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LaunchDarkly Relay Proxy - Configuration

(Back to README)

Configuration options may be passed in a file, or in environment variables, or both. To learn more, read Configuring the Relay Proxy.

The command-line arguments for these work as follows:

  • If you pass no arguments at all, it will attempt to load /etc/ld-relay.conf.
  • If you pass --config FILEPATH, it will load that file. The file must exist.
  • If you pass --config FILEPATH --allow-missing-file, it will try to load the file only if the file exists.
  • If you pass --from-env, it will read configuration options from environment variables.
  • If you pass both --config and --from-env, it will both load the specified file and use the environment variables. The environment variables will override any equivalent options from the file.

An example of why you might use both configuration modes together is if you want to deploy a base.conf file that contains all of the global configuration for your relay instance, but for security reasons you do not want your SDK key to appear in that file. Assuming that the name you gave your LaunchDarkly environment in the file is "production," your command line might look like this:

LD_ENV_production={your_SDK_key} ./ld-relay --config base.conf --from-env

Or, you might wish to create a package containing the ld-relay binary and a file with some basic options, which you will be reusing in different contexts with completely different sets of environments. You could completely omit the environment configuration from the file, and pass it all in variables:

LD_ENV_firstenv={SDK key for firstenv} LD_PREFIX_firstenv={Redis prefix for firstenv} \
  LD_ENV_secondenv={SDK key for secondenv} LD_PREFIX_secondenv={Redis prefix for secondenv} \
  ./ld-relay --config base.conf --from-env

Configuration file format and environment variables

The configuration file format is an INI-like one, based on Git configuration format (as implemented by the gcfg package).

Every configuration file option has an equivalent environment variable.

Allowable values for types

For Boolean settings, Relay Proxy considers a value of either true or 1 as true. Relay Proxy considers a value of false, 0, or an empty value as false. Any other value is invalid.

For Duration settings, the value should be be an integer followed by ms, s, m, or h for milliseconds, seconds, minutes, or hours. For example: 30s for 30 seconds. Or, you can combine these. For example: 1m30s. You cannot specify a number by itself without a unit.

URI settings will cause an error if you specify a value that is an invalid URI, or a relative URI.

File section: [Main]

Property in file Environment var Type Default Description
streamUri STREAM_URI URI (1) URI for the LaunchDarkly streaming service.
baseUri BASE_URI URI (1) URI for the LaunchDarkly polling service for server-side SDKs.
clientSideBaseUri CLIENT_SIDE_BASE_URI URI (1) URI for the LaunchDarkly polling service for client-side SDKs.
exitOnError EXIT_ON_ERROR Boolean false Close the Relay Proxy if it encounters any error during initialization. The default behavior is that it will terminate with a non-zero exit code if the configuration options are completely invalid, or if there is an incorrect AutoConfig key, but will remain running if there is an error specific to one environment, such as an invalid SDK key. Setting this option to true makes it terminate in both cases.
exitAlways EXIT_ALWAYS Boolean false Close the Relay Proxy immediately after initializing all environments. Do not start an HTTP server. (2)
ignoreConnectionErrors IGNORE_CONNECTION_ERRORS Boolean false Ignore any initial connectivity issues with LaunchDarkly. Best used when network connectivity is not reliable.
port PORT Number 8030 Port the Relay Proxy should listen on.
initTimeout INIT_TIMEOUT Duration 10s How long the Relay Proxy should wait for an initial connection to LaunchDarkly. If this timeout elapses, the behavior depends on ignoreConnectionErrors: by default, it will quit, but if ignoreConnectionErrors is true it will go on trying to connect in the background while still allowing clients to connect to the Relay Proxy. To learn more, read How connections are handled in error conditions.
heartbeatInterval HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL Number 3m Interval for heartbeat messages to prevent read timeouts on streaming connections. Assumed to be in seconds if no unit is specified.
maxClientConnectionTime MAX_CLIENT_CONNECTION_TIME Duration none Maximum amount of time that Relay will allow a streaming connection from an SDK client to remain open. (3)
disconnectedStatusTime DISCONNECTED_STATUS_TIME Duration 1m How long a stream connection can be interrupted before Relay reports the status as "disconnected." (4)
tlsEnabled TLS_ENABLED Boolean false Enable TLS on the Relay Proxy. Read: Using TLS.
tlsCert TLS_CERT String Required if tlsEnabled is true. Path to TLS certificate file.
tlsKey TLS_KEY String Required if tlsEnabled is true. Path to TLS private key file.
tlsMinVersion TLS_MIN_VERSION String Set to "1.2", etc., to enforce a minimum TLS version for secure requests.
logLevel LOG_LEVEL String info Should be debug, info, warn, error, or none. To learn more, read Logging.
bigSegmentsStaleAsDegraded BIG_SEGMENTS_STALE_AS_DEGRADED Boolean false Indicates if environments should be considered degraded if Big Segments are not fully synchronized.
bigSegmentsStaleThreshold BIG_SEGMENTS_STALE_THRESHOLD Duration 5m Indicates how long until Big Segments should be considered stale.
expiredCredentialCleanupInterval EXPIRED_CREDENTIAL_CLEANUP_INTERVAL Duration 1m Specifies how often expired credentials for environments are cleaned up. (5)

