- Started Computer Science degree in 2019 in Cordoba, Spain.
- Picked Software Engineering specialization in 2021.
- Joined the Aula de Software Libre coordination team in november 2021
- Joined Genially as Developer Trainee in october 2022
- Became Junior Backend Developer April 2023
Lista de contenidos
My life dream as a child was being an inventor. So I growed up to be a software developer focused on fulfilling real needs and bring good alternatives to people in a fully digitalized world.
I also enjoy such things as Gaming (shooters and simracing mostly) and Enduro (I know, they're like sooo far away one from another haha)
I define myself as a learning enthusiast, and I love to try new things and learn everything about what I'm doing.
Not a fullstack but always willing to know a bit more.
Specialized in backend and willing to learn more about devops and QA.
Here you have some of my finished / current projects. I dont list here all because they're a lot and a lot of them are just to try and learn new things!
- NPM package for quick and simple cqrs implementation with 0 extra dependencies.
- Made for Typescript.
- First release: June 2022
- State: Stable & Improving
- Take a look!
As a developer I try to keep my code as mantainable as possible so I try always to keep my code clean, structured and self-documented
, as well as functional.
"It is not enough for code to work"
- Robert C. Martin
This is why I keep with methodologies like DDD, TDD and Hexagonal Architecture.
I think the methodology always should follow principles and not viceversa, so I always focus on keeping the principles listed before and use these methodologies to archieve them rather than using the methodologies because they're cool.
The coding langs were I feel more comfortable are:
But I'm open for learning new langs and looking foward to add more to this list.
I love to read books as a way of opening my mindset and learn new things, so this is a list of books that I have readed or I want to read.
(Checked = read)
- Clean Code
- Clean Architecture
- Clean Coder
- The pragmatic programmer
- Building Microservices
- Implementing Domain-Driven Design
- CQRS by Example
Email: adrianleivasoftware@gmail.com