This project is an experiment provided "as is". While we strive to maintain it, there's no guarantee of ongoing support, and it may become unmaintained in the future. Your contributions are appreciated, and feel free to fork and continue the journey if needed.
This is a template that can be used to create a new app using Axis Camera Application Platform (ACAP) and Rust. To contribute to the crates that this template uses, please see acap-rs.
Build the hello_world
example and create .eap
files in the target/acap/
directory like
docker build --tag acap-rs-app-template .
docker run \
--interactive \
--rm \
--tty \
--user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
--volume $(pwd):$(pwd) \
--workdir $(pwd) \
acap-rs \
make build PACKAGE=hello_world
This works with any of the example applications.
Ensure global prerequisites are installed:
- Docker
- Rust e.g. using rustup
- Cross e.g. like
cargo install cross
Useful workflows are documented under the "Verbs" section of the Makefile.
If Python package mkhelp==0.2.1
is installed, they can be summarized like:
$ mkhelp print-docs Makefile help
build: Build app for all architectures
install: Install app on <DEVICE_IP> using password <PASS> and assuming architecture <ARCH>
remove: Remove app from <DEVICE_IP> using password <PASS> and assuming architecture <ARCH>
start: Start app on <DEVICE_IP> using password <PASS> and assuming architecture <ARCH>
stop: Stop app on <DEVICE_IP> using password <PASS> and assuming architecture <ARCH>
run: Build and run app directly on <DEVICE_IP> assuming architecture <ARCH>
check_all: Run all other checks
check_build: Check that all crates can be built
check_docs: Check that docs can be built
check_format: Check that the code is formatted correctly
check_lint: Check that the code is free of lints
fix_format: Attempt to fix formatting automatically
fix_lint: Attempt to fix lints automatically
The docker image may fail to build with the following included in the output:
/usr/bin/env: 'sh\r': No such file or directory
This is likely caused by git
replacing POSIX newlines with Windows newlines in which case it can be resolved by either
- cloning the code in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), or
- reconfiguring