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KTX: Internationalization and localization utilities

Utilities for the libGDX I18NBundle.


As useful as I18NBundle is, it is often overlooked in pure Java applications due to sheer amount of work that it requires to set up and use consistently throughout the project. This module provides a thin layer of syntax sugar that makes it easier to work with I18NBundle instances and provide some useful code completion.



Direct I18NBundle usage with strings as line IDs suffers from no code completion and compile-time validation. Sadly, using simple string IDs as bundle lines might turn out to be not much better than using plain strings altogether. This is why BundleLine interface was created: it allows you to turn enums into I18NBundle representations with minimal effort.

For example, given this file:

key2=Value with {0} argument. can create an enum similar to this:

package ktx.i18n.example

import ktx.i18n.BundleLine

enum class Nls : BundleLine {

This allows you to access bundle lines via enum instances:

import ktx.i18n.get
import ktx.i18n.example.Nls


Listing - or generating - all expected bundle lines is basically all you have to do to enjoy less verbose and safer syntax with code completion and compile-time validation. See usage examples below to explore BundleLine API.

Note that BundleLine assumes that toString() implementation returns a valid bundle line ID. If you want to change the way BundleLine implementations extract lines from I18NBundle, override toString() method.

Automatic BundleLine enum generation

You can use the following Gradle Groovy script to generate a Kotlin enum implementing BundleLine according to an existing .properties bundle:

task nls << {
  def project = 'core'             // Will contain generated enum class.
  def source = 'src/main/kotlin'   // Kotlin source path of the project.
  def pack = ''    // Enum target package.
  def name = 'Nls'                 // Enum class name.
  def fileName = 'nls.kt'          // Name of Kotlin file containing the enum.
  def bundle = 'core/assets/i18n/' // Path to i18n bundle file.

  println("Processing i18n bundle file at ${bundle}...")
  def builder = new StringBuilder()
  builder.append("""package ${pack}
import ktx.i18n.BundleLine
/** Generated from ${bundle} file. */
enum class ${name} : BundleLine {
  def newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator")
  file(bundle).eachLine {
    def data = it.trim()
    def separator = data.indexOf('=')
    if (!data.isEmpty() && separator > 0 && !data.startsWith('#')) {
      def id = data.substring(0, separator)
      builder.append('    ').append(id).append(',').append(newLine)
  // If you want a custom enum body, replace the following append:
  builder.append('    ;').append(newLine).append('}').append(newLine)

  source = source.replace('/', File.separator)
  pack = pack.replace('.', File.separator)
  def path = project + File.separator + source + File.separator + pack +
      File.separator + fileName
  println("Saving i18n bundle enum at ${path}...")
  def enumFile = file(path)
  delete enumFile
  enumFile << builder << newLine
  println("Done. I18n bundle enum generated.")

The first few lines contain task configuration, so make sure to pass the correct paths and names before running the task with gradle nls or ./gradlew nls. Feel free to modify generated enum source to your needs. Be careful: current task implementation replaces the enum class at the selected path.

Direct I18NBundle usage utilities

You can access any bundle line with bundle["key"] an bundle["key", arguments] syntax. These methods also accept BundleLine instances, so if you would prefer not to assign static I18NBundle instance in an enum, you can still benefit from type-safe i18n with a pleasant syntax: bundle[key].

It is recommended to use import ktx.i18n.* import when working directly with I18NBundle instances.

Usage examples

Examples below assume the following bundle .properties file content:

keyWithArguments=Accepts {0} arguments. {1}!

Using I18NBundle with strings as IDs:

import ktx.i18n.*
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.I18NBundle

val bundle = I18NBundle.createBundle(file)
bundle["key"] // Value.
bundle["keyWithArguments", 2, "Hello"] // Accepts 2 arguments. Hello!

Using I18NBundle with BundleLine enum instances as IDs:

package example

import example.Nls.*
import ktx.i18n.*
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.I18NBundle

enum class Nls : BundleLine {

// Usage:
val bundle = I18NBundle.createBundle(file)
bundle[key] // Value.
bundle[keyWithArguments, 2, "Hello"] // Accepts 2 arguments. Hello!

Using BundleLine enum with assigned I18NBundle instance:

package example

import example.Nls.*
import ktx.i18n.*
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.I18NBundle

enum class Nls : BundleLine {

  override val bundle: I18NBundle
    get() = i18nBundle

  companion object {
    lateinit var i18nBundle: I18NBundle

// Assigning I18NBundle instance:
Nls.i18nBundle = I18NBundle.createBundle(FileHandle(File("i18n/gradle")))

// Reading lines from the bundle:
key.nls // Value.
keyWithArguments.nls(2, "Hello") // Accepts 2 arguments. Hello!

// More concise, but somewhat less obvious syntax:
key() // Value.
keyWithArguments(2, "Hello") // Accepts 2 arguments. Hello!


  • LML supports translations of Scene2D widgets internally using libGDX I18NBundle API. However, it requires creating views with HTML-like templates rather Java (or Kotlin) code.

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