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Change log

All notable changes to the LaunchDarkly EventSource implementation for Java will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[4.1.1] - 2023-06-27


  • Bumping Guava version to incorporate CVE fixes.

[4.1.0] - 2023-01-09

This release is identical to 4.0.1. It exists for Semantic Versioning compliance: a new API was added (the StreamClosedWithIncompleteMessageException class) since 4.0.0, therefore the next version number should have been 4.1.0 rather than 4.0.1.

[4.0.1] - 2023-01-09


  • StreamClosedWithIncompleteMessageException (see below).


  • When using streaming data mode (see EventSource.Builder.streamEventData), if the stream connection was lost before the MessageEvent was fully read-- that is, before encountering a blank line-- the Reader returned by MessageEvent.getDataReader() was treating this as a regular EOF condition. That was incorrect; the SSE specification says that in such a case, the incomplete message is invalid and its contents should not be used. Therefore, in this case reading from the Reader will throw a StreamClosedWithIncompleteMessageException. The caller should handle this by simply throwing away the MessageEvent.

[4.0.0] - 2022-12-19

This release revises the implementation of EventSource so that it does not create its own worker threads. The methods for starting and reading a stream now perform synchronous I/O, and the caller is responsible for choosing what thread to start the stream and read the stream on. This makes the core implementation simpler and more efficient, and reduces possibilities for deadlock. If you want to continue using the old asynchronous push model, see the com.launchdarkly.eventsource.background package.

The configuration API has also been revised to separate out the HTTP functionality and the backoff/retry logic into subcomponents which can be customized or replaced.


  • EventSource methods readMessage(), readAnyEvents(), messages(), and anyEvents() for synchronously reading events.
  • EventSource.Builder(ConnectStrategy) constructor and the ConnectStrategy and HttpConnectStrategy classes, for customizing connection parameters.
  • EventSource.Builder(URI), (URL), and (HttpUrl) constructors, as shortcuts for minimal HTTP configuration.
  • EventSource.Builder.errorStrategy and the ErrorStrategy class, for customizing error recovery behavior.
  • EventSource.Builder.retryDelayStrategy and the RetryDelayStrategy and DefaultRetryDelayStrategy classes, for customizing or replacing backoff/jitter behavior.
  • StreamEvent, CommentEvent, StartedEvent, and FaultEvent classes, representing types of information other than MessageEvent that you can read synchronously from the stream.
  • The com.launchdarkly.eventsource.background package, containing the BackgroundEventSource wrapper for emulating the old push model.


  • EventSource.Builder.restart is renamed to interrupt, to clarify that the restarting of the stream is not done immediately but only happens if you continue trying to read events after interrupt().
  • EventSource.Builder.backoffResetThreshold is renamed to retryDelayResetThreshold, to clarify that it applies to whatever kind of RetryDelayStrategy is being used even if that is not the default backoff strategy.
  • EventSource.Builder.reconnectTime is renamed to retryDelay, to clarify that it is describing a duration rather than a moment in time.
  • UnsuccessfulResponseException is renamed to StreamHttpErrorException, to clarify that it is specifically referring to an HTTP response with an error status.
  • The implementation of streamEventData mode is now simpler and no longer uses PipedInputStream and PipedOutputStream internally.


  • ConnectionHandler and EventSource.Builder.connectionHandler(): replaced by ErrorStrategy.
  • EventHandler and the EventSource.Builder(URI, EventHandler) constructor: replaced by BackgroundEventHandler if you are using BackgroundEventSource.
  • EventSource.Builder methods connectTimeout, readTimeout, writeTimeout, method, body, headers, proxy, proxyAuthenticator, and requestTransformer: replaced by methods in HttpConnectStrategy.
  • EventSource.Builder.maxReconnect: replaced by DefaultRetryDelayStrategy.maxDelay.
  • EventSource.Builder.maxEventTasksInFlight: replaced by an equivalent option in BackgroundEventSource.

[3.0.0] - 2022-12-02

This release expands compatibility of the library with Android by removing Java 8 API usages that are not always available in Android. In effect, it restores the broader compatibility of the 1.x version while preserving the other API/functionality improvements that were added in 2.x. It also removes the previous dependency on SLF4J.


  • Every EventSource and EventSource method that previously took a java.time.Duration parameter now takes (long, TimeUnit) parameters instead. This is to allow the library to be used from Android code on older platform versions that do not support the java.time types. It undoes an API change that was made in the 2.0.0 release.
  • SLF4J is no longer a dependency. Logging is done entirely through the com.launchdarkly.logging facade; see EventSource.Builder.logger.
  • Previously, if no logging destination was specified, the default behavior was to send log output to SLF4J. Now, the default behavior is to do no logging. If you still want to use SLF4J, do this (for "", substitute whatever you want the logger name to be in SLF4J):
// import com.launchdarkly.logging.*;
// EventSource.Builder builder =
//   new EventSource.Builder(myHandler, streamUri);

  LDLogger.withAdapter(LDSLF4J.adapter(), "") 


  • Logger interface, EventSource.Builder.logger(Logger), and EventSource.Builder.loggerBaseName. See note above on logging.

