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LaunchDarkly Relay Proxy - Service endpoints

(Back to README)

The Relay Proxy provides two different types of service endpoints.

Some service endpoints are proxies for LaunchDarkly services. These correspond to endpoints with the same paths that are at:

  •, or

In the tables below, proxied subdomain refers to which of those LaunchDarkly service hostnames would normally provide the endpoint.

Others are for functionality that is specific to the Relay Proxy.

Notes on request/path parameters

  • {contextBase64} means the JSON representation of an evaluation context converted to base64 encoding.
    • The JSON representation could be either in the current evaluation context JSON format (example: {"kind": "user", "key": "abc", "attr1": true}), or the older user JSON format (example: {"key": "abc", "custom": {"attr1": true}}).
    • In either case, the JSON data must be encoded using the base64url variant of base64 encoding.
  • {envId} means the client-side ID of a LaunchDarkly environment (typically a 32-character hexadecimal value, such as 6488674dc2ea1d6673731ba2).
  • {flagKey} means the unique key of a feature flag.
  • {segmentKey} means the unique key of a segment.

Specific to Relay Proxy

Status (health check)

Making a GET request to the URL path /status provides JSON information about the Relay Proxy's configured environments. There is no authentication required for this request.

  "environments": {
    "environment1": {
      "sdkKey": "sdk-********-****-****-****-*******99999",
      "envId": "999999999999999999999999",
      "mobileKey": "mob-********-****-****-****-*******99999",
      "status": "connected",
      "connectionStatus": {
        "state": "VALID",
        "stateSince": 10000000
      "dataStoreStatus": {
        "state": "VALID",
        "stateSince": 10000000,
        "database": "redis",
        "dbServer": "redis://my-redis-host",
        "dbPrefix": "env1"
      "bigSegmentStatus": {
        "potentiallyStale": true,
        "lastSynchronizedOn": 1618859993000
    "environment2": {
      "sdkKey": "sdk-********-****-****-****-*******99999",
      "envId": "999999999999999999999999",
      "mobileKey": "mob-********-****-****-****-*******99999",
      "status": "connected",
      "connectionStatus": {
        "state": "INTERRUPTED",
        "stateSince": 12000000,
        "lastError": {
          "kind": "NETWORK_ERROR",
          "time": 12000000
      "bigSegmentStatus": {
        "available": true,
        "potentiallyStale": true,
        "lastSynchronizedOn": 1618859993000
      "dataStoreStatus": {
        "state": "VALID",
        "stateSince": 10000000,
        "database": "dynamodb",
        "dbTable": "env1"
  "status": "healthy",
  "version": "5.11.1",
  "clientVersion": "4.17.2"

The status properties are defined as follows:

