It is the year 2100 and you run an interplanetary space travel agency. You are building a website to book scientists on missions to other planets.
In this repo:
- There is a Flask application with some features built out.
- There is a fully built React frontend application.
- There are tests included which you can run using
pytest -x
. - There is a file
that contains a Postman collection of requests for testing each route you will implement.
Depending on your preference, you can either check your API by:
- Using Postman to make requests
- Running
pytest -x
and seeing if your code passes the tests - Running the React application in the browser and interacting with the API via the frontend
You can import mock-challenge-cosmic-challenge.postman_collection.json
Postman by pressing the Import
Select Upload Files
, navigate to this repo folder, and select
as the file to import.
To download the dependencies for the frontend and backend, run:
pipenv install
pipenv shell
npm install --prefix client
You can run your Flask API on localhost:5555
python server/
You can run your React app on localhost:4000
npm start --prefix client
You are not being assessed on React, and you don't have to update any of the React code; the frontend code is available just so that you can test out the behavior of your API in a realistic setting.
Your job is to build out the Flask API to add the functionality described in the deliverables below.
It is your job to build out Planet, Scientist, and Mission models so that scientists can book their missions. In a given mission, one scientist will visit one planet. Over their careers, scientists will visit many planets and planets will be visited by many scientists.
You will implement an API for the following data model:
The file server/
defines the model classes without relationships.
Use the following commands to create the initial database app.db
cd server
flask db init
flask db migrate -m 'initial model'
flask db upgrade head
Now you can implement the relationships as shown in the ER Diagram:
- A
has (visits) manyPlanets
s - An
has (is visited by) manyScientist
s throughMission
s - A
belongs to aScientist
and belongs to aPlanet
Update server/
to establish the model relationships. Since a
belongs to a Scientist
and a Planet
, configure the model to
cascade deletes.
Set serialization rules to limit the recursion depth.
Run the migrations and seed the database:
flask db migrate -m 'implement relationships'
flask db upgrade head
If you aren't able to get the provided seed file working, you are welcome to generate your own seed data to test the application.
Add validations to the Scientist
- must have a
, and afield_of_study
Add validations to the Mission
- must have a
, ascientist_id
and aplanet_id
Set up the following routes. Make sure to return JSON data in the format specified along with the appropriate HTTP verb.
Recall you can specify fields to include or exclude when serializing a model instance to a dictionary using to_dict() (don't forget the comma if specifying a single field).
NOTE: If you choose to implement a Flask-RESTful app, you need to add code to
instantiate the Api
class in server/
Return JSON data in the format below. Note: you should return a JSON response in this format, without any additional nested data related to each scientist.
"id": 1,
"name": "Mel T. Valent",
"field_of_study": "xenobiology"
"id": 2,
"name": "P. Legrange",
"field_of_study": "orbital mechanics"
If the Scientist
exists, return JSON data in the format below. Make sure to
include a list of missions for the scientist.
"field_of_study": "Orbits",
"id": 1,
"name": "Joseph Richard",
"missions": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Explore Planet X.",
"planet": {
"distance_from_earth": 302613474,
"id": 8,
"name": "X",
"nearest_star": "Shiny Star"
"planet_id": 8,
"scientist_id": 1
"id": 10,
"name": "Explore Planet Y.",
"planet": {
"distance_from_earth": 1735242898,
"id": 14,
"name": "Y",
"nearest_star": "Dim Star"
"planet_id": 14,
"scientist_id": 1
If the Scientist
does not exist, return the following JSON data, along with
the appropriate HTTP status code:
"error": "Scientist not found"
This route should create a new Scientist
. It should accept an object with the
following properties in the body of the request:
"name": "Evan Horizon",
"field_of_study": "astronavigation"
If the Scientist
is created successfully, send back a response with the new
"id": 3,
"name": "Evan Horizon",
"field_of_study": "astronavigation",
"missions": []
If the Scientist
is not created successfully due to validation errors,
return the following JSON data, along with the appropriate HTTP status code:
"errors": ["validation errors"]
This route should update an existing Scientist
. It should accept an object
with one or more of the following properties in the body of the request:
"name": "Bevan Horizon",
"field_of_study": "warp drive tech"
If the Scientist
is updated successfully, send back a response with the
updated Scientist
and a 202 accepted
status code:
"id": 2,
"name": "Bevan Horizon",
"field_of_study": "warp drive tech",
"missions": []
If the Scientist
is not updated successfully, return the following JSON
data, along with the appropriate HTTP status code:
"errors": ["validation errors"]
OR, given an invalid ID, the appropriate HTTP status code, and the following JSON:
"error": "Scientist not found"
If the Scientist
exists, it should be removed from the database, along with
any Mission
s that are associated with it. If you did not set up your models to
cascade deletes, you need to delete associated Mission
s before the Scientist
can be deleted.
After deleting the Scientist
, return an empty response body, along with the
appropriate HTTP status code.
If the Scientist
does not exist, return the following JSON data, along with
the appropriate HTTP status code:
"error": "Scientist not found"
Return JSON data in the format below. Note: you should return a JSON response in this format, without any additional nested data related to each planet.
"id": 1,
"name": "TauCeti E",
"distance_from_earth": 1234567,
"nearest_star": "TauCeti"
"id": 2,
"name": "Maxxor",
"distance_from_earth": 99887766,
"nearest_star": "Canus Minor"
This route should create a new Missions
. It should accept an object with the
following properties in the body of the request:
"name": "Project Terraform",
"scientist_id": 1,
"planet_id": 2
If the Mission
is created successfully, send back a response about the new
"id": 21,
"name": "Project Terraform",
"planet": {
"distance_from_earth": 9037395591,
"id": 2,
"name": "Planet X",
"nearest_star": "Krystal"
"planet_id": 2,
"scientist": {
"field_of_study": "Time travel.",
"id": 1,
"name": "Jeremy Oconnor"
"scientist_id": 1
If the Mission
is not created successfully, return the following JSON
data, along with the appropriate HTTP status code:
"errors": ["validation errors"]
The ScientistDetail
component in the React app uses the useCallback
hook to
memoize the function that fetches a scientist by id. The scientist detail is
fetched when the component initially renders, and is fetched again after
updating the scientist detail. useCallback
caches the function to avoid
recreating it .