (#4291, @tenzen-y)
- Fix a bug is incorrect field path in inadmissible reasons and messages when container requests exceed limits (#4245, @tenzen-y)
- Fix a bug that allowed unsupported changes to some PodSpec fields which were resulting in the StatefulSet getting stuck on Pods with schedulingGates.

  The validation blocks mutating the following Pod spec fields: `nodeSelector`, `affinity`, `tolerations`, `runtimeClassName`, `priority`, `topologySpreadConstraints`, `overhead`, `resourceClaims`, plus container (and init container) fields: `ports` and `resources.requests`.

  Mutating other fields, such as container image, command or args, remains allowed and supported. (#4153, @mbobrovskyi)
- Fix a bug that doesn't allow Kueue to delete Pods after a StatefulSet is deleted. (#4203, @mbobrovskyi)
- Fix a bug that prevented tracking some of the controller-runtime metrics in Prometheus. (#4229, @tenzen-y)
- Fix a bug truncating AdmissionCheck condition message at `1024` characters when creation of the associated ProvisioningRequest or PodTemplate fails.
  Instead, use the `32*1024` characters limit as for condition messages. (#4194, @mbobrovskyi)
- Fix the bug that prevented Kueue from updating the AdmissionCheck state in the Workload status on a ProvisioningRequest creation error. (#4117, @mbobrovskyi)
- Helm: Fix the unspecified LeaderElection Role and Rolebinding namespaces (#4386, @eric-higgins-ai)
- Improve error message in the event when scheduling for TAS workload fails due to unassigned flavors. (#4325, @mimowo)
- MultiKueue: Do not update the status of the Job on the management cluster while the Job is suspended. This is updated  for jobs represented by JobSet, Kubeflow Jobs and MPIJob. (#4084, @IrvingMg)
- Propagate the top-level setting of the `` label to the PodTemplate for
  Deployments and StatefulSets. This way the Workload Priority class is no longer ignored by the workloads. (#4035, @Abirdcfly)
- TAS: Fix a bug that incorrect topologies are assigned to Workloads when topology has insufficient allocatable Pods count (#4328, @tenzen-y)
- TAS: Fix a bug that unschedulable nodes (".spec.unschedulable=true") are counted as allocatable capacities (#4205, @tenzen-y)
- TAS: Fixed a bug that allows to create a JobSet with both and annotations set on the PodTemplate. (#4132, @mbobrovskyi)

- Renamed Log key from "attemptCount" to "schedulingCycleCount". This key tracks how many scheduling cycles we have done since starting Kueue. (#4239, @gabesaba)



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
tenzen-y Yuki Iwai
Changes since `v0.9.3`:

- Add missing external types to apply configurations (#4202, @astefanutti)
- Disable the StatefulSet webhook in the kube-system and kueue-system namespaces by default.
  This aligns the default StatefulSet webhook configuration with the Pod and Deployment configurations. (#4161, @@dgrove-oss)
- Fix a bug is incorrect field path in inadmissible reasons and messages when Pod resources requests do not satisfy LimitRange constraints. (#4290, @tenzen-y)
- Fix a bug is incorrect field path in inadmissible reasons and messages when container requests exceed limits (#4246, @tenzen-y)
- Fix a bug that allowed unsupported changes to some PodSpec fields which were resulting in the StatefulSet getting stuck on Pods with schedulingGates.

  The validation blocks mutating the following Pod spec fields: `nodeSelector`, `affinity`, `tolerations`, `runtimeClassName`, `priority`, `topologySpreadConstraints`, `overhead`, `resourceClaims`, plus container (and init container) fields: `ports` and `resources.requests`.

