stanza Public
Modern XMPP, with a JSON API
stanza-shims Public
Runtime shims used by StanzaJS for node, browsers, and React Native
xmpp.org Public
Forked from xsf/xmpp.orgxmpp.org website (builds: https://travis-ci.org/xsf/xmpp.org/builds)
CSS UpdatedSep 5, 2020 -
stanzajs-ejabberd-example Public
Forked from omkarcloud/stanzajs-ejabberd-exampleTypeScript UpdatedSep 3, 2020 -
converse.js Public
Forked from conversejs/converse.jsWeb-based XMPP/Jabber chat client written in JavaScript
JavaScript Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedMar 2, 2020 -
prosody-docker Public
Forked from prosody/prosody-dockerDocker image building system for the Prosody XMPP server
Dockerfile UpdatedMar 31, 2019 -
iana-hashes Public archive
Use the IANA registered hash names with node crypto
jingle-interop-demos Public archive
A collection of Javascript Jingle clients for interop testing.
js-sasl-digest-md5 Public archive
Forked from jaredhanson/js-sasl-digest-md5JavaScript implementation of DIGEST-MD5 SASL mechanism.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 12, 2015 -
Kestrel Public
Kestrel is a job scheduler and dispatcher for distributed computing systems, particularly Virtual Organization Clusters, and uses XMPP for monitoring the state of all compute elements in the cluste…
Thesis Public
A giant collection of ramblings about very important and serious things. Like killer robots that eat waffles while doing job distribution over XMPP.
3 UpdatedApr 14, 2011 -
SleekRedis Public archive
Redis backend plugins for SleekXMPP
xmpp-tdg Public
Forked from remko/xmpp-tdg-examplesCode Examples from "XMPP: The Definitive Guide." They have been updated to work with the soon-to-be 1.0 release of SleekXMPP.
TimeHack Public
A basic timer app to implement the (10+2)*5 productivity regimen.