Build Prometheus Exporter with specific aerohive mibs
a custom configuration of snmp-exporter allows more data.. in this case.. better monitoring for my aerohive APs.
goal is to build by sourcing upstream repo, add customizations, and then cross compile artifiacts.
we'll decouple the binary artifacts from containers to make builds efficient.
going to use aerohive mibs from since they have some corrections. Fixes probably not needed, but why not.
place mibs in mibs folder
variable imporant
cd generator
MIBSDIR=mibs make generate
most of the string values are returned as hex... we need ot convert them..
apparently overrides in generator.yml is the most friendly way
overrides in generator.yml didn't cover all teh touchpoints. i had to manualy change some types in snmp.yl from OctetString to DisplayStirng