  Mutating other fields, such as container image, command or args, remains allowed and supported. (#4154, @mbobrovskyi)
- Fix a bug that doesn't allow Kueue to delete Pods after a StatefulSet is deleted. (#4206, @mbobrovskyi)
- Fix a bug that prevented tracking some of the controller-runtime metrics in Prometheus. (#4227, @tenzen-y)
- Fix a bug truncating AdmissionCheck condition message at `1024` characters when creation of the associated ProvisioningRequest or PodTemplate fails.
  Instead, use the `32*1024` characters limit as for condition messages. (#4195, @mbobrovskyi)
- Fix the bug that prevented Kueue from updating the AdmissionCheck state in the Workload status on a ProvisioningRequest creation error. (#4118, @mbobrovskyi)
- Helm: Fix the unspecified LeaderElection Role and Rolebinding namespaces (#4386, @eric-higgins-ai)
- MultiKueue: Do not update the status of the Job on the management cluster while the Job is suspended. This is updated  for jobs represented by JobSet, Kubeflow Jobs and MPIJob. (#4085, @IrvingMg)
- Propagate the top-level setting of the `` label to the PodTemplate for
  Deployments and StatefulSets. This way the Workload Priority class is no longer ignored by the workloads. (#4036, @Abirdcfly)
- TAS: Fix a bug that unschedulable nodes (".spec.unschedulable=true") are counted as allocatable capacities (#4209, @tenzen-y)
- TAS: Fixed a bug that allows to create a JobSet with both and annotations set on the PodTemplate. (#4156, @mbobrovskyi)

- Renamed Log key from "attemptCount" to "schedulingCycleCount". This key tracks how many scheduling cycles we have done since starting Kueue. (#4241, @tenzen-y)



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
mimowo Michał Woźniak
Changes since `v0.10.0`:

- Disable the unnecessary Validating Admission Policy for the visibility server, and drop the associated RBAC permissions to make the server minimal. This also prevents periodic error logging on clusters above Kubernetes 1.29+. (#3946, @varshaprasad96)
- Fix building TAS assignments for workloads with multiple PodSets (eg. JobSet or kubeflow Jobs). The assignment was computed independently for the PodSets which could result in conflicts rendering the pods unschedulable by the kube-scheduler. (#3970, @kerthcet)
- Fix populating the LocalQueue metrics: `kueue_local_queue_resource_usage` and `kueue_local_queue_resource_reservation`. (#3990, @mykysha)
- Fix the bug that prevented scaling StatefulSets which aren't managed by Kueue when the "statefulset" integration is enabled. (#3998, @mbobrovskyi)
- Fix the permission bug which prevented adding the `` finalizer to the Topology objects, resulting in repeatedly logged errors. (#3911, @kerthcet)
- Fixes a bug in 0.10.0 which resulted in the kueue manager configuration not being logged. (#3877, @dgrove-oss)



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
tenzen-y Yuki Iwai
Changes since `v0.9.2`:

- Disable the unnecessary Validating Admission Policy for the visibility server, and drop the associated RBAC permissions to make the server minimal. This also prevents periodic error logging on clusters above Kubernetes 1.29+. (#3977, @varshaprasad96)
- Fix building TAS assignments for workloads with multiple PodSets (eg. JobSet or kubeflow Jobs). The assignment was computed independently for the PodSets which could result in conflicts rendering the pods unschedulable by the kube-scheduler. (#3972, @kerthcet)
- Fix the bug that prevented scaling StatefulSets which aren't managed by Kueue when the "statefulset" integration is enabled. (#3999, @mbobrovskyi)



This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature.
Update latest kueue v0.10.0 (#3863)



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
mimowo Michał Woźniak
Changes since `v0.9.0`:

- PodSets for RayJobs now account for submitter Job when spec.submissionMode=k8sJob is used.

  if you used the RayJob integration you may need to revisit your quota settings,
  because now Kueue accounts for the resources required by the KubeRay submitter Job
  when the spec.submissionMode=k8sJob (by default 500m CPU and 200Mi memory) (#3729, @andrewsykim)
 - Removed the v1alpha1 Visibility API.

