Sistent v0.14.161
27 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
What's New
- feat: update theme for mui datatable @amitamrutiya (#954)
- fix: improve info messages for model and design import modals @riyaa14 (#946)
- fix: challange page overflow @vishalvivekm (#949)
- Fix: add GithubIcon to TransferList @PR4NJ41 (#951)
- Fix: Improved table sort arrow theme compatibility @PR4NJ41 (#953)
- Fix panel styling and text field font family styling @amitamrutiya (#945)
- feat: add rollup dependecies and bump up the react version @amitamrutiya (#943)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@PR4NJ41, @amitamrutiya, @riyaa14 and @vishalvivekm