Red Hat
- Asheville, NC
- https://lanceball.dev
- @lanceball
Node.js circuit breaker - fails fast ⚡️
A collection of modern/faster/saner alternatives to common unix commands.
Demonstrates a generic pattern for reporting the failure of a service and then limiting access to the failed service until it becomes available to handle requests
A repository for the community to exchange Minishift add-ons
The fabric8-launcher documentation
A circuit-breaker pattern implementation with fallback support.
CodeHub is an iOS application written using Xamarin
Godot is a streaming real-time event processor based on Riemann written in Node.js
Resumes generated using the GitHub informations
Use Jasmine as testing framework for your web applications. Use Env.js + Rhino to setup Jasmine for CI such as Hudson
This is the official repo for the CascadiaJS 2013 conference.
Vert.x is a tool-kit for building reactive applications on the JVM
lance / dynjs
Forked from dynjs/dynjs(almost) 100% invokedynamic js impl
lance / beta.aerogear.org
Forked from aerogear/aerogear.orgNew Awestruct based project site repo for AeroGear.
Jekyll based project site repo for aerogear.org
A node.js compatible framework running on the JVM.
lance / awestruct.org
Forked from awestruct/awestruct.github.ioawestruct.org website
lance / travis-build
Forked from travis-ci/travis-buildEncapsulates a build, used by travis-worker