  The v1alpha1 Visibility API is deprecated. Please use v1beta1 instead. (#3499, @mbobrovskyi)
 - The InactiveWorkload reason for the Evicted condition is renamed to Deactivated.
  Also, the reasons for more detailed situations are renamed:
    - InactiveWorkloadAdmissionCheck -> DeactivatedDueToAdmissionCheck
    - InactiveWorkloadRequeuingLimitExceeded -> DeactivatedDueToRequeuingLimitExceeded

  If you were watching for the "InactiveWorkload" reason in the "Evicted" condition, you need
  to start watching for the "Deactivated" reason. (#3593, @mbobrovskyi)

- Adds a managedJobsNamespaceSelector to the Kueue configuration that enables namespace-based control of whether Jobs submitted without a `` label are managed by Kueue for all supported Job Kinds. (#3712, @dgrove-oss)
- Allow mutating the queue-name label for non-running Deployments. (#3528, @mbobrovskyi)
- Allowed StatefulSet scaling down to zero and scale up from zero. (#3487, @mbobrovskyi)
- Extend the GenericJob interface to allow implementations of custom Job CRDs to use
  Topology-Aware Scheduling with rank-based ordering. (#3704, @PBundyra)
- Introduce alpha feature, behind the LocalQueueMetrics feature gate, which allows users to get the prometheus LocalQueues metrics:
  local_queue_resource_usage (#3673, @KPostOffice)
- Introduce the LocalQueue defaulting, enabled by the LocalQueueDefaulting feature gate.
  When a new workload is created without the "queue-name" label,  and the LocalQueue
  with name "default" name exists in the workload's namespace, then the value of the
  "queue-name" is defaulted to "default". (#3610, @yaroslava-serdiuk)
- Kueue-viz: A Dashboard for kueue (#3727, @akram)
- Optimize the size of the Workload object when Topology-Aware Scheduling is used, and the
  `` is defined as the lowest Topology level. In that case the `TopologyAssignment`
  in the Workload's Status contains value only for this label, rather than for all levels defined. (#3677, @PBundyra)
- Promote MultiplePreemptions feature gate to stable, and drop the legacy preemption logic. (#3602, @gabesaba)
- Promoted ConfigurableResourceTransformations and WorkloadResourceRequestsSummary to Beta and enabled by default. (#3616, @dgrove-oss)
- ResourceFlavorSpec that defines topologyName is not immutable (#3738, @PBundyra)
- Respect node taints in Topology-Aware Scheduling when the lowest topology level is (#3678, @mimowo)
- Support `.featureGates` field in the configuration API to enable and disable the Kueue features (#3805, @kannon92)
- Support rank-based ordering of Pods with Topology-Aware Scheduling.
  The Pod indexes are determined based on the "" label which
  can be set by an external controller managing the group. (#3649, @PBundyra)
- TAS: Support rank-based ordering for StatefulSet. (#3751, @mbobrovskyi)
- TAS: The CQ referencing a Topology is deactivated if the topology does not exist. (#3770, @mimowo)
- TAS: support rank-based ordering for JobSet (#3591, @mimowo)
- TAS: support rank-based ordering for Kubeflow (#3604, @mbobrovskyi)
- TAS: support rank-ordering of Pods for the Kubernetes batch Job. (#3539, @mimowo)
- TAS: validate that can only be at the lowest level (#3714, @mbobrovskyi)

