move firewall demo asciicast to gif
move firewall demo asciicast to gif
Force push
move firewall demo asciicast to gif
move firewall demo asciicast to gif
Force push
move firewall demo asciicast to gif
move firewall demo asciicast to gif
README: update functionality status
README: update functionality status
switch to collection fork of mivek.inadyn until bugfix accepted
switch to collection fork of mivek.inadyn until bugfix accepted
add mivek.inadyn dynamic dns client role
add mivek.inadyn dynamic dns client role
update readme with project details, demos, and screenshots
update readme with project details, demos, and screenshots
Force push
update readme with project details, demos, and screenshots
update readme with project details, demos, and screenshots
fix requirements in readme and in file
fix requirements in readme and in file
adjustments to run on fresh armbian install
adjustments to run on fresh armbian install
switch to fork of mrlesmithjr.ansible-dnsmasq inside lanefu.clammy co…
switch to fork of mrlesmithjr.ansible-dnsmasq inside lanefu.clammy co…
use foomuuri_start_allowed=yes to allow firewall to reload/start via …
use foomuuri_start_allowed=yes to allow firewall to reload/start via …
good working config with to_zone syntax
good working config with to_zone syntax
working zone firewalling assure ospf stuff is let through
working zone firewalling assure ospf stuff is let through
update host vars to to use foomuuri_networks
update host vars to to use foomuuri_networks
foomuuri zone map using new filter plugin
foomuuri zone map using new filter plugin
reflect zones having multiple interfaces
reflect zones having multiple interfaces
stop being a knucklehead with complex objects
stop being a knucklehead with complex objects