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Bolivian Artists Recommender

Sistema de recomendación de Música Boliviana

Bolivian musicians are very talented but unfortunately they're not given the attention they deserve. This data-based project aims to promote bolivian artists and make them more visible for locals and the world.

The project consists in:

  • The construction of a dataset of bolivian artists by fetching public Spotify data.

  • The application of data clustering techniques to segment the collected data and gain artists description.

  • The implementation of a web app for artist recommendations.


  • Python 3
  • Jupyter Notebook
  • Spotipy
  • Pandas
  • Numpy
  • Matplotlib
  • Flask
  • Bootstrap 4.5

Project Files and Folders

  • Capstone-Project.ipynb: Jupyter Notebook containing Problem Definition, Data Analysis, Methodology, Results and Conclusion of the project in general and the artists segmentation.


  • is the main file of the web app
  • templates, and static: folders contain views and web resources.


  • Pulls and transforms playlist data (from Spotify API) containing the word 'Bolivia' in their name or description.
  • Pulls and transforms artists data from a list of given playlists ids.
  • playlist_eda.ipynb, and artists_eda.ipynb: Jupyter notebooks used for data exploration, analysis and test cleaning procedures.
  • playlist.csv and artists.csv: clean datasets.
  • *_raw.csv: datasets without filtering and cleaning.
  • artists_excluded.csv: list of artists to be excluded when cleaning.
  • artists_grouped.csv: output of artist segmentation.

Dataset Construction

At the time of starting this project, no dataset with Bolivian artists was found. Hence, a dataset was built from scratch. As far as I know, this is only dataset about bolivian artists.

Collection and Filtering

Dataset was built by pulling public data from Spotify API. The procedure consists in the following:

  1. Collect playlists data containing the word Bolivia in the name or description.
  2. Remove unrelated or irrelevant playlists. (playlist.csv)
  3. Collect artists performing the tracks on the previously fetched playlists.
  4. Select and filter artists based in metadata and manual methods (artists.csv).

In order to reproduce the dataset construction you must sign up in Spotify for developers. Next, create an app and set the required environment variables in order to set up Spotipy.

Fetch playlists data

Once the previous is done, execute from the root folder:

python data/ -s data/playlists.csv -c

The -s flag indicates to store a csv file in the argument passed, if argument is passed, the default output file will be used. Additionally, it is optional to clean the dataset with the flag -c or --clean. The cleaning details can be found in the file.

Fetch artists data

The artsts collector loads data/playlists.csv by default. However, a specific file can be passed with the -p flag as follows.

python data/ -p data/my_playlists.csv

Similar to the playlists collector it stores a file if the -s flag is passed with an optional output filepath argument. And again, the cleaning and filtering is optional with the -c flag.

Artists Segmentation.

Run the Capstone-Project notebook to see the full Data Analysis. This notebook also contains the implementation of the artist segmentation.

Kmeans was applied with the motivation to find data clusters that descrbe the collected artists data. After analyzing the results, the key findings were the following:

  • The artists segmentation by the number of followers and the popularity score (0 to 100 points) resulted in 6 and 4 groups for full data and data without outliers respectively. In the second case, the distribution was more even so that description was used to label artists with ranks such as top, popular, starter, etc.
  • When music genre data was included in the analysis, the artists were grouped mainly by that feature, and followers and popularity lost importance. There were clusters containing different genres but they were only for the artists that had the overlaping genres. This might have been caused by the low quality of genres data and the relative small size of the dataset in general.

The web site

It is a Flask app that shows the artist groups learned in the previuos analysis.

First, create the database by running:

from app import app as ap, db
    with ap.app_context():

Start the server by running:

python app/

Then go to localhost ( to see the website

Homepage layout

Running Tests.

python -m pytest

Future Work

  • Collect more artists metadeta (e.g. group/individual, first release date, last release date, monthly listeners, number of tracks/albums, languages and more).
  • Improve genre data quality, this could be done manually or by implementing crowd-sourced data labelling.
  • Build knowledge-base recommendation system in web app.
  • Implement

Contributions are welcome.


Udacity, Spotify, Bolivian Musicians, and family and friends who helped me identifying genres.


Copyright (c) 2020 Leandro Guardia


Data Science project on Bolivian Music.







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