- Added validation for Deployment queue-name to fail fast (#3555, @mbobrovskyi)
- Added validation for StatefulSet queue-name to fail fast. (#3575, @mbobrovskyi)
- Change, and in some scenarios fix, the status message displayed to user when a workload doesn't fit in available capacity. (#3536, @gabesaba)
- Determine borrowing more accurately, allowing preempting workloads which fit in nominal quota to schedule faster (#3547, @gabesaba)
- Fix Kueue crashing when the node for an admitted workload is deleted. (#3715, @mimowo)
- Fix a bug which occasionally prevented updates to the PodTemplate of the Job on the management cluster
  when starting a Job (e.g. updating nodeSelectors), when using `MultiKueueBatchJobWithManagedBy` enabled. (#3685, @IrvingMg)
- Fix accounting for usage coming from TAS workloads using multiple resources. The usage was multiplied
  by the number of resources requested by a workload, which could result in under-utilization of the cluster.
  It also manifested itself in the message in the workload status which could contain negative numbers. (#3490, @mimowo)
- Fix computing the topology assignment for workloads using multiple PodSets requesting the same
  topology. In particular, it was possible for the set of topology domains in the assignment to be empty,
  and as a consequence the pods would remain gated forever as the TopologyUngater would not have
  topology assignment information. (#3514, @mimowo)
- Fix dropping of reconcile requests for non-leading replica, which was resulting in workloads
  getting stuck pending after the rolling restart of Kueue. (#3612, @mimowo)
- Fix memory leak due to workload entries left in MultiKueue cache. The leak affects the 0.9.0 and 0.9.1
  releases which enable MultiKueue by default, even if MultiKueue is not explicitly used on the cluster. (#3835, @mimowo)
- Fix misleading log messages from workload_controller indicating not existing LocalQueue or
  Cluster Queue. For example "LocalQueue for workload didn't exist or not active; ignored for now"
  could also be logged the ClusterQueue does not exist. (#3605, @7h3-3mp7y-m4n)
- Fix preemption when using Hierarchical Cohorts by considering as preemption candidates workloads
  from ClusterQueues located further in the hierarchy tree than direct siblings. (#3691, @gabesaba)
- Fix running Job when parallelism < completions, before the fix the replacement pods for the successfully
  completed Pods were not ungated. (#3559, @mimowo)
- Fix scheduling in TAS by considering tolerations specified in the ResourceFlavor. (#3723, @mimowo)
- Fix scheduling of workload which does not include the toleration for the taint in ResourceFlavor's spec.nodeTaints,
  if the toleration is specified on the ResourceFlavor itself. (#3722, @PBundyra)
- Fix the bug which prevented the use of MultiKueue if there is a CRD which is not installed
  and removed from the list of enabled integrations. (#3603, @mszadkow)
- Fix the flow of deactivation for workloads due to rejected AdmissionChecks.
  Now, all AdmissionChecks are reset back to the Pending state on eviction (and deactivation in particular),
  and so an admin can easily re-activate such a workload manually without tweaking the checks. (#3350, @KPostOffice)
- Fixed rolling update for StatefulSet integration (#3684, @mbobrovskyi)
- Make topology levels immutable to prevent issues with inconsistent state of the TAS cache. (#3641, @mbobrovskyi)
- TAS: Fixed bug that doesn't allow to update cache on delete Topology. (#3615, @mbobrovskyi)

- Eliminate webhook validation in case Pod integration is used on 1.26 or earlier versions of Kubernetes. (#3247, @vladikkuzn)
- Replace deprecated with (#3747, @mbobrovskyi)



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
tenzen-y Yuki Iwai
Changes since `v0.9.2`:

- Added validation for Deployment queue-name to fail fast (#3580, @mbobrovskyi)
- Added validation for StatefulSet queue-name to fail fast. (#3585, @mbobrovskyi)
- Fix a bug which occasionally prevented updates to the PodTemplate of the Job on the management cluster
  when starting a Job (e.g. updating nodeSelectors), when using `MultiKueueBatchJobWithManagedBy` enabled. (#3731, @IrvingMg)
- Fix dropping of reconcile requests for non-leading replica, which was resulting in workloads
  getting stuck pending after the rolling restart of Kueue. (#3613, @mimowo)
- Fix memory leak due to workload entries left in MultiKueue cache. The leak affects the 0.9.0 and 0.9.1
  releases which enable MultiKueue by default, even if MultiKueue is not explicitly used on the cluster. (#3843, @mimowo)
- Fix misleading log messages from workload_controller indicating not existing LocalQueue or
  Cluster Queue. For example "LocalQueue for workload didn't exist or not active; ignored for now"
  could also be logged the ClusterQueue does not exist. (#3832, @PBundyra)
- Fix preemption when using Hierarchical Cohorts by considering as preemption candidates workloads
  from ClusterQueues located further in the hierarchy tree than direct siblings. (#3705, @gabesaba)
- Fix scheduling of workload which does not include the toleration for the taint in ResourceFlavor's spec.nodeTaints,
  if the toleration is specified on the ResourceFlavor itself. (#3724, @PBundyra)
- Fix the bug which prevented the use of MultiKueue if there is a CRD which is not installed
  and removed from the list of enabled integrations. (#3631, @mszadkow)
- TAS: Fixed bug that doesn't allow to update cache on delete Topology. (#3655, @mbobrovskyi)
- TAS: The CQ referencing a Topology is deactivated if the topology does not exist. (#3819, @mimowo)

