This repository is responsible for managing GitHub configuration of filecoin-project
organisation as code with Terraform. It was created from github-mgmt-template and it will receive updates from that repository.
IMPORTANT: Having write access to GitHub Management repository can be as powerful as having admin access to the organizations managed by that repository.
NOTE: Because we don't have merge queue functionality enabled for the repository yet, after a merge, wait for the Apply
and Update
workflows to complete before merging any other PRs.
To learn more, check out:
- What is GitHub Management and how does it work?
- How to set up GitHub Management?
- How to work with GitHub Management?
- github/filecoin-project.yml is the key file where updates are made to adjust permissions.
- "github-mgmt" was the old name. The original template repo is now called "github-as-code". We use the terms interchangably in comments/docs.
- Yes, it's confusing to have a
directory. That is how gitub-mgmt was originally setup an we're living with it. (At least of 2024-09-05, there is no backlog item for cleaning this up.) - Not all organization-level roles are assignable through github-mgmt. For example, organization moderators, billing managers, and ecurity managers need to set through the GitHub UI.
- github-mgmt calls GitHub organization owners as "admins" in filecoin-project.yml. These terms are used interchangably in comments/docs.
Below is documentation/expecations filecoin-project owners.
- Have 2FA enabled on GitHub account
- Be part of #filecoin-project-owners FIL Slack private channel
- Per docs, org owners have to approve these requests.
- Pending insallations can be reviewed at
- New installation requests also come in via GitHub notificaitons to owners.
- Before approving the installation, ensure you have connected directly with the requester to understand their usecase and to ensure we're scoping down app access as much possible. For example, it's better if an app only need access to specific repos than to the whole organization, especially if the app is created by a 3rd party and/or needs write permissions.
- After approving, create a "log" of the approval by writing a message in #filecoin-project-owners following this template:
đź“ť App installation log entry
What: what_is_being_requested
Requester: who_is_requesting
Reason: why_the_request_is_being_made
Approver: who_the_approver_is
App Installation Link: