Employee Managment API is a collection of enpoint that facilitate,
the managment of employees at managerial point of view
- Nodejs
- ExpressJs
- ES6
- HandleBars
- Postman
- clone the project using
git clone https://github.com/kwizeraelvis/EmployeeManagmentRestAPI.git
- move into the source directory using
cd EmployeeManagmentRestAPI
- install all neccesary dependencies/modules using
yarn install
or with npm usingnpm install
- build the source using
yarn run build
or with npm usingnpm run build
- start the server using
yarn run start
or with npm usingnpm run start
- Managers can create an employee
- Managers can update an employees profile
- Manager can activate the employee
- Managers can suspend an employee
- Managers can list all available employees
- Managers can view employees by their id
- Manager can delete an employee
- Manager can search any employee
- Manager can upload excel workbooks containg employee Information and they will be registered
- [] Manager signup
- [] Manager Signin
- Sending Email confirmation to Employee upon registration(Implemented + deployed)
- [] Manager Password Reset
- [] User Activity
- Heroku Deployment(Implemented + deployed)
- Add validation to data from excel worksheets(Implemented + deployed)
Endpoint | Method | Functionality |
/employees | POST | Create New Employee |
/employees/search | POST | Search an Employee by props |
/batchcreate | POST | Parses excel files and registers employees listed |
/employees/:id | PUT | Updates employees profile |
/employees/:id/activate | PUT | Updates employee status to active |
/employees/:id/suspend | PUT | Updates employee status to inactive |
/employees/:id | DELETE | Deletes an employee by their id |
/employees/list | GET | Lists all registered employees |
/employees/:id | GET | Shows employee profile by id |
/file | GET | Is used to render the file upload template |
Documentation can be found here: []
In development