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Laravel Validation For Client Side : This package makes validation rules defined in laravel work client-side by converting to html/js plugins such as jquery validation. It also allows to use laravel validation messages so you can show same messages for both sides.


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#Laravalid + Ardent

Laravel Validation For Client Side, using self-validating smart models from Ardent

This package makes validation rules defined in Laravel work in the client by converting validation rules to HTML + JS plugins (such as jQuery Validation). It also allows you to use Laravel validation messages so you can show the same messages on both sides.

Table of contents

Feature Overview

  • Multi-Plugin Support (For now, there is just one :)
    • jQuery Validation
  • Extensible
  • Laravel form builder based
  • Validation rules can be set from controller
  • Distinguishing between numeric input and string input
  • User-friendly input names
  • Remote rules such as unique and exists


Require bllim/laravel-validation-for-client-side in composer.json and run composer update.

    "require": {
        "laravel/framework": "5.1.*",
        "laravel-ardent/laravalid": "2.*"

Note: For Laravel 4 use laravel4 branch: "laravel-ardent/laravalid": "dev-laravel4"

Composer will download the package. After that, open config/app.php and add the service provider and aliases:

    'providers' => [
    'aliases' => [
        'HTML' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\HTML',
        'Form' => 'LaravelArdent\Laravalid\Facade',

Also you need to publish configuration file and assets by running the following Artisan commands.

$ ./artisan vendor:publish


After publishing configuration file, you can find it in config/laravalid folder. Configuration parameters are as below:

Parameter Description Values
plugin Choose plugin you want to use See Plugins and Supported Rules
useLaravelMessages If it is true, laravel validation messages are used in client side otherwise messages of chosen plugin are used boolean. See Validation Messages
route Route name for remote validation Any route name (default: laravalid). The route will receive an argument named rule
action A custom action to run the remote validation procedure An action string, such as SiteController@getValidation (watch out for route conflicts, this will be added after your routes.php file is processed). This is needed if you want to cache routes (./artisan route:cache). If you include this, for the default behaviour you can return from your method app('laravalid')->remoteValidation($rule).

Validation Messages

If you set useLaravelMessages to true, you're able to use (Laravel's Localization package)l10n to generate validation messages. To do so, follow the docs to get the package configured (by setting your default/fallback/current locales). Then, create a folder for each locale (as the docs says) and create a validation.php file for each one. Inside those files you'll set a message for each rule name, as follows:

<?php return [
    'required' => 'This is a required field',
    'min'      => [
        'string' => 'This is too short',
        'number' => 'This is too low',


The package uses Laravel Form Builder to make validation rules work for both sides. While opening a form by using Form::open you can pass the $rules as the second parameter:

    $rules = ['name' => 'required|max:100', 'email' => 'required|email', 'birthdate' => 'date'];
    Form::open(['url' => 'foo/bar', 'method' => 'put'], $rules);
    Form::close(); // don't forget to close form, it reset validation rules

Also if you don't want to struggle with $rules at view files, you can set it in Controller or route with or without form name by using Form::setValidation($rules, $formName). If you don't give form name, this sets rules for first Form::open

    // in controller or route
    $rules = ['name' => 'required|max:100', 'email' => 'required|email', 'birthdate' => 'date'];
    Form::setValidation($rules, 'firstForm'); // you can also use without giving form name Form::setValidation($rules) because there is just one.
    // in view
    Form::open(array('url' => 'foo/bar', 'method' => 'put', 'name' => 'firstForm'), $rules);
    // some form inputs

For rules which is related to input type in laravel (such as max, min), the package looks for other given rules to understand which type is input. If you give integer or numeric as rule with max, min rules, the package assume input is numeric and convert to data-rule-max instead of data-rule-maxlength.

    $rules = ['age' => 'numeric|max'];

The converter assume input is string by default. File type is not supported yet.

Usage with Ardent

The magic from this package extension, though, comes from the integration with Ardent models. Here are two ways to use it with Ardent (the second being the preferred one):

    // you can bring in the rules from the model...
    Form::open(['url' => 'foo/bar', 'method' => 'put'], App\Models\User::$rules);
    // ...or use the model form to make things even cleaner: the rules will be imported from it!
    Form::model($user, ['url' => 'foo/bar', 'method' => 'put']);

Validation Messages

Converter uses validation messages of laravel (app/lang/en/validation.php) by default for client-side too. If you want to use jquery validation messages, you can set useLaravelMessages, false in config file of package which you copied to your config dir.


