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168 lines (107 loc) · 7.5 KB

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168 lines (107 loc) · 7.5 KB

Contribution Guidelines

Wanna contribute to Kysely or other libraries within the kysely-org organization?

You're awesome! 🤗

😕 How Can I Contribute?

📢 By Spreading the Word

If you like what we're building here, please:

  1. Tell your friends, co-workers, family, neighbors, followers, etc.
  2. Speak about it in meetups and conferences. (if you need help with the presentation, please ask on Discord!).

There is no company behind this organization and project. We do this in our free time and cannot advertise it all by ourselves. Companies have dedicated devrel teams doing all that work, other projects might have community managers or full-time developers with the capacity to also handle social media and meetups with higher frequency.

More people using Kysely eventually means:

  1. less bugs left unreported and unsolved.
  2. high chance people share workarounds.
  3. more data points for innovation.
  4. more people who might contribute and push this thing even further.
  5. it becomes a standard part of the Node.js/Bun/Deno developer's toolbox so you'll happily stumble upon it in future codebases you'll join, or it'll be easier to get buy-in from co-workers/leadership.

🤝 By Helping People in Issues or on Discord

We need all the help we can get with supporting the community, answering questions, triaging!

If you've been using the library for a while, or know a thing or two about SQL, and specific databases, don't be shy about it!

🐛 By Submitting Issues (Bugs, Enhancement Ideas, Questions) or Opening threads on Discord

Please use search and make sure an existing open issue or thread doesn't exist before submitting. If an existing issue is only somewhat relevant, please submit a new issue and reference the old one instead of commenting on the existing one. Let us label your new issue as duplicate if it is the same thing - it's fine! If it's not the same thing and you commented on another issue, it makes it harder to track on our end.

If possible/relevant, please provide a playground link, Stackblitz OR a public git repository that reproduces the issue.

Please provide the exact error/warning texts you're getting. "this doesn't work" or "this throws an error" are not helping us help you.

Don't be an asshole. Don't demand support/service from us.

⌨️ With Code!

📘 Documentation Code Contributions

Pull requests are always welcome!

The application is located @ /site.

It is a pretty standard docusaurus application.

The code examples are extracted, using a custom script (see "script:generate-site-examples" @ package.json), and custom annotations, from JSDocs comments in the source code @ /src. If you need to change an existing code example, please do so in the source code AND then run the script. TODO: explain how to add a new code example.

If it is a big change (lots of lines of code OR files involved), please get a conversation going on an issue or on Discord before starting work on it.

🧙 Implementation Code Contributions (Bugfixes, Enhancements [Existing or New Features])

Pull requests (PRs) are welcome, BUT since:

  1. Our time and capacity as maintainers are limited.
  2. Your time is limited.
  3. Your motivation and morale is important to us.
  4. Onboarding in a new highly opinionated open-source project can be challenging.

We need a process in place:

  1. To make sure only things that have a good chance of being accepted are worked on. We hate saying "no".
  2. To make sure that things that are being worked on don't result in too much back-and-forth between authors and maintainers. We hate seeing these things drag on for a long time, and we know how frustrating it is on your end.
  3. To make sure there's no pressure on you when you take on a task.
  4. To make sure there's a clear understanding of who is working on what to avoid redundancies and conflicts.

The Process

Here is the gist of it:

  1. If an issue on the subject doesn't exist yet, submit one. If you want to work on it, ask to be assigned to it in the issue description, in the comments, OR on Discord.
  2. If an issue on the subject exists and is labeled with bug OR (enhancement AND greenlit* OR even good first issue**):
    1. If there is a pull request (PR) linked to it:
      1. If the PR is stale (a few months without new commits or comments from the PR author OR Kysely maintainers), ask to be assigned to it and continue work on the PR.
      2. If the PR is not stale, you can still offer some review comments, or ask to pair up with the PR author.
    2. If there is no PR linked to it and a person is already assigned to it:
      1. If the assignment is stale (a few weeks without a PR opened after the person was assigned to the issue), ask to be assigned to the issue in the comments OR on Discord.
      2. If the assignment is not stale, it's OK to ask the assignee if they'll be willing to pair up.
    3. If there is no PR linked to it and no assignee, ask to be assigned to it in the comments OR on Discord.

* an issue that was reviewed by the maintainers and would be nice to get a pull request for from the community.

** an issue that was reviewed by the maintainers and would be a nice opportunity to onboard an open-source newbie into the codebase.

Once you're assigned to an issue, you can start working on your code changes. It's best to ask questions in the issue or on Discord as early as possible, and even share your progress with the maintainers and community via a draft (WIP) pull request.

Style/Design Philosophy

  • Kysely should have zero dependencies.

  • Kysely should work in all JavaScript environments (node.js, deno & modern browsers), even though the main focus is node.js.

  • Everything is immutable.

  • The API should be as close to writing raw SQL as possible while still providing type safety.

  • Everything outside of dialect implementations is dialect-agnostic.

  • Everything is tested.

    • Functionality - No mocks. Everything is tested against real database instances. No partial testing. If a sql "thing" is supported by some databases, test it against all of them.

    • Types - We're a type-safe package, you get the idea.

  • Everything consumer-facing should be documented.

  • Everything is type-safe. Things that cannot be implemented in a way that is safe for all cases, are best left for consumers to implement.

  • Most features should have escape hatches.

Getting Started

  1. fork kysely.

  2. clone your fork.

  3. install node.js (preferably the latest even-numbered version).

  4. run npm i in your terminal to install dependencies.

  5. create a branch (we don't care about naming).

  6. create a draft pull request. link the relevant issue by referring to it in the PR's description. E.g. closes #123 will link the PR to issue/pull request #123.

  7. implement your changes.


  1. write functionality tests @ /test/node.

  2. write typings tests @ /test/typings

  3. install docker.

  4. run docker compose up in your terminal to spin up database instances.

  5. run npm test in another terminal to run tests.