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KTX: Dependency injection

A tiny, lightweight dependency injection system with simple syntax that does not rely on reflection.


Games can be vastly simplified with dependency injection. There are a lot of components that need to work together. Assets, physics renderers, input listeners, game logic services - as much as we would like to separate them from each other, some interaction between them is inevitable. You can create manager classes, maintain huge constructors or use a bunch of global variables, but that is often not the most portable, comfortable or modular solution. It is much easier to inject a different instance depending on the current application setup than refactor sources with a ton of static calls.

Java dependency injection mechanisms usually rely on annotations and compile-time code generation (like Dagger) or runtime class analysis (like Spring). Kotlin, with its inline functions, allows to omit the reflection and annotations usage altogether, while still providing a pleasant DSL.

It should be noted that there are other Kotlin DI libraries with more features. ktx-inject is a tiny extension consisting of a single source file with a few hundred lines, most of which are the documentation. Being as lightweight as possible and generating little to no garbage at runtime, it aims to be a viable choice for even the slowest mobile devices out there. It sacrifices extra features for simplicity, quick startup and zero overhead at runtime when the objects are constructed.


Context stores components of your application and providers of classes that you need to create dynamically.

With register function, you can customize your Context with a syntax similar to the usual type-safe Kotlin builders. bind and bindSingleton can be used to register new providers and components in the context.

inject<Type>() is a function that will extract an instance of the selected type from the context. It is typically used when you need only a single instance directly from the Context upon application initiation.

provider<Type>() is a function that returns functional objects which provide instances of the selected type when invoked. It should be used for all non-singleton components of the Context that you need to obtain dynamically. Instead of passing Context around, inject appropriate providers to your components to avoid excessive dependency on ktx-inject in your project.

remove<Type>() allows you to remove components from the Context that are no longer needed.

clear() and dispose() methods can be used after you no longer need the Context. clear() removes references to all registered singletons and providers. dispose(), additionally to clearing the context, attempts to dispose all singletons and providers that implement the Disposable interface and logs all errors on the libGDX error logging level. Use clear() instead of dispose() if you want to fully control assets lifecycle.

Additional bind<Type>(), bindSingleton<Type>(), and newInstanceOf<Type>() methods allow constructing objects with reflection taking the constructor parameters directly from the Context. These methods are annotated with @Reflection from ktx-reflect and require opt-in to prevent from accidental usage. Reflection usage is entirely optional, although it does simplify registering components with multiple constructor parameters. Note that the classes constructed via reflection must have a single public constructor, otherwise an exception will be thrown.

Usage examples

Creating a new Context:

val context = Context()

Registering a provider:

import ktx.inject.*
import java.util.Random

context.register {
  // A new Random instance will be injected on each request:
  bind { Random() }

Registering a singleton:

import ktx.inject.*
import java.util.Random

context.register {
  // The same Random instance will be injected on each request:

Registering a singleton via an init block:

import ktx.inject.*

context.register {
  // The same Component instance will be injected on each request:
  bindSingleton {
    if (isAndroid()) {
    } else {

Injecting an instance:

import java.util.Random

val random: Random = context.inject()

Injecting a provider:

import java.util.Random

val randomProvider = context.provider<Random>()
// Type of `randomProvider` variable is () -> Random.

// Getting an instance of Random using the provider:
val random = randomProvider()

Injection on demand (lazy injection):

import ktx.inject.*

class ClassWithLazyInjectedValue(context: Context) {
  val lazyInjection by lazy { context.inject<Random>() }
  // Will provide Random instance on first lazyInjection call.

Removing a registered provider:

// Note that this method works for both singletons and providers.

Removing all components from the Context:


Removing all components from the Context and disposing of all Disposable singletons and providers:


Using reflection to automatically create components with injected dependencies:

import ktx.inject.Context
import ktx.inject.register
import ktx.reflect.Reflection

class MyDependency
class MyClass(val myDependency: MyDependency)

// Note that reflection usage requires explicit opt-in:
fun create() {
  val context = Context()
  context.register {
    // Will construct a new instance of MyDependency with reflection
    // each time it is requested:

    // Will construct a single instance of MyClass with MyDependency
    // taken from Context:

Adding this to the Context

Be careful when adding a disposable context container class as this to the Context. Consider this example:

class Container: Disposable {
  val context = Context()

  init {

  override fun dispose() {

As soon as Container.dispose is called, it will cause a StackOverflowError, as Context will try to dispose of the Container, which will attempt to dispose of the Context, and so on. This can be a issue, if you keep a Context in extensions of classes such as KtxGame or KtxScreen from ktx-app. To fix this problem, remove the container class from the Context before attempting to dispose of it:

class Container: Disposable {
  val context = Context()

  init {

  override fun dispose() {
+   context.remove<Container>()

This will ensure that the Context itself will not attempt to dispose of the Container.

Note that this also applies to extensions of KtxApplicationAdapter and KtxGame, both of which are Disposable.

Notes on implementation and design choices

How does it work?

You can think of the Context as a map with Class<T> instances as keys and () -> T (so-called providers) as values. When you call a method like inject<YourClass>(), it is inlined at compile-time - hence allowing the framework to extract the actual Class object from generic argument - and used to find a provider for YourClass. Singletons are implemented as providers that always return the same instance of the selected type on each call. Other than using Class instances at keys, it does not rely on reflection.

Are scopes supported?

No. More complex projects might benefit from features of mature projects like Koin, but in most simple games you just end up needing some glue between the components. Sometimes simplicity is something you aim for.

As for testing scope, you can just register different components during testing. Classes using ktx-inject are usually easy to test. If necessary, you can also use multiple contexts.

Are named providers supported?

No. Providers are mapped only to the class of instances that they return.

What about Kodein-style single-parameter factories?

It seems that Kodein keeps all its "providers" as single-parameter functions. To avoid wrapping all no-arg providers (which seem to be the most common by far) in null-consuming functions, factories are not implemented in ktx-inject at all. If you need specialized providers, create a simple class with invoke operator that consumes the necessary parameters.

Is this framework for me?

This dependency injection system is as trivial as it gets. It will help you with platform-specific classes and gluing your application together, but don't expect much more. This library might be great if you're just starting with dependency injection, as it does not introduce many complex concepts. The main advantages of ktx-inject include simplicity, quick startup, and compatibility with all libGDX desktop and mobile backends.

If you end up needing more features, there are other Kotlin dependency injection frameworks, and they mostly work well with libGDX.


  • Koin, Kodein are powerful Kotlin dependency injection frameworks that support multiple platforms. If you ever feel that ktx-inject is not enough for your use case, try these out.
  • Dagger is a Java dependency injection library based on annotations and compile-time code generation. It generates human-readable POJO classes, which makes it both easier to debug and more efficient that the usual reflection-based solutions. However, it is harder to set up and Kotlin solutions usually offer better syntax.
  • Spring is a powerful dependency injection framework with automatic component scan. It relies on runtime class analysis with reflection, which generally makes it less efficient than Dagger or most Kotlin solutions. Thanks to its huge ecosystem and useful extensions, it might be a good solution for complex desktop games. Otherwise, it might be an overkill.
  • Guice is another commonly used reflection-based dependency injection mechanism.
  • Autumn is a multi-platform reflection-based dependency injection library with automatic component scan for libGDX written in Java. It works even on GWT (although Kotlin does not work well with GWT in the first place). Reflection overhead is generally small, but hacky Kotlin-based solutions are obviously expected to be more efficient.

Additional documentation