Remake of goodreads.com, a site where you can share your reader's journey (via quotes, lists, reviews and more), meet other bookworms and find those books that will change everything.
The goals are to:
- Explore web technologies and ideas.
- Find ways to handle increasing complexity.
- Figure out my side-project workflow.
Still at a very early stage, but you can already check the UI design; or you can follow the project's board, if you feel like it.
Download the repository.
git clone https://github.com/luveqz/coolreads.git
Create a .env
cp .env.example .env.
Run your development database.
npx pscale connect coolreads main --port 3309
And then the development server.
yarn dev
You should see the project running at localhost:3000.
Download the repository.
git clone https://github.com/luveqz/coolreads.git
Create a .env
file. For the build setup, you can just leave this file's default values.
cp .env.example .env
Install dependencies and build project.
yarn && yarn generate
Preview the production build.
yarn preview
You should see the project running at localhost:3000.
To quickly CRUD your data, I recommend you to use Prisma Studio:
npx prisma studio
Some recommended VS Code extensions are:
Prettier, for automatic code formatting.
ENV, which adds syntax highlighting support for env files.
Prisma, for .prisma files syntax highlighting.
Pretty TypeScript Errors, for much more readable TypeScript errors.
From the official Vue Style Guide, we put special attention to these conventions:
- Base component names
- Single-instance component names
- Self-closing components
- Full-word component names
- Simple expressions in templates
This project is licensed under the MIT License.