  • The status for each environment is "connected" if the Relay Proxy was able to establish a LaunchDarkly connection and get feature flag data for that environment, and is not experiencing a long connection failure now; it is "disconnected" if it is experiencing a long connection failure, or if it was never able to connect in the first place.
    • The definition of a "long" connection failure is based on the disconnectedStatusTime property in the configuration (which defaults to one minute): the status will become "disconnected" if the Relay Proxy has lost its connection to LaunchDarkly for at least that amount of time consecutively. Some short-lived service interruptions are normal, so the disconnectedStatusTime threshold helps to avoid prematurely reporting a disconnected status.
  • The connectionStatus properties provide more detailed information about the current connectivity to LaunchDarkly.
    • For state, "VALID" means that the connection is currently working; "INITIALIZING" means that it is still starting up; "INTERRUPTED" means that it is currently having a problem; "OFF" means that it has permanently failed (which only happens if the SDK key is invalid).
    • The stateSince property, which is a Unix time measured in milliseconds, indicates how long ago the state changed (so for instance if it is INTERRUPTED, this is the time when the connection went from working to not working).
    • The lastError indicates the nature of the most recent failure, with a kind that is one of the constants defined by the Go SDK's DataSourceErrorKind.
  • The dataStoreStatus properties are, for the most part, only relevant if you are using persistent storage.
    • state is "VALID" if the last database operation succeeded, or "INTERRUPTED" if it failed. If you are not using persistent storage, this is always VALID since there is no way for in-memory storage to fail, but the property is provided anyway so you can simply check for a non-VALID state to detect problems regardless of how the Relay Proxy is configured.
    • In an INTERRUPTED state, the Relay Proxy will continue attempting to contact the database and as soon as it succeeds, the state will change back to VALID.
    • stateSince, which is a Unix time measured in milliseconds, indicated how long ago state changed from VALID to INTERRUPTED or vice versa.
    • database, if present, will be "redis", "consul", or "dynamodb". (In the example above, the two environments are using two different databases; that's not currently possible in Relay, so this is only meant to show what the properties might look like for different configurations.)
    • dbServer, if present, is the configured database URL or hostname.
    • dbPrefix, if present, is the configured database key prefix for this environment.
    • dbTable, if present, is the DynamoDB table name for this environment.
  • The bigSegmentStatus properties are relevant if you are utilizing Big Segments.
    • available is a boolean that is true if the database being used for Big Segments seems to be working, or false if the most recent database operation failed.
    • potentiallyStale is a boolean that indicates if Big Segments are potentially not fully synchronized. This might be because initial synchronization has not completed, or due to a networking error.
    • lastSynchronizedOn indicates the last time in Unix milliseconds that Relay can be sure Big Segments were synchronized. Active but incomplete synchronization does not update this timestamp.
  • The top-level status property for the entire Relay Proxy is "healthy" if all of the environments are "connected", or "degraded" if any of the environments is "disconnected".
    • In automatic configuration mode, this value can also be "degraded" if the Relay Proxy is still starting up and has not yet received environment configurations from LaunchDarkly.
    • When Big Segments are enabled, this value will also be "degraded" if the Big Segments status has an available property of false (indicating a database error), or if potentiallyStale is true (meaning Big Segments are potentially not fully synchronized) and the configuration setting bigSegmentsStaleAsDegraded is enabled.
  • version is the version of the Relay Proxy.
  • clientVersion is the version of the Go SDK that the Relay Proxy is using.

The JSON property names within "environments" ("environment1" and "environment2" in this example) are normally the environment names as defined in the Relay Proxy configuration. When using Relay Proxy Enterprise in automatic configuration mode, these will instead be the same as the envId, since the environment names may not always stay the same.

Special flag evaluation endpoints

If you're building an SDK for a language which isn't officially supported by LaunchDarkly, or want to evaluate feature flags internally without an SDK instance, the Relay Proxy provides endpoints for evaluating all feature flags for a given user.

These are equivalent to the polling endpoints for client-side/mobile SDKs, except that they use the SDK key as a credential rather than the mobile key or client-side environment ID.

Endpoint Method Description
/sdk/evalx/contexts/{contextBase64} GET Evaluates all flag values for the given evaluation context
/sdk/evalx/context REPORT Same as above, but request body is the evaluation context JSON object (not in base64)
/sdk/evalx/users/{contextBase64} GET Alternate name for /sdk/evalx/contexts/{contextBase64}
/sdk/evalx/user REPORT Alternate name for /sdk/evalx/context

Example curl requests (default local URI and port):

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: YOUR_SDK_KEY" localhost:8030/sdk/evalx/users/eyJraW5kIjogInVzZXIiLCAia2V5IjogImEwMGNlYiIsICJlbWFpbCI6ICJiYXJuaWVAZXhhbXBsZS5vcmcifQ

curl -X REPORT localhost:8030/sdk/evalx/context -H "Authorization: YOUR_SDK_KEY" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"kind": "user", "key": "a00ceb", "email": ""}'

Proxies for LaunchDarkly services

Endpoints that server-side SDKs use

All of these require an Authorization header whose value is the SDK key.

Endpoint Method Proxied Subdomain Description
/all GET stream. SSE stream for all data
/bulk POST events. Receives analytics events from SDKs
/diagnostic POST events. Receives diagnostic data from SDKs
/flags GET stream. SSE stream for flag data (older SDKs)
/sdk/flags GET sdk. Polling endpoint for PHP SDK
/sdk/flags/{flagKey} GET sdk. Polling endpoint for PHP SDK
/sdk/segments/{segmentKey} GET sdk. Polling endpoint for PHP SDK

For server-side SDKs other than PHP, the Relay Proxy does not support polling mode, only streaming.