(1) The default values for streamUri, baseUri, and clientSideBaseUri are,, and, respectively. You should never need to change these URIs unless you are either using a special instance of the LaunchDarkly service, in which case Support will tell you how to set them, or you are accessing LaunchDarkly using a reverse proxy or some other mechanism that rewrites URLs.

(2) The exitAlways mode is intended for use cases where you do not want to maintain a long-running Relay Proxy instance, but only execute it at specific times to get flags. This is only useful if you have enabled Redis or another database, so that it will store the flags there.

(3) The optional maxClientConnectionTime setting may be useful in load-balanced environments, to avoid having stream connections pile up excessively on one instance when other instances are removed or restarted. If you tell the Relay Proxy to automatically close every stream connection after some amount of time, this will cause the SDK client that made the connection to reconnect, so that the load balancer can potentially direct it to a different instance.

(4) For details about disconnectedStatusTime, read Service endpoints - Status (health check).

(5) Relevant only when using AutoConfig or Offline Mode. In these modes, when an environment's SDK key is rotated in LaunchDarkly, it's possible to specify a deprecation/grace period for the previous key where existing SDKs are still able to authorize using that credential. Relay will periodically check for expired credentials and remove them on this interval.

File section: [AutoConfig]

This section is only applicable if automatic configuration is enabled for your account.

Property in file Environment var Type Default Description
key AUTO_CONFIG_KEY String A valid Relay Proxy automatic configuration key.
envDatastorePrefix ENV_DATASTORE_PREFIX String If using a Redis, Consul, or DynamoDB store, this string will be added to all database keys to distinguish them from any other environments that are using the database. (6)
envDatastoreTableName ENV_DATASTORE_TABLE_NAME String If using a DynamoDB store, this specifies the table name. (6)
envAllowedOrigin ENV_ALLOWED_ORIGIN URI If provided, adds CORS headers to prevent access from other domains. This variable can be provided multiple times per environment (if using the ENV_ALLOWED_ORIGIN variable, specify a comma-delimited list).
envAllowedHeader ENV_ALLOWED_HEADER String If provided, adds the specify headers to the list of accepted headers for CORS requests. This variable can be provided multiple times per environment (if using the ENV_ALLOWED_HEADER variable, specify a comma-delimited list).

(6) When using a database store, if there are multiple environments, it is necessary to have a different prefix for each environment (or, if using DynamoDB, a different table name). The envDataStorePrefix and envDatastoreTableName properties support this by recognizing the special symbol $CID as a placeholder for the environment's client-side ID. For instance, if an environment's ID is 1234567890abcdef and you set envDatastorePrefix to ld-flags-$CID, the actual prefix used for that environment will be ld-flags-1234567890abcdef.

File section: [OfflineMode]

This section is only applicable if offline mode is enabled for your account.