- Replace deprecated with (#3749, @mbobrovskyi)



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
mimowo Michał Woźniak
Changes since `v0.9.0`:

- Removed the v1alpha1 Visibility API.

  The v1alpha1 Visibility API is deprecated. Please use v1beta1 instead. (#3499, @mbobrovskyi)
 - The InactiveWorkload reason for the Evicted condition is renamed to Deactivated.
  Also, the reasons for more detailed situations are renamed:
    - InactiveWorkloadAdmissionCheck -> DeactivatedDueToAdmissionCheck
    - InactiveWorkloadRequeuingLimitExceeded -> DeactivatedDueToRequeuingLimitExceeded

  If you were watching for the "InactiveWorkload" reason in the "Evicted" condition, you need
  to start watching for the "Deactivated" reason. (#3593, @mbobrovskyi)

- Addition of configuration that allows users to get prometheus metrics about LQ info, including the LQ status and the status of pending workloads

  metrics added:
  local_queue_resource_usage (#3673, @KPostOffice)

- Adds a managedJobsNamespaceSelector to the Kueue configuration that enables namespace-based control of whether Jobs submitted without a `` label are managed by Kueue for all supported Job Kinds. (#3712, @dgrove-oss)
- Allow mutating the queue-name label for non-running Deployments. (#3528, @mbobrovskyi)
- Allowed StatefulSet scaling down to zero and scale up from zero. (#3487, @mbobrovskyi)
- Extend the GenericJob interface to allow implementations of custom Job CRDs to use
  Topology-Aware Scheduling with rank-based ordering. (#3704, @PBundyra)
- If LocalQueueDefaulting feature gate is set to true, the LocalQueue with name default will be used as default LocalQueue in the corresponding namespace" (#3610, @yaroslava-serdiuk)
- Kueue-viz: A Dashboard for kueue (#3727, @akram)
- Optimize the size of the Workload object when Topology-Aware Scheduling is used, and the
  `` is defined as the lowest Topology level. In that case the `TopologyAssignment`
  in the Workload's Status contains value only for this label, rather than for all levels defined. (#3677, @PBundyra)
- Promote MultiplePreemptions feature gate to stable, and drop the legacy preemption logic. (#3602, @gabesaba)
- Promoted ConfigurableResourceTransformations and WorkloadResourceRequestsSummary to Beta and enabled by default. (#3616, @dgrove-oss)
- ResourceFlavorSpec that defines topologyName is not immutable (#3738, @PBundyra)
- Respect node taints in Topology-Aware Scheduling when the lowest topology level is (#3678, @mimowo)
- Support `.featureGates` field in the configuration API to enable and disable the Kueue features (#3805, @kannon92)
- Support rank-based ordering of Pods with Topology-Aware Scheduling.
  The Pod indexes are determined based on the "" label which
  can be set by an external controller managing the group. (#3649, @PBundyra)
- TAS: Support rank-based ordering for StatefulSet. (#3751, @mbobrovskyi)
- TAS: The CQ referencing a Topology is deactivated if the topology does not exist. (#3770, @mimowo)
- TAS: support rank-based ordering for JobSet (#3591, @mimowo)
- TAS: support rank-based ordering for Kubeflow (#3604, @mbobrovskyi)
- TAS: support rank-ordering of Pods for the Kubernetes batch Job. (#3539, @mimowo)
- TAS: validate that can only be at the lowest level (#3714, @mbobrovskyi)