[2.7.1] - 2022-08-23


  • Changed jitter logic that used java.util.Random to use Even though in this case it is not being used for any cryptographic purpose, but only to produce a pseudo-random delay, static analysis tools may still report every use of java.util.Random as a security risk by default. The purpose of this change is simply to avoid such warnings; it has no practical effect on the behavior of the library.

[1.11.3] - 2022-08-22


  • Changed jitter logic that used java.util.Random to use Even though in this case it is not being used for any cryptographic purpose, but only to produce a pseudo-random delay, static analysis tools may still report every use of java.util.Random as a security risk by default. The purpose of this change is simply to avoid such warnings; it has no practical effect on the behavior of the library.

[2.7.0] - 2022-08-02

The main purpose of this release is to introduce a new logging facade, com.launchdarkly.logging, to streamline how logging works in LaunchDarkly Java and Android code. Previously, okhttp-eventsource used SLF4J for logging by default, but could be made to send output to a Logger interface of its own; the LaunchDarkly Java SDK used only SLF4J, so developers needed to provide an SLF4J configuration externally; and the LaunchDarkly Android SDK used Timber, but still brought in SLF4J as a transitive dependency of okhttp-eventsource. In this release, the default behavior is still to use SLF4J, but the logging facade can also be configured programmatically to do simple console logging without SLF4J, or to forward output to another framework such as java.util.logging, or other destinations. In a future major version release, the default behavior will be changed so that okhttp-eventsource does not require SLF4J as a dependency.


  • An overload of EventSource.Builder.logger() that takes a com.launchdarkly.logging.LDLogger instead of a com.launchdarkly.eventsource.Logger.


  • The overload of EventSource.Builder.logger() that takes a com.launchdarkly.eventsource.Logger.
  • EventSource.Builder.loggerBaseName(): this method was only relevant to the default behavior of using SLF4J, providing a way to customize what the logger name would be for SLF4J. But when using the new framework, the logger name is built into the LDLogger instance. For example (having imported the com.launchdarkly.logging package): builder.logger(LDLogger.withAdapter(LDSLF4J.adapter(), ""))

[2.6.2] - 2022-07-27


  • Updated OkHttp dependency to v4.9.3 to get recent fixes, including a security fix.

[2.6.1] - 2022-06-29


  • The 2.5.0 and 2.6.0 releases mistakenly showed kotlin-stdlib as a compile-time dependency in pom.xml. While this library does use the Kotlin runtime (because the underlying OkHttp client uses Kotlin), that is a transitive dependency and is not needed at compile time.

[2.6.0] - 2022-06-28


  • EventSource.Builder.streamEventData and EventSource.Builder.expectFields, for enabling a new event parsing mode in which event data can be consumed directly from the stream without holding it all in memory. This may be useful in applications where individual events are extremely large.
  • MessageEvent.getDataReader and MessageEvent.isStreamingData, for use with the new mode described above.
  • MessageEvent.getEventName, providing access to the event name from the event object; previously the event name was only available as a parameter of EventHandler.onMessage.


  • Miscellaneous improvements in memory usage and performance when parsing the stream, even in the default mode.

[2.5.0] - 2022-01-13


  • EventSource.Builder.maxTasksInFlight allows setting a limit on how many asynchronous event handler calls can be queued for dispatch at any given time. (Thanks, thomaslee!)
  • EventSource.awaitClosed provides confirmation that all asynchronous event handler calls have been completed after stopping the EventSource. (Thanks, thomaslee!)


  • The build has been updated to use Gradle 7.
  • The CI build now includes testing in Java 17.

[2.4.0] - 2022-01-06

This release fixes a number of SSE spec compliance issues which do not affect usage in the LaunchDarkly Java and Android SDKs, but could be relevant in other use cases.


  • EventSource.Builder.readBufferSize


  • The implementation of stream parsing has been changed. Previously, we were using BufferedSource from the okio library, but that API did not support \r line terminators (see below). Now we use our own implementation, which is simpler than BufferedSource and is optimized for reading text lines in UTF-8.
  • The CI build now incorporates the cross-platform contract tests defined in to ensure consistent test coverage across different LaunchDarkly SSE implementations.


  • The stream parser did not support a \r character by itself as a line terminator. The SSE specification requires that \r, \n, and \r\n are all valid.
  • If an event's id: field contains a null character, the whole field should be ignored.
  • The parser was incorrectly trimming spaces from lines that did not contain a colon, so for instance data[space] was being treated as an empty data field, when it is really an invalid field name that should be ignored.

[2.3.2] - 2021-06-24


  • Fixed a bug that caused the connection error handler to be called twice instead of once, with only the second return value being used. The second call would always pass an EOFException instead of the original error. The result was that any connection error handler logic that needed to distinguish between different kinds of errors would not work as intended.

