- Python v3.10
- NodeJS v18
- Poetry
- Request backend development environment variables, and create a
~ cp backend/.env.template backend/.env
- Install required Python packages.
~ cd backend/
~ poetry install
- Run development server.
~ source backend/.venv/bin/activate
~ uvicorn swift_demo.main:app --reload --env-file=backend/.env
- Install NPM packages.
~ cd frontend/
~ yarn install
- Run development server.
~ yarn dev
Create a new Google Cloud Project (or select an existing project) and enable the Cloud Build and Cloud Build APIs.
Add the following
Cloud IAM roles
to your service account:-
Cloud Build Service Account - allows for execution of builds on your behalf
Cloud Run Service Agent - allows for running Docker container on compute engine
Cloud Run Developer - allows for creating a Cloud Run instance
Viewer - allows for Cloud Build log storage
Secret Manager Secret Accessor - allows for accessing secrets from Secret Manager
Create a JSON service account key
][create-key] for the service account. -
Add the following secrets to your repository's environment secrets:
GCLOUD_RUN_SA_KEY - the content of the service account JSON file
GCLOUD_PROJECT_ID - the Google Cloud Project ID
After initial deploy, allow all incoming requests by going to Cloud Run > blackbird-dash > Triggers and checking "Allow unauthenticated invocations".