- Added validation for Deployment queue-name to fail fast (#3555, @mbobrovskyi)
- Added validation for StatefulSet queue-name to fail fast. (#3575, @mbobrovskyi)
- Change, and in some scenarios fix, the status message displayed to user when a workload doesn't fit in available capacity. (#3536, @gabesaba)
- Determine borrowing more accurately, allowing preempting workloads which fit in nominal quota to schedule faster (#3547, @gabesaba)
- Fix Kueue crashing when the node for an admitted workload is deleted. (#3715, @mimowo)
- Fix a bug which occasionally prevented updates to the PodTemplate of the Job on the management cluster
  when starting a Job (e.g. updating nodeSelectors), when using `MultiKueueBatchJobWithManagedBy` enabled. (#3685, @IrvingMg)
- Fix accounting for usage coming from TAS workloads using multiple resources. The usage was multiplied
  by the number of resources requested by a workload, which could result in under-utilization of the cluster.
  It also manifested itself in the message in the workload status which could contain negative numbers. (#3490, @mimowo)
- Fix computing the topology assignment for workloads using multiple PodSets requesting the same
  topology. In particular, it was possible for the set of topology domains in the assignment to be empty,
  and as a consequence the pods would remain gated forever as the TopologyUngater would not have
  topology assignment information. (#3514, @mimowo)
- Fix dropping of reconcile requests for non-leading replica, which was resulting in workloads
  getting stuck pending after the rolling restart of Kueue. (#3612, @mimowo)
- Fix preemption when using Hierarchical Cohorts by considering as preemption candidates workloads
  from ClusterQueues located further in the hierarchy tree than direct siblings. (#3691, @gabesaba)
- Fix running Job when parallelism < completions, before the fix the replacement pods for the successfully
  completed Pods were not ungated. (#3559, @mimowo)
- Fix scheduling in TAS by considering tolerations specified in the ResourceFlavor. (#3723, @mimowo)
- Fix scheduling of workload which does not include the toleration for the taint in ResourceFlavor's spec.nodeTaints,
  if the toleration is specified on the ResourceFlavor itself. (#3722, @PBundyra)
- Fix the bug which prevented the use of MultiKueue if there is a CRD which is not installed
  and removed from the list of enabled integrations. (#3603, @mszadkow)
- Fix the flow of deactivation for workloads due to rejected AdmissionChecks.
  Now, all AdmissionChecks are reset back to the Pending state on eviction (and deactivation in particular),
  and so an admin can easily re-activate such a workload manually without tweaking the checks. (#3350, @KPostOffice)
- Fixed rolling update for StatefulSet integration (#3684, @mbobrovskyi)
- Make topology levels immutable to prevent issues with inconsistent state of the TAS cache. (#3641, @mbobrovskyi)
- TAS: Fixed bug that doesn't allow to update cache on delete Topology. (#3615, @mbobrovskyi)

- Eliminate webhook validation in case Pod integration is used on 1.26 or earlier versions of Kubernetes. (#3247, @vladikkuzn)
- Replace deprecated with (#3747, @mbobrovskyi)



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
tenzen-y Yuki Iwai
Changes since `v0.9.0`:

- Removed the v1alpha1 Visibility API.

  The v1alpha1 Visibility API is deprecated. Please use v1beta1 instead. (#3499, @mbobrovskyi)
 - The InactiveWorkload reason for the Evicted condition is renamed to Deactivated.
  Also, the reasons for more detailed situations are renamed:
    - InactiveWorkloadAdmissionCheck -> DeactivatedDueToAdmissionCheck
    - InactiveWorkloadRequeuingLimitExceeded -> DeactivatedDueToRequeuingLimitExceeded

  If you were watching for the "InactiveWorkload" reason in the "Evicted" condition, you need
  to start watching for the "Deactivated" reason. (#3593, @mbobrovskyi)

