Time series are stored in files with the following format:
- files are multiline plain text files in ASCII encoding
- each line contains exactly one record
- each record contains date and integer value; records are encoded like so: YYYY-MM-DD:X
- dates within single file are non-duplicate and sorted in ascending order
- files can be bigger than RAM available on target host
Implement an algorithm accepting names of files as arguments, which merges two input files into one output file. Result file should follow the same format conventions as described above. Records with the same date value should be merged into one by summing up X values. Optional bonus points can be acquired by implementing the same merge function for any or all of the following:
- solution implemented in Clojure
- arbitrary number of input files
- duplicate dates within single file, sorted in ascending order
Tested with:
- Clojure v.
(Default) - Java
Result stores into ./data/result file
Zero dependencies accept clojure.tools.cli used for CLI
Starts socketed REPL on port 50505:
clj -A:socket
clj -M -m core -h
-f, --file File names to read
-e, --encoding ENCODING US-ASCII Provide files encoding (Default US-ASCII)
-h, --help
Process files with encoding. By default runs with 1.10.1 Clojure version:
clj -M -m core -f data/file_1 data/file_2 data/file_3 -e US-ASCII
Build the uberjar without AOT compilation:
clojure -A:uberjar -m hf.depstar.uberjar TimeSeriesMerge.jar
Run it:
java -cp TimeSeriesMerge.jar clojure.main -m core args