Releases: kwchang0831/svelte-QWER
🚀 Features
- ✨ Add optional property to toggle post cover photo visibility - by @411A in #110 (a126c)
- Support lang switch - by @tomliau33 in #98 (ce79e)
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Fixed image scaling issues in Safari and mobile Chrome - by @sisyphusla and @kwchang0831 in #103 (4ab23)
- 🚚 Fixed utils typo - by @gogocons in #107 (2abed)
- 🩹 Mobile - center profile - by @gogocons in #105 (9146a)
- Typo in post.d.ts - by @kwchang0831 (3d070)
View changes on GitHub
Minor Changes
59989c3: ✨ Feat: Cloudflare Pages support
b47cc8e: deps: upgrade (svelte -> 4.0)
run the following if needed:
pnpm i && pnpm clean && pnpm format
c91a291: ✨ feat: Added a script for streamlined creation of a blog folder and its corresponding file.
dfdc753: deps: upgrade
d6814ba: deps: upgrade
Patch Changes
- 9a74335: deps: upgrade; update: readme
- 4af1ef9: deps: upgrade
- f3631ce: refactor: Globalization of Transitions - @Nich87
- c743568: deps: upgrade
- 821245a: deps: upgrade
- 49aae38: cfg: remove plausible
- ec65ead: add: include og:imge:width/height
- 81c004a: 🛠️ chore: Format current date and timezone in shell script
- 946a38f: fix: pnpm-lock
- f083980: chore: organize *.sh files to utils folder
- 1c98e89: deps: upgrade
- d1d40d8: fix: prettier svelte plugin
Minor Changes
b47cc8e: deps: upgrade (svelte -> 4.0)
run the following if needed:
pnpm i && pnpm clean && pnpm format
dfdc753: deps: upgrade
0b46086: fix processImagePath to detect remote path
Patch Changes
- c743568: deps: upgrade
What's Changed
- refactor: Globalization of Transitions for Svelte4 by @Nich87 in #75
- ✨ Cloudflare Pages support by @vai in #77
- 🐛 Fix: fix processImagePath to detect remote path by @toddLiao469469 in #78
- ✨ feat: Added a script for streamlined creation of a blog folder and its corresponding file. by @sisyphusla in #80
- 🔧 Chore: Format current date and timezone in shell script by @sisyphusla in #81
- typo in quickstart/ by @Ethanol48 in #85
- Typo in by @Ethanol48 in #84
- 🔖 Version Package by @github-actions in #74
New Contributors
- @Nich87 made their first contribution in #75
- @vai made their first contribution in #77
- @sisyphusla made their first contribution in #80
- @Ethanol48 made their first contribution in #85
Full Changelog: v0.11.0...v0.12.0
Minor Changes
- c47759b: deps: upgrade (vite, svelte, kit, unocss, marked...)
Patch Changes
ff3f374: doc: update example post
a8c72c9: deps: upgrade (katex)
b1bab79: fix: sync url query parameter with search input
bdf216d: fix: aria accessibility issue
51d4520: fix: dirty fix for partytown not copying lib
- check out QwikDev/partytown#367
16d3580: deps: upgrade (kit)
Minor Changes
- 175323d: fix: slug will only use backslashes
- c47759b: deps: upgrade (vite, svelte, kit, unocss, marked...)
Patch Changes
- a8c72c9: deps: upgrade (katex)
What's Changed
- 🔖 Version Package by @github-actions in #68
Full Changelog: v0.10.0...v0.11.0
Minor Changes
c862ea7: !deps: upgrade, remove partytown
!upgrade: unocss
now in saperate package: @unocss/extractor-svelte
Patch Changes
- 06f0f72: fix: local image path add leading slash & clean up
- d735aad: dpes: add peerDep sharp@0.31.3
- aa3e076: dpes: upgrade (vite related)
- ca34620: deps: upgrade (sveltejs, unocss...)