- Allow mutating the queue-name label for non-running Deployments. (#3528, @mbobrovskyi)
- Allowed StatefulSet scaling down to zero and scale up from zero. (#3487, @mbobrovskyi)
- Extend the GenericJob interface to allow implementations of custom Job CRDs to use
  Topology-Aware Scheduling with rank-based ordering. (#3704, @PBundyra)
- Optimize the size of the Workload object when Topology-Aware Scheduling is used, and the
  `` is defined as the lowest Topology level. In that case the `TopologyAssignment`
  in the Workload's Status contains value only for this label, rather than for all levels defined. (#3677, @PBundyra)
- Promote MultiplePreemptions feature gate to stable, and drop the legacy preemption logic. (#3602, @gabesaba)
- Promoted ConfigurableResourceTransformations and WorkloadResourceRequestsSummary to Beta and enabled by default. (#3616, @dgrove-oss)
- Respect node taints in Topology-Aware Scheduling when the lowest topology level is (#3678, @mimowo)
- Support rank-based ordering of Pods with Topology-Aware Scheduling.
  The Pod indexes are determined based on the "" label which
  can be set by an external controller managing the group. (#3649, @PBundyra)
- TAS: support rank-based ordering for JobSet (#3591, @mimowo)
- TAS: support rank-based ordering for Kubeflow (#3604, @mbobrovskyi)
- TAS: support rank-ordering of Pods for the Kubernetes batch Job. (#3539, @mimowo)
- TAS: validate that can only be at the lowest level (#3714, @mbobrovskyi)

- Added validation for Deployment queue-name to fail fast (#3555, @mbobrovskyi)
- Added validation for StatefulSet queue-name to fail fast. (#3575, @mbobrovskyi)
- Change, and in some scenarios fix, the status message displayed to user when a workload doesn't fit in available capacity. (#3536, @gabesaba)
- Determine borrowing more accurately, allowing preempting workloads which fit in nominal quota to schedule faster (#3547, @gabesaba)
- Fix Kueue crashing when the node for an admitted workload is deleted. (#3715, @mimowo)
- Fix accounting for usage coming from TAS workloads using multiple resources. The usage was multiplied
  by the number of resources requested by a workload, which could result in under-utilization of the cluster.
  It also manifested itself in the message in the workload status which could contain negative numbers. (#3490, @mimowo)
- Fix computing the topology assignment for workloads using multiple PodSets requesting the same
  topology. In particular, it was possible for the set of topology domains in the assignment to be empty,
  and as a consequence the pods would remain gated forever as the TopologyUngater would not have
  topology assignment information. (#3514, @mimowo)
- Fix dropping of reconcile requests for non-leading replica, which was resulting in workloads
  getting stuck pending after the rolling restart of Kueue. (#3612, @mimowo)
- Fix preemption when using Hierarchical Cohorts by considering as preemption candidates workloads
  from ClusterQueues located further in the hierarchy tree than direct siblings. (#3691, @gabesaba)
- Fix running Job when parallelism < completions, before the fix the replacement pods for the successfully
  completed Pods were not ungated. (#3559, @mimowo)
- Fix scheduling in TAS by considering tolerations specified in the ResourceFlavor. (#3723, @mimowo)
- Fix scheduling of workload which does not include the toleration for the taint in ResourceFlavor's spec.nodeTaints,
  if the toleration is specified on the ResourceFlavor itself. (#3722, @PBundyra)
- Fix the bug which prevented the use of MultiKueue if there is a CRD which is not installed
  and removed from the list of enabled integrations. (#3603, @mszadkow)
- Fix the flow of deactivation for workloads due to rejected AdmissionChecks.
  Now, all AdmissionChecks are reset back to the Pending state on eviction (and deactivation in particular),
  and so an admin can easily re-activate such a workload manually without tweaking the checks. (#3350, @KPostOffice)
- Make topology levels immutable to prevent issues with inconsistent state of the TAS cache. (#3641, @mbobrovskyi)
- TAS: Fixed bug that doesn't allow to update cache on delete Topology. (#3615, @mbobrovskyi)

- Eliminate webhook validation in case Pod integration is used on 1.26 or earlier versions of Kubernetes. (#3247, @vladikkuzn)



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
mimowo Michał Woźniak
Changes since `v0.9.0`:

- Removed the v1alpha1 Visibility API.