Property in file Environment var Type Default Description
fileDataSource FILE_DATA_SOURCE String Path to the offline mode data file that you have downloaded from LaunchDarkly.
fileDataSourceMonitoringInterval FILE_DATA_SOURCE_MONITORING_INTERVAL Duration 1s How often the file data source is checked for changes. Minimum is 100ms. To reduce computation and syscalls, raise the interval (for example, 5m for every 5 minutes.)
envDatastorePrefix ENV_DATASTORE_PREFIX String If using a Redis, Consul, or DynamoDB store, this string will be added to all database keys to distinguish them from any other environments that are using the database. (6)
envDatastoreTableName ENV_DATASTORE_TABLE_NAME String If using a DynamoDB store, this specifies the table name. (6)
envAllowedOrigin ENV_ALLOWED_ORIGIN URI If provided, adds CORS headers to prevent access from other domains. This variable can be provided multiple times per environment (if using the ENV_ALLOWED_ORIGIN variable, specify a comma-delimited list).
envAllowedHeader ENV_ALLOWED_HEADER String If provided, adds the specify headers to the list of accepted headers for CORS requests. This variable can be provided multiple times per environment (if using the ENV_ALLOWED_HEADER variable, specify a comma-delimited list).

Note that the last three properties have the same meanings and the same environment variables names as the corresponding properties in the [AutoConfig] section described above. It is not possible to use [OfflineMode] and [AutoConfig] at the same time.

File section: [Events]

To learn more, read Forwarding events.

Property in file Environment var Type Default Description
sendEvents USE_EVENTS Boolean false When enabled, the Relay Proxy will send analytic events it receives to LaunchDarkly, unless offline mode is enabled.
eventsUri EVENTS_HOST URI (7) URI for the LaunchDarkly events service
flushInterval EVENTS_FLUSH_INTERVAL Duration 5s Controls how long the SDK buffers events before sending them back to our server. If your server generates many events per second, we suggest decreasing the flush interval and/or increasing capacity to meet your needs.
capacity EVENTS_CAPACITY Number 1000 Maximum number of events to accumulate for each flush interval.
inlineUsers EVENTS_INLINE_USERS Boolean false When enabled, individual events (if full event tracking is enabled for the feature flag) will contain all non-private user attributes.
maxInboundPayloadSize EVENTS_MAX_INBOUND_PAYLOAD_SIZE Unit (8) Maximum size of an event payload the Relay Proxy will accept from an SDK.

(7) See note (1) above. The default value for eventsUri is (8) The maxInboundPayloadSize setting is used to limit the size of the payload that the Relay Proxy will accept from an SDK. This is an optional safety feature to prevent the Relay Proxy from being overwhelmed by a very large payload. The default value is 0B which provides no restriction on the payload size. The value should be a number followed by a unit: B for bytes, KiB for kibibytes, MiB for mebibytes, GiB for gibibytes, TiB for tebibytes, PiB for pebibytes, or EiB for exbibytes. For example, 100MiB is 100 mebibytes.

File section: [Environment "NAME"]

The Relay Proxy allows you to proxy any number of LaunchDarkly environments; there must be at least one. In a configuration file, each of these is a separate section in the format [Environment "MyEnvName"], where MyEnvName is a unique identifier for the environment (this does not have to match the environment name on your LaunchDarkly dashboard, but it is recommended to). If you are using environment variables, you will add the MyEnvName identifier to the variable name prefix for each property. See examples below.

