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RJSF Schemas

RJSF, or React JSON Schema Form, schemas play a crucial role in defining the structure and behavior of forms. These schemas, written in JSON format, provide a blueprint for rendering forms dynamically and handling user input effectively.

What are RJSF Schemas?

RJSF Schemas, based on the React JSON Schema Form library, define the structure, validation rules, and UI elements of dynamic forms in a standardized way. They enable the creation of consistent and flexible forms across our applications.

How to Use RJSF Schemas

  1. Importing Schemas: Include the required schema in your React component by importing it. For example:

    import MyFormSchema from '@layer5/sistent';
  2. Rendering Forms: Integrate the schema into your component to render the form dynamically. Use already created generic RJSF components or use RJSF Form component directly.

    import { sampleSchema, sampleUiSchema } from '@layer5/sistent';
    <Form schema={sampleSchema} uiSchema={sampleUiSchema} onSubmit={handleFormSubmission} />;
  3. Customization: Adjust the schema properties to tailor the form's appearance and behavior. Refer to the specific schema's documentation for customization options.

File Conventions for Schemas

Follow a consistent file structure convention to enhance clarity and organization when adding new schema:

  1. Use the same name as the schema for the directory.
  2. Use CamelCase for multi-word schema names, e.g., UserRegistrationFormSchema.
  3. Create two separate files, schema.tsx and uiSchema.tsx, to store both schemas separately.

Naming Conventions for Schemas

Follow a consistent naming convention to enhance clarity and organization when adding new schema:

  1. Use descriptive names that convey the purpose of the form.
  2. CamelCase for multi-word schema names, e.g., UserRegistrationFormSchema.
  3. Include "Schema" in the name to explicitly indicate that it's a schema, e.g., ProfileSettingsSchema.
  4. Include "UiSchema" in the name to explicitly indicate that it's a UI schema, e.g., ProfileSettingsUiSchema.

Custom Properties

In addition to the properties offered by the JSON schema, we have introduced the following custom properties that you can include in new schema:

  1. x-rjsf-grid-area: This property accepts an integer that defines the width of the field. For instance, specifying 6 means it will take up half of the parent width, while 12 signifies full width.
  2. x-encode-in-uri: When set to true, this property enables RJSF to encode data in URI format and return it.