  The v1alpha1 Visibility API is deprecated. Please use v1beta1 instead. (#3499, @mbobrovskyi)
 - The InactiveWorkload reason for the Evicted condition is renamed to Deactivated.
  Also, the reasons for more detailed situations are renamed:
    - InactiveWorkloadAdmissionCheck -> DeactivatedDueToAdmissionCheck
    - InactiveWorkloadRequeuingLimitExceeded -> DeactivatedDueToRequeuingLimitExceeded

  If you were watching for the "InactiveWorkload" reason in the "Evicted" condition, you need
  to start watching for the "Deactivated" reason. (#3593, @mbobrovskyi)

- Allow mutating the queue-name label for non-running Deployments. (#3528, @mbobrovskyi)
- Allowed StatefulSet scaling down to zero and scale up from zero. (#3487, @mbobrovskyi)
- Optimize the size of the Workload object when Topology-Aware Scheduling is used, and the
  `` is defined as the lowest Topology level. In that case the `TopologyAssignment`
  in the Workload's Status contains value only for this label, rather than for all levels defined. (#3677, @PBundyra)
- Promote MultiplePreemptions feature gate to stable, and drop the legacy preemption logic. (#3602, @gabesaba)
- Promoted ConfigurableResourceTransformations and WorkloadResourceRequestsSummary to Beta and enabled by default. (#3616, @dgrove-oss)
- Respect node taints in Topology-Aware Scheduling when the lowest topology level is (#3678, @mimowo)
- Support rank-based ordering of Pods with Topology-Aware Scheduling.
  The Pod indexes are determined based on the "" label which
  can be set by an external controller managing the group. (#3649, @PBundyra)
- TAS: support rank-based ordering for JobSet (#3591, @mimowo)
- TAS: support rank-based ordering for Kubeflow (#3604, @mbobrovskyi)
- TAS: support rank-ordering of Pods for the Kubernetes batch Job. (#3539, @mimowo)

- Added validation for Deployment queue-name to fail fast (#3555, @mbobrovskyi)
- Added validation for StatefulSet queue-name to fail fast. (#3575, @mbobrovskyi)
- Change, and in some scenarios fix, the status message displayed to user when a workload doesn't fit in available capacity. (#3536, @gabesaba)
- Determine borrowing more accurately, allowing preempting workloads which fit in nominal quota to schedule faster (#3547, @gabesaba)
- Fix accounting for usage coming from TAS workloads using multiple resources. The usage was multiplied
  by the number of resources requested by a workload, which could result in under-utilization of the cluster.
  It also manifested itself in the message in the workload status which could contain negative numbers. (#3490, @mimowo)
- Fix computing the topology assignment for workloads using multiple PodSets requesting the same
  topology. In particular, it was possible for the set of topology domains in the assignment to be empty,
  and as a consequence the pods would remain gated forever as the TopologyUngater would not have
  topology assignment information. (#3514, @mimowo)
- Fix dropping of reconcile requests for non-leading replica, which was resulting in workloads
  getting stuck pending after the rolling restart of Kueue. (#3612, @mimowo)
- Fix running Job when parallelism < completions, before the fix the replacement pods for the successfully
  completed Pods were not ungated. (#3559, @mimowo)
- Fix the bug which prevented the use of MultiKueue if there is a CRD which is not installed
  and removed from the list of enabled integrations. (#3603, @mszadkow)
- Fix the flow of deactivation for workloads due to rejected AdmissionChecks.
  Now, all AdmissionChecks are reset back to the Pending state on eviction (and deactivation in particular),
  and so an admin can easily re-activate such a workload manually without tweaking the checks. (#3350, @KPostOffice)
- Make topology levels immutable to prevent issues with inconsistent state of the TAS cache. (#3641, @mbobrovskyi)
- TAS: Fixed bug that doesn't allow to update cache on delete Topology. (#3615, @mbobrovskyi)

- Eliminate webhook validation in case Pod integration is used on 1.26 or earlier versions of Kubernetes. (#3247, @vladikkuzn)