Property in file Environment var Type Description
sdkKey LD_ENV_MyEnvName String Server-side SDK key for the environment. Required.
mobileKey LD_MOBILE_KEY_MyEnvName String Mobile key for the environment. Required if you are proxying mobile SDK functionality.
envId LD_CLIENT_SIDE_ID_MyEnvName String Client-side ID for the environment. Required if you are proxying client-side JavaScript-based SDK functionality.
secureMode LD_SECURE_MODE_MyEnvName Boolean True if secure mode should be required for client-side JS SDK connections.
prefix LD_PREFIX_MyEnvName String If using a Redis, Consul, or DynamoDB feature store, this string will be added to all database keys to distinguish them from any other environments that are using the database.
tableName LD_TABLE_NAME_MyEnvName String If using DynamoDB, you can specify a different table for each environment. (Or, specify a single table in the [DynamoDB] section and use prefix to distinguish the environments.)
allowedOrigin LD_ALLOWED_ORIGIN_MyEnvName URI If provided, adds CORS headers to prevent access from other domains. This variable can be provided multiple times per environment (if using the LD_ALLOWED_ORIGIN_MyEnvName variable, specify a comma-delimited list).
allowedHeader LD_ALLOWED_HEADER_MyEnvName String If provided, adds the specify headers to the list of accepted headers for CORS requests. This variable can be provided multiple times per environment (if using the LD_ALLOWED_HEADER_MyEnvName variable, specify a comma-delimited list).
logLevel LD_LOG_LEVEL_MyEnvName String Should be debug, info, warn, error, or none. Read: Logging.**
ttl LD_TTL_MyEnvName Duration HTTP caching TTL for the PHP polling endpoints. Read: Using PHP.
projKey LD_PROJ_KEY_MyEnvName String Project key for this environment. Required if any filters are defined. Filtering is an Enterprise-only feature.

In the following examples, there are two environments, each of which has a server-side SDK key and a mobile key. Debug-level logging is enabled for the second one.

# Configuration file example

[Environment "Spree Project Production"]
    sdkKey = "SPREE_PROD_SDK_KEY"
    mobileKey = "SPREE_PROD_MOBILE_KEY"

[Environment "Spree Project Test"]
    sdkKey = "SPREE_TEST_SDK_KEY"
    mobileKey = "SPREE_TEST_MOVILE_KEY"
    logLevel = "debug"
# Environment variables example


File section: [Filters "PROJECT-KEY"]

To learn more, read Filters.

Property in file Environment var Type Default Description
keys LD_FILTER_KEYS_MyProjKey String Specify one or more filter keys for this project (1). This variable can be provided multiple times, or specified using a comma-delimited list (if using the LD_FILTER_KEYS_MyProjKey variable, specify a comma-delimited list.)

(1) SDKs may request filtered environments identified by any of these keys, as well as the default unfiltered environment.

File section: [Redis]

To learn more, read Persistent storage.

Property in file Environment var Type Default Description
n/a USE_REDIS Boolean false If you are using environment variables, set this to enable Redis.
host REDIS_HOST String localhost Hostname of the Redis database. Redis is enabled if this or url is set.
port REDIS_PORT Number 6379 Port of the Redis database. Note that if you are using environment variables, setting REDIS_PORT to a string like tcp://host:port sets both the host and the port; this is used in Docker.
url REDIS_URL String URL of the Redis database (overrides host & port).
tls REDIS_TLS Boolean false If true, will use a secure connection to Redis (not all Redis servers support this). If you specified a redis:// URL, setting tls to true will change it to rediss://.
password REDIS_PASSWORD String Optional password if Redis requires authentication.
username REDIS_USERNAME String Optional username if Redis requires authentication.
localTtl CACHE_TTL Duration 30s Length of time that database items can be cached in memory.

Note that the TLS and password options can also be specified as part of the URL: rediss:// instead of redis:// enables TLS, and redis://:password@host or redis://user:password@host instead of redis://host sets an (optional) username and password.

You may want to use the separate options instead if, for instance, you want your configuration file to contain the basic Redis configuration, but for security reasons you would rather set the password in an environment variable (REDIS_PASSWORD).

File section: [DynamoDB]

To learn more, read Persistent storage.

Property in file Environment var Type Default Description
enabled USE_DYNAMODB Boolean false Enables DynamoDB.
tableName DYNAMODB_TABLE String The DynamoDB table name, if you are using the same table for all environments. Otherwise, omit this and specify it in each environment section. (Note, credentials and region are controlled by the usual AWS environment variables and/or local AWS configuration files.)
url DYNAMODB_URL String The service endpoint if you are using a local DynamoDB instance instead of the regular service.
localTtl CACHE_TTL Duration 30s Length of time that database items can be cached in memory.

