FED1 - HTML & CSS - Course Assignment
I went a bit overboard on the DES1 Course Assignment that we are meant to mimic in this assignment when it came to pop-ups and graphics etc., so I'll knock this page back a few steps so I can actually finish it. (also since JavaScript is needed)
All pop-ups have been replaced with their own temporary placeholder pages, but I've tried to keep the design aspect ish-the same.
Here's the Figma prototype for mobile: https://www.figma.com/proto/lPZ0ajHnzM3GMUnlWwDBlF/FED1---Design---Course-Assignment---Rainy-Days---Lars-Torp-Pettersen?node-id=442-11946&t=KITeslxUE6Qte4m2-1
The site itself is available to see at: larstp.github.io
NOTE: Some elements might not be centered correctly. This is because flexbox hates me. (also because I had to prioritise finishing the pages for the deadline) But I will continue to try and get it perfect.