Audits a GitHub organization for users that have email addresses with non-verified domains.
- uses: lindluni/warden-audit-domain@main
# The action to perform. One of: notify, reconcile or audit.
# 'notify' - Notifies non-compliant users with an issue.
# 'reconcile' - Removes non-compliant users from the organization.
# 'audit' - Logs the count of non-compliant users.
# Default: notify
action: ''
# Number of days to allow non-compliant users to stay in the org.
# Defaults to 14.
days: ''
# Issue body for the notification.
message: ''
# Repository where notification issues are created.
repo: ''
# Organization to audit.
# Defaults to the ${{ github.repository_owner }}.
org: ''
# GitHub Admin PAT to open issues and comment.
# Defaults to the ${{ github.token }}
token: ''