- bf88971: fix: url hash scroll after 1sec
- 4710532: feat: add languageConfig in UserConifg and dynamic import prismjs components
Patch Changes
- 06f0f72: fix: local image path add leading slash & clean up
- 4710532: feat: add languageConfig in UserConifg and dynamic import prismjs components
What's Changed
- 🔧 feat: add languageConfig in UserConifg and dynamic import prismjs components by @toddLiao469469 in #60
- 🔖 Version Package by @github-actions in #66
New Contributors
- @toddLiao469469 made their first contribution in #60
Full Changelog: v0.9.0...v0.10.0
Minor Changes
- 59878fb: deps: upgrade svelte related deps
Patch Changes
Patch Changes
- 7532a12: fix: try fix issue #58
- 63cbb54: deps: upgrade (non svelte related deps)
- 4607137: config: remove pnpm version restriction
What's Changed
- 🔖 Version Package by @github-actions in #59
Full Changelog: v0.8.0...v0.9.0
Minor Changes
- 202a6f4: deps: upgrade
Patch Changes
- 4ff2b0a: fix: giscus iframe css
Patch Changes
Minor Changes
- dc4531d: deps upgrade
Patch Changes
- 6ffe6ee: fix: check $page.route before accessing id
Patch Changes
- ecac1a1: fix: cannot add tags when tags is not provided
Minor Changes
- 19bde79: fix: incorrect character codes for HTML when parsing
What's Changed
- 🔖 Version Package by @github-actions in #46
- 🔖 Version Package by @github-actions in #53
- 🔖 Version Package by @github-actions in #54
- 🔖 Version Package by @github-actions in #55
- 🔖 Version Package by @github-actions in #56
- 🔖 Version Package by @github-actions in #57
Full Changelog: v0.6.0...v0.8.0
Minor Changes
- e98c731: deps: migrate to sveltekit 1.0, fix all lint errors
Patch Changes
- 2d5d207: deps: upgrade non svelte related
- fb8da06: dpes: upgrade svelte kit related to the latest before 1.0
- 9942af9: deps: upgrade svelte
Patch Changes
- faec438: fix: vercel disable trailing slash
Patch Changes
- 2d5d207: deps: upgrade non svelte related
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v0.5.1...v0.6.0
Patch Changes
- fa98c71: del: clean and format
Minor Changes
6d332b1: deps: upgrade (kit->581, vite->4.0)
selected mention:
- @sveltejs/kit 1.0.0-next.532 -> 1.0.0-next.581
- svelte 3.52.0 -> 3.54.0
- vite 3.2.2 -> 4.0.0
Patch Changes
- d4feeeb: deps: upgrade (@sveltejs/kit 1.0.0-next.516 -> 1.0.0-next.520)
- fcc798d: deps: upgrade (@sveltejs/kit 1.0.0-next.525 -> 1.0.0-next.532)
- dd37629: fix: kit breaking upgrade relates to routeId prefix
- dd37629: deps: upgrade (@sveltejs/kit 1.0.0-next.520 -> 1.0.0-next.525)
Minor Changes
6d332b1: deps: upgrade (kit->581, vite->4.0)
selected mention:
- @sveltejs/kit 1.0.0-next.532 -> 1.0.0-next.581
- svelte 3.52.0 -> 3.54.0
- vite 3.2.2 -> 4.0.0
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v0.4.1...v0.5.1
Patch Changes
- 2e0a045: fix: flexsearch module import causes TypeError in windows local dev env
- 566a350: fix: touch scrolling and go to the heading should be exclusive
- d2f521d: fix: tag filter error when there is a post has no tags
- 07b003e: dpes: upgrade (@sveltejs/kit 1.0.0-next.510 -> 1.0.0-next.511)
- d5b811b: deps: upgrade (@sveltejs/kit 1.0.0-next.502 -> 1.0.0-next.503)
- 0fb85fc: i18n: add ja; updated: post time format to include months, years ago;
- 5a77895: deps: upgrade (@sveltejs/kit 1.0.0-next.511 -> 1.0.0-next.513)
- 48477af: dpes: upgrade (@sveltejs/kit 1.0.0-next.503 -> 1.0.0-next.504)
- 74782fe: fix: vercel partytown dest
- 4970787: fix: A11y: visible, non-interactive elements with an on:click event must be accompanied by an on:keydown, on:keyup, or on:keypress event.
