A Leiningen plugin to make a Dockerfile for the project.
Atom file-specific icons for improved visual grepping.
A community driven list of useful Scala libraries, frameworks and software.
An informative and fancy bash prompt for Git users
Vira Theme is the official successor of the popular Material Theme. This premium version is actively maintained, includes hand-curated icons and more features
SBT plugin to create new projects based on existing project templates
Scala 2 compiler and standard library. Scala 2 bugs at; Scala 3 at
Atom snippets for .gitignore templates from GitHub (
Experimental type-safe off-heap memory for Scala.
A terminal package for Atom, complete with themes and more.
Lightweight, modular, and extensible library for functional programming.
🏩 A simple process manager for developers. Start apps from your browser and access them using local domains
Convenient and performant logging library for Scala wrapping SLF4J.
A new Scala wrapper for Joda Time based on scala-time
Apache Spark - A unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing
A distributed data integration framework that simplifies common aspects of big data integration such as data ingestion, replication, organization and lifecycle management for both streaming and bat…
Customisable coding font with alternates, ligatures and contextual positioning. Crazy crisp at 12px/9pt.
REST job server for Apache Spark
Vagrant templates for local development and learning DataStax Enterprise and the Cassandra database system