issues Search Results · repo:letscontrolit/ESPEasy language:C++
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inletscontrolit/ESPEasy (press backspace or delete to remove)HI describes the existence of undocumented command on the ESP32 that
potentially act as backdoors. There s an article here: ...
- 1
- Opened 3 days ago
- #5278
Hello and thanks for all Your supportive work and time,
with starting at git clone --depth 1
and having a functional platformio environment for compiling (tested ...
- 15
- Opened 7 days ago
- #5275
Hi , I am testing with CYD ( esp32-2432s028r ) and the way it works is the tft on HSPI and SD on VSPI .I was testing
that in tasmota and I recall both display and SD worked ( in tasmota SSPI SPI can both ...
- 2
- Opened 9 days ago
- #5273
I wonder if it is possible to prevent the bootlogo from coming up every time ESPEasy wakes from deepsleep.
- 4
- Opened 10 days ago
- #5271
I use the Sensirion SEN55 sensor and that sensor can supply 9 different environmental parameters:
- PM1, PM2.5, PM4 and PM10
- Temp and Humi
- tVOC and NOx
- Dewpoint
In a task however I can ...
- 1
- Opened 14 days ago
- #5267
site: locked in Belarus сайт с скриптами и стилями был заблокирован прокуратурой Республики Беларусь.
теперь все устройства похожи на тыкву. есть ли выход из ситуации (кроме смены места ...
- 3
- Opened 18 days ago
- #5266
Describe the bug When I try to connect to HiveMQ MQTT server the ESPEASY cannot connect
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Create an instance (free cluster) on HiveMQ
2. Create a MQTT ...
- 8
- Opened 18 days ago
- #5265
Related: #4264
Reason why NOT to update is that we added quite a lot of extras to the ESPEasy version of PubSubClient, ...
- Opened 23 days ago
- #5261
Nothing more to add. Successfully uploaded a rules.txt which was happily executed....
- 3
- Opened 23 days ago
- #5260
Describe the bug When text is written on the first line (via the plugin)the topmost pixelrow is always set to the
background color (e.g. blacked-out). This renders the characters in the first line distorted. ...
- 3
- Opened 28 days ago
- #5256

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