Version: 6.0.0
My Pika vim configuration
Use vim-plug to manage plugins.
This configuration is only tested on my own environments.
- Latest neovim 0.5.0+. (or vim 8+) Note: Some features require neovim to work. (I have moved to neovim completely.)
- python3 and python-neovim
These are needed if you want to use all features.
- g++/clang (for compile c++ programs)
- clangd provides LSP support.
- rg (see fzf.vim)
- (xe)latex compiler (for latex usage)
- go (see the plugin
) - rust (and rls)
To use this configuration, run following commands:
$ git clone --depth=1
$ cd pika-vim
$ ./ -h # check help (need python3)
$ ./ # deploy the configuration
or deploy manually:
- neovim
$ ln -sr pika-vim ~/.config/neovim
$ nvim +PlugInstall +qall
- vim
$ ln -sr pika-vim ~/.vim
$ ln -sr ~/.vim/init.vim ~/.vimrc
$ vim +PlugInstall +qall
- use
to clean old plugins. - use
to update the plugins. - use
to clean up the git history of plugins.
Please just check the section inside plug#begin()
and plug#end()
- Save file
- next buffer
- previous buffer
- close buffer
- Toggle paste mode
- Toggle wrap mode
- Toggle QuickFix
- make
- Alternative escape
is not equivalent to escape.)
- SingleCompile (let "make" compile single cpp file)
- astyle formatting
(need astyle installed) - customization: (see Customization)
" cpp ftplugin settings
let g:cpp_astyle_mapping = '<F6>'
let g:cpp_astyle_options = '-A8KpHUyk1qs2 -xG'
let g:cpp_compile_options = '-O2 -Wall -Wshadow'
- make python script executable
See NERD Commenter
- open bufexpl
- Compile
- View
- View error
- set main file: add
at the top of your file - you may want to add
$pdflatex = 'xelatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode --shell-escape %O %S';
in ~/.latexmkrc
- toggle undotree panel
- Emmet Prefix
- To disable it:
addlet g:disable_lightline_pika = 1
- To disable the patch font:
addunlet g:lightline_pika_patchfont
- To change the patch font:
add the following tolocal.vim
(change the unicode to what you want):
let g:lightline_pika_patchfont = {
\ 'leftsep': "\ue0b0",
\ 'leftsubsep': "\ue0b1",
\ 'rightsep': "\ue0b2",
\ 'rightsubsep': "\ue0b3",
\ 'branch': "\ue0a0",
\ 'linecolumn': "\ue0a1",
\ 'readonly': "\ue0a2",
\ }
All customization files are put in the custom
Please create a custom
directory in this repo.
To change the leader key <leader>
, create a file named leader.vim
in custom
and add the following to the file:
" change your leader to ','
let mapleader = ','
let maplocalleader = ','
let g:mapleader = ','
let g:maplocalleader = ','
Use your favorite key to substitute ,
To add more plugins via vim-plug, create a file named plugin.vim
in custom
and add something like following:
Plug 'derekwyatt/vim-scala', { 'for': 'scala' }
Please refer to vim-plug documentation.
To change settings of some plugins or other things, create a file named
in custom
and add what you need in that file. For example,
to use other colorschemes, add the following to local.vim
colorscheme desert
let g:lightline.colorscheme = 'wombat'
Combined with plugin.vim
, you can use your favorite colorscheme!
For more detail, please refer to the docs of each plugin and the init.vim
doesn't work in neovim. See neovim/neovim#4862 for a workaround.