[2.3.1] - 2020-06-18


  • Worker threads might not be shut down after closing the EventSource, if the stream had previously been stopped due to a ConnectionErrorHandler returning SHUTDOWN. Now, the threads are stopped as soon as the stream is shut down for any reason. (#51)
  • Fixed a race condition that could cause onClosed() not to be called in some circumstances where it should be called.

[2.3.0] - 2020-06-02


  • EventSource.Builder.logger() and the Logger interface allow a custom logging implementation to be used instead of SLF4J.
  • EventSource.Builder.loggerBaseName() allows customization of the logger name when using the default SLF4J implementation.
  • Greatly improved unit test coverage; the CI build will now enforce coverage goals (see


  • Explicitly closing the stream could cause a misleading log line saying that the connection error handler had shut it down.
  • Explicitly closing the stream could also cause an unnecessary backoff delay (with a log line about waiting X amount of time) before the stream task actually shut down.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the randomized jitter not to be applied to reconnection delays if the reconnect interval (in milliseconds) was a power of two.

[2.2.0] - 2020-05-08


  • EventSource.Builder.threadPriority() specifies that EventSource should create its worker threads with a specific priority.

[2.1.0] - 2020-04-29


  • EventSource method restart() (also added in 1.11.0).


  • Updated OkHttp version to 4.5.0.

[2.0.1] - 2020-01-31


  • A build problem caused the 2.0.0 release to have an incorrect pom.xml that did not list any dependencies.

[2.0.0] - 2020-01-22


  • EventSource.Builder.lastEventId (replaces EventSource.setLastEventId).


  • This library now uses OkHttp 4.x and requires Java 8 or above.
  • Configuration methods that previously specified a duration in milliseconds now use the Duration class.


  • In EventSource: setHttpUrl, setLastEventId, setMaxReconnectTime, setReconnectionTime, setUri (these can only be set in the builder).

[1.11.2] - 2020-09-28


  • Restored compatibility with Java 7. CI builds now verify that the library can be compiled and tested in Java 7 rather than just building with a target JVM setting of 1.7.
  • Bumped OkHttp version to 3.12.12 to avoid a crash on Java 8u252.
  • Explicitly closing the stream could also cause an unnecessary backoff delay (with a log line about waiting X amount of time) before the stream task actually shut down.

[1.11.1] - 2020-05-26


  • Fixed a bug that could cause the randomized jitter not to be applied to reconnection delays if the reconnect interval (in milliseconds) was a power of two.

[1.11.0] - 2020-03-30


  • New EventSource method restart() allows the caller to force a stream connection retry even if no I/O error has happened, using the same backoff behavior that would be used for errors.

[1.10.2] - 2020-03-20


  • Updated OkHttp version to 3.12.10 (the latest version that still supports Java 7).

[1.10.1] - 2019-10-17


  • Fixed trailing period in logger name. (#34)
  • If you provide your own value for the Accept header using EventSource.Builder.headers(), it should not also send the default Accept: text/event-stream, but replace it. (#38)

[1.10.0] - 2019-08-01


  • EventSource.Builder.clientBuilderActions() allows you to modify the OkHttp client options in any way, such as customizing TLS behavior or any other methods supported by OkHttpClient.Builder.
  • The CI tests now include end-to-end tests against an embedded HTTP server.

[1.9.1] - 2019-03-20


  • Removed JSR305 annotations such as @Nullable. JSR305 is unsupported and obsolete, and can cause problems in Java 9.

[1.9.0] - 2018-12-12


  • The requestTransformer option allows you to customize the outgoing request in any way you like. (#28)
  • It is now possible to specify the endpoint as either a URI or an OkHttp HttpUrl. (#29)
  • The backoffResetThresholdMs option controls the new backoff behavior described below.
  • Added Javadoc comments for all public members.


  • The exponential backoff behavior when a stream connection fails has changed as follows. Previously, the backoff delay would increase for each attempt if the connection could not be made at all, or if a read timeout happened; but if a connection was made and then an error (other than a timeout) occurred, the delay would be reset to the minimum value. Now, the delay is only reset if a stream connection is made and remains open for at least backoffResetThresholdMs milliseconds. The default for this value is one minute (60000).

[1.8.0] - 2018-04-04


  • Added maxReconnectTimeMs(long) method to EventSource.Builder to override the default maximum reconnect time of 30 seconds

[1.7.1] - 2018-01-30


  • Fixed EventSource logger name to match convention
  • Ensure background threads are daemon threads
  • Don't log IOExceptions when the stream is already being shut down

[1.7.0] - 2018-01-07


  • Added the ability to connect to an SSE resource using any HTTP method (defaults to GET), and specify a request body.

[1.6.0] - 2017-12-20


  • Add new handler interface for stopping connection retries after an error


  • Ensure that connections are closed completely (#24)
  • Ensure that we reconnect with backoff in case of a read timeout