Jquery Validation While using Jquery Validation as html/js validation plugin, you should include jquery.validate.laravalid.js in your views, too. After assets published, it will be copied to your public folder. The last thing you should do at client side is initializing jquery validation plugin as below:

<script type="text/javascript">
$('form').validate({onkeyup: false}); //while using remote validation, remember to set onkeyup false


Controller/Route side

class UserController extends Controller {
    public $createValidation = ['name' => 'required|max:255', 'username' => 'required|regex:/^[a-z\-]*$/|max:20', 'email' => 'required|email', 'age' => 'numeric'];
    public $createColumns = ['name', 'username', 'email', 'age'];

    public function getCreate()
        return View::make('user.create');

    public function postCreate()
        $inputs = Input::only($this->createColumns);
        $rules = $this->createValidation;

        $validator = Validator::make($inputs, $rules);

            // actually withErrors is not really neccessary because we already show errors at client side for normal users
            return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validator);

        // try to create user

        return Redirect::back()->with('success', 'User is created successfully');

View side

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
      <meta charset="utf-8">
        {{ Form::open('url'=>'create', 'method'=>'post') }}
        {{ Form::text('name') }}
        {{ Form::text('username') }}
        {{ Form::email('email') }}
        {{ Form::number('age') }}
        {{ Form::close() }}

        <script src="{{ asset('js/jquery-1.10.2.min.js') }}"></script>
        <script src="{{ asset('js/jquery.validate.min.js') }}"></script>
        <script src="{{ asset('js/jquery.validate.laravalid.js') }}"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
        $('form').validate({onkeyup: false});


There are two ways to extend package with your own rules. First, you can extend current converter plugin dynamically like below:

Form::converter()->rule()->extend('someotherrule', function($parsedRule, $attribute, $type){
    // some code
    return ['data-rule-someotherrule' => 'blablabla'];
Form::converter()->message()->extend('someotherrule', function($parsedRule, $attribute, $type){
    // some code
    return ['data-message-someotherrule' => 'Some other message'];
Form::converter()->route()->extend('someotherrule', function($name, $parameters){
    // some code
    return ['valid' => false, 'messages' => 'Seriously dude, what kind of input is this?'];

Second, you can create your own converter (which extends baseconverter or any current plugin converter) in Bllim\Laravalid\Converter\ namespace and change plugin configuration in config file with your own plugin name.

Note: If you are creating a converter for some existed html/js plugin please create it in converters folder and send a pull-request.

Plugins and Supported Rules

Jquery Validation To use Jquery Validation, change plugin to JqueryValidation in config file and import jquery, jquery-validation and jquery.validation.laravel.js in views.

Rules Jquery Validation
Accepted -
Active URL -
After (Date) -
Alpha +
Alpha Dash -
Alpha Numeric -
Array -
Before (Date) -
Between +
Boolean -
Confirmed -
Date +
Date Format -
Different -
Digits -
Digits Between -
E-Mail +
Exists (Database) +
Image (File) -
In -
Integer -
IP Address +
Max +
MIME Types -
Min +
Not In -
Numeric +
Regular Expression +
Required +
Required If -
Required With -
Required With All -
Required Without -
Required Without All -
Same +
Size -
String -
Timezone -
Unique (Database) +

Note: It is easy to add some rules. Please check Rule class of related converter.


You can fork and contribute to development of the package. All pull requests is welcome.

Convertion Logic Package converts rules by using converters (in src/converters). It uses Converter class of chosen plugin which extends BaseConverter/Converter class. You can look at existed methods and plugins to understand how it works. Explanation will be ready, soon.

Known issues

  • Some rules are not supported for now


  • Test script
  • Support unsupported rules
  • Improve doc
  • Comment code


See the project's releases!


Licensed under the MIT License


Laravel Validation For Client Side : This package makes validation rules defined in laravel work client-side by converting to html/js plugins such as jquery validation. It also allows to use laravel validation messages so you can show same messages for both sides.







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  • PHP 99.2%
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