Adds, multiplies the currency amounts, and calculates percentages of amounts. The result of
each of those operations is also an amount: a string, strictly matching the /^\-?\d+\.\d\d$/
pattern, like "0.25", "1000.00", or "-42.10".
Amounts on input and output are arbitrary large and precise:
However, in cases when the division is involved — like for percentage calculation — the result is rounded to the whole cent.
money.percent("0.50", "33.00") // is "0.17" instead of "0.165"
As a bonus feature, there's a simple formatting function for amounts in CHF, EUR, USD, GBP, and JPY.
money.format("EUR", "-1560.00") // "-1.560,00"
Because storing currency amounts in floats is a really bad idea
Works both on Node and in the browser.
$ npm install --save money-math
var money = require("money-math");
Download money.js
var money = require("money-math");
Download jsbn/index.js
Download money.js
money.add("16.11", "17.07"); // "33.18"
money.subtract("16.00", "7.00"); // "9.00"
money.mul("24.00", "0.25"); // "6.00"
money.div("64.00", "2.00"); // "32.00"
money.percent("200.00", "3.25"); // "6.50"
money.cmp("100.00", "200.00"); // -1
money.format("JPY", "236800.00"); // "236,800"
money.floatToAmount(56.345); // "56.35"
And last, but not least :)
money.roundUpTo5Cents("42.02"); // "42.05"
money.roundTo5Cents("442.26"); // "442.25"
Which we use for bills in CHF that are required by law to be 0 (mod 5).
The amount strings are expected to strictly adhere to the format described by the regular expression noted above. Thus, for example, it must be:
, not"10.1"
, not"10.100"
, not10
, not"10"
, not"10.0"
That's a precondition for any of the API functions accepting amount arguments to work correctly. I understand that it may be confusing to some of new users; but I believe that's an optimally pragmatic way to mimic, by convention, an algebraic data type in idiomatic JavaScript -- a (very) dynamically typed language.
Luckily, you can always move your arbitrary float value into the amounts field with
. Once all the values are amounts, money-math guarantees that all the
field operations keep the results withing the field. Classic algebra.
A thoughtful reader may ask, why have money.floatToAmount()
, when there's the
? Well, because:
> 56.155.toFixed(2);
> 56.345.toFixed(2);
Floats are such floats...