The AWS credentials and region for DynamoDB are not part of the Relay configuration; they should be set using either the standard AWS environment variables or a local AWS configuration file, as documented for the AWS CLI.

File section: [Consul]

To learn more, read Persistent storage.

Property in file Environment var Type Default Description
n/a USE_CONSUL Boolean false If you are using environment variables, set this to enable Consul.
host CONSUL_HOST String localhost Hostname of the Consul server. Consul is enabled if this is set.
token CONSUL_TOKEN String ACL token, if the Consul server is configured with ACLs.
tokenFile CONSUL_TOKEN_FILE String If you would prefer to keep your ACL token in a separate file rather than in the Relay Proxy configuration, set this to the file path.
localTtl CACHE_TTL Duration 30s Length of time that database items can be cached in memory.

File section: [Datadog]

To learn more, read Metrics integrations.

Property in file Environment var Type Default Description
enabled USE_DATADOG Boolean false If true, enables exporting to Datadog.
statsAddr DATADOG_STATS_ADDR URI URI of the DogStatsD agent. If not provided, stats will not be collected. Example: localhost:8125
traceAddr DATADOG_TRACE_ADDR URI URI of the Datadog trace agent. If not provided, traces will not be collected. Example: localhost:8126
tag DATADOG_TAG_TagName String A tag to be applied to all metrics sent to datadog. This variable can be provided multiple times (see below).
prefix DATADOG_PREFIX String The metrics prefix to be used by Datadog.

There may be any number of DataDog tags. Use the following format:

# Configuration file example

    enabled = true
    tag = firstTagName:firstTagValue
    tag = secondTagName:secondTagValue
# Environment variables example


File section: [Stackdriver]

To learn more, read Metrics integrations.

Property in file Environment var Type Default Description
enabled USE_STACKDRIVER Boolean false If true, enables exporting metrics and traces to Stackdriver.
projectID STACKDRIVER_PROJECT_ID String Google cloud project ID.
prefix STACKDRIVER_PREFIX String The metrics prefix to be used by Stackdriver.

File section: [Prometheus]

To learn more, read Metrics integrations.

Property in file Environment var Type Default Description
enabled USE_PROMETHEUS Boolean false If true, enables exporting traces to Prometheus.
port PROMETHEUS_PORT Number 8031 The port that the Relay Proxy will provide the /metrics endpoint on.
prefix PROMETHEUS_PREFIX String The metrics prefix to be used by Prometheus.

File section: [Proxy]

Property in file Environment var Type Default Description
url PROXY_URL String All Relay Proxy network traffic will be sent through this HTTP proxy if specified.
user PROXY_AUTH_USER String Username for proxy authentication, if applicable.
password PROXY_AUTH_PASSWORD String Password for proxy authentication, if applicable.
domain PROXY_AUTH_DOMAIN String Domain name for proxy authentication, if applicable.
caCertFiles PROXY_CA_CERTS String List of file paths to additional CA certificates that should be trusted (in PEM format). For multiple files, if using a configuration file, you can specify caCertFiles multiple times; if using environment variables, you can set PROXY_CA_CERTS to a comma-delimited list.
ntlmAuth PROXY_AUTH_NTLM Boolean false Enables NTLM proxy authentication (requires user, password, and domain).

Experimental/testing variables

The current version of the Relay Proxy also supports the following environment variables. These do not have an equivalent in a configuration file; they are not intended for production use; and they are not guaranteed to work in any other Relay Proxy versions.

Environment var Type Default Description
LD_TRACE_LOG_BIG_SEGMENTS Boolean false Enables extra logging at debug level, even more verbose than debug level normally is, specifically for big segments data. Use this with extreme caution since it may log detailed transactions for big segments which could potentially include millions of users. This option is intended only for debugging issues related to big segments under the guidance of LaunchDarkly support.