My personal dotfiles. These files are only for Archlinux with the lastest software.
I have migrated to chezmoi.
$ pacman -S --needed \
zsh-completions \
zsh-autosuggestions \
zsh-syntax-highlighting \
fzf \
ripgrep \
eza \
git-delta \
$ chezmoi init
$ chezmoi update
Put your customization in ~/.zshenv.local
and ~/.zshrc.local
I use tpm to manage plugins:
- You will need to install delta.
- One can add custom settings in
This fontconfig is for Traditional Chinese users on Archlinux primarily. It's not tested on other distros. But it should work on other distros as well so long as you have the following:
- one of "Noto Sans CJK TC", "Source Han Sans TW", "Source Han Sans TC"
- "Source Code Pro" or "Inconsolata"
For Archlinux users, you can just install required fonts by
# pacman -S noto-fonts-cjk adobe-source-code-pro-fonts