- 4970787: fix: tag filter down button correctly shown
- 2da867a: fix: toc on mobile react to touch
- 4970787: deps: upgrade (@sveltejs/kit 1.0.0-next.511 -> 1.0.0-next.513;svelte 3.50.1 -> 3.51.0)
- 175b6af: added: ga4
- 1dfb41f: fix: add scrolling to tags filter
- 4f7be8f: revert: remove preload in img components since it doesn't make much differences
- ba85a7f: fix: partytown dist based on host platform
- 2b9cae9: fix: valid html attribute (toc-link -> data-toc-link)
- 2d5603c: deps: upgrade (svelte 3.51.0 -> 3.52.0)
What's Changed
- ✏️fix: typo by @louis70109 in #30
- fix: property name wrong "PostsYearMonthDate" by @nemu1113 in #33
- 🔖 Version Package by @github-actions in #31
New Contributors
- @louis70109 made their first contribution in #30
- @nemu1113 made their first contribution in #33
Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.4.1
Minor Changes
15a9db0: feat: introduce css variable for customized theme
feat: addeduser/config/userTheme.scss
for customized theme -
232d8c6: !changed: rename user/data folder -> user/blogs folder
a84ff38: feat: add partytown for plausible script
63efeeb: !feat: add special routing rule PostsYearMonthDate
export const UserConfig = { ... + RoutingRules: { + PostsYearMonthDate: false, + }, };
daf9a52: feat: add katex, mhchem support
57f67af: !updated: change katex syntax for block and inline
- katex block : ```math block
- katex inline : `$...# @kwchang0831/svelte-qwer
Patch Changes
2046ee0: fix: now correctly detect width/height of public assets.
should be optional. -
0562d7b: updated: mark link with correct rels
809eb70: fix: image srcset href now will no longer appending after site.url
6ddd084: updated: css change some of the text color to inherit
bb44ddb: feat: add show/hide tag in xl res
6171e30: updated: katex block render as display mode instead
- updated: adjust katex related style
7a96bf2: updated: add more languages support for highlighting
57ca7a9: updated: add data-sveltekit-prefetch to body
b45afd7: doc: update katex related example
e97c39b: added: img preload in head
176af94: fix: tippy not show
add65ee: fix: index style
added: more theme variables -
bb44ddb: !config: reorganize QWER.config.js
+ !config: required migration
d110a37: dpes: upgrade (* @sveltejs/kit 1.0.0-next.481 ❯ 1.0.0-next.483)
46556c9: fix: remove image url leading dot due to url transformed to ./_app/immutable
bb44ddb: !fixed: typo user/config/QWER.confitg.js -> user/config/QWER.config.js
+ !config: required migration
0a7296b: fix: hide tag button in header when not in index page (mobile)
42f50ac: fix: prevent scrollbar reposition page
4ec3730: !updated: removed ts-nocheck from site.ts
036869a: deps: upgrade (*kit 1.0.0-next.480 -> 1.0.0-next.481)
dc98d14: fix: fix _asset.d.ts type
39e1ac4: fix: footer link data-sveltekit-prefetch error
8474c86: fix: assets' url in dev mode
6d3f27d: !updated: add origins and other settings to giscus
+ !breaking: Required to migrate `/usr/config/site.ts` + !breaking: Local dev will no longer loads giscus. Giscus will only load if the window.origin === site.url
6f973f2: deps: upgrade (@sveltjs/kit 1.0.0-next.499 -> 1.0.0-next.502)
Minor Changes
232d8c6: !changed: rename user/data folder -> user/blogs folder
63efeeb: !feat: add special routing rule PostsYearMonthDate
export const UserConfig = { ... + RoutingRules: { + PostsYearMonthDate: false, + }, };
daf9a52: feat: add katex, mhchem support
57f67af: !updated: change katex syntax for block and inline
- katex block : ```math block
- katex inline : `$...# @kwchang0831/qwer
Patch Changes
2046ee0: fix: now correctly detect width/height of public assets.
should be optional. -
0562d7b: updated: mark link with correct rels
6171e30: updated: katex block render as display mode instead
- updated: adjust katex related style
7a96bf2: updated: add more languages support for highlighting
b45afd7: fix: change katex inline syntax from
-> # @kwchang0831/qwer..`$ -
bb44ddb: !config: reorganize QWER.config.js
+ !config: required migration
dc98d14: fix: append &imagetools after imagetools import resources
8e8fec0: fix: now correctly reference assets in public folder
dc98d14: fix: assets path resolution on windows
What's Changed
- Fix: an other way to make typescript happy with imagetools url import by @SrGeneroso in #23
- 🔖 Version Package by @github-actions in #17
New Contributors
- @SrGeneroso made their first contribution in #23
Full Changelog: v0.3.3...v0.4.0