It outputs a bowling score table by processing a text file containing list of player rolls. This project was built to gool Object Oriented Programming practices in Ruby.
- Ruby 2.3.0+
- Bundler 1.17.2+
- Rubygems 3.0.1
- RSpec 3.8 (unit tests)
- Simplecov (coverage)
Bunde all dependencies.
$ cd bowling-scorer
$ bundle install
In the root path, execute generate_board.rb
and pass the path to the input file, e.g.
$ ruby generate_board.rb -i games/sample.txt
In order to guarantee readability, increase your terminal's width.
Plain text files .txt
with lines following the format <player_id num_of_bins>
player_1 3
player_1 7
player_2 10
player_1 F
player_1 4
player_2 0
player_2 7
- The file must have one or more players completing 10 frames in total.
stands for fault- The project folder has sample files inside the
All suite:
$ rspec
Specific file:
$ rspec spec/single_scorer_spec.rb
For a specific test add :line_of_code
to the specific test file.
$ rspec spec/single_scorer_spec.rb:9
Add the flag -f d
or --format documentation
for descriptive output.
After running all tests, a coverage
folder is created in the root of the project. Open
in your browser to see the results.