The GET/REPORT endpoints will return a 401 error if the Authorization header does not match an SDK key that is known to the Relay Proxy, just as the actual LaunchDarkly service endpoints would do for an invalid SDK key. They will return a 503 error if the Relay Proxy has not yet successfully obtained feature flag data from LaunchDarkly for the specified environment (either because it is still starting up, or because of a service outage or network interruption). In automatic configuration mode, they will return a 503 error if the Relay Proxy has not yet received its configuration from LaunchDarkly.

Endpoints that mobile SDKs use

All of these require an Authorization header whose value is the mobile key.

Endpoint Method Proxied Subdomain Description
/meval/{contextBase64} GET clientstream. SSE stream of "ping" and other events
/meval REPORT clientstream. Same as above, but request body is the evaluation context JSON object (not in base64)
/mobile POST events. For receiving events from mobile SDKs
/mobile/events POST events. Same as above
/mobile/events/bulk POST events. Same as above
/mobile/events/diagnostic POST events. Same as above
/mping GET clientstream. SSE stream for older SDKs that issues "ping" events when flags have changed
/msdk/evalx/contexts/{contextBase64} GET clientsdk. Polling endpoint, returns flag evaluation results for an evaluation context
/msdk/evalx/context REPORT clientsdk. Same as above but request body is the evaluation context JSON object (not in base64)
/msdk/evalx/users/{contextBase64} GET clientsdk. Alternate name for /msdk/evalx/contexts/{contextBase64} used by older SDKs
/msdk/evalx/user REPORT clientsdk. Alternate name for /msdk/evalx/context used by older SDKs

The GET/REPORT endpoints will return a 401 error if the Authorization header does not match an SDK key that is known to the Relay Proxy, just as the actual LaunchDarkly service endpoints would do for an invalid SDK key. They will return a 503 error if the Relay Proxy has not yet successfully obtained feature flag data from LaunchDarkly for the specified environment (either because it is still starting up, or because of a service outage or network interruption). In automatic configuration mode, they will return a 503 error if the Relay Proxy has not yet received its configuration from LaunchDarkly.

Endpoints that client-side JavaScript SDKs use

{envId} is the 32-hexdigit client-side environment ID (e.g. 6488674dc2ea1d6673731ba2).

{context} is the base64 representation of an evaluation context JSON object. These endpoints accept both the current evaluation context JSON format (example: {"kind": "user", "key": "abc", "attr1": true}) and the older user JSON format (example: {"key": "abc", "custom": {"attr1": true}}).

These endpoints also support the OPTION method to enable CORS requests from browsers.

Endpoint Method Proxied Subdomain Description
/a/{envId}.gif?d=*events* GET events. Alternative analytics event mechanism used if browser does not allow CORS
/eval/{envId}/{contextBase64} GET clientstream. SSE stream of "ping" and other events for JS and other client-side SDK listeners
/eval/{envId} REPORT clientstream. Same as above but request body is the evaluation context JSON object (not in base64)
/events/bulk/{envId} POST events. Receives analytics events from SDKs
/events/diagnostic/{envId} POST events. Receives diagnostic data from SDKs
/ping/{envId} GET clientstream. SSE stream for older SDKs that issues "ping" events when flags have changed
/sdk/evalx/{envId}/contexts/{contextBase64} GET clientsdk. Polling endpoint, returns flag evaluation results and additional metadata
/sdk/evalx/{envId}/contexts REPORT clientsdk. Same as above but request body is the evaluation context JSON object (not in base64)
/sdk/evalx/{envId}/users/{contextBase64} GET clientsdk. Alternate name for /sdk/evalx/{envId}/contexts/{contextBase64} used by older SDKs
/sdk/evalx/{envId}/users REPORT clientsdk. Alternate name for /sdk/evalx/{envId}/contexts used by older SDKs
/sdk/goals/{envId} GET clientsdk. Provides goals data used by JS SDK

The GET/REPORT endpoints return a 404 error if the environment ID is not recognized by Relay. This is different from the server-side and mobile endpoints, which return 401 for an unrecognized credential; it is consistent with the behavior of the corresponding LaunchDarkly service endpoints for client-side JavaScript SDKs.