This directory contains chaos interleaved grafana dashboards along with the utilities needed to get started with monitoring chaos experiments and workflows.
Contains chaos interleaved grafana dashboards for various native k8s and application metrics.
Contains utilities required to setup monitoring infrastructure on a kubernetes cluster.
Contains tutorials for users on monitoring target applications under chaos using various tools.
Install the litmus chaos operator and CRDs
kubectl apply -f
Install the litmus-admin serviceaccount for centralized/admin-mode of chaos execution
kubectl apply -f
Install the chaos experiments in admin(litmus) namespace
kubectl apply -f -n litmus
kubectl create ns monitoring
Deploy prometheus components
kubectl -n monitoring apply -f utils/prometheus/prometheus-scrape-configuration/
Deploy metrics exporters
kubectl -n monitoring apply -f utils/metrics-exporters/node-exporter/
kubectl -n monitoring apply -f utils/metrics-exporters/kube-state-metrics/
Deploy chaos-exporter when the cluster is not connected to litmus 2.0 control plane via litmus agent (exporter is installed as a part of the agent bundle)
kubectl -n litmus apply -f utils/metrics-exporters/litmus-metrics/chaos-exporter/
Create the operator to instantiate all CRDs
kubectl -n monitoring apply -f utils/prometheus/prometheus-operator/
Deploy monitoring components
kubectl -n monitoring apply -f utils/metrics-exporters-with-service-monitors/node-exporter/
kubectl -n monitoring apply -f utils/metrics-exporters-with-service-monitors/kube-state-metrics/
Deploy chaos-exporter when the cluster is not connected to litmus 2.0 control plane via litmus agent (exporter is installed as a part of the agent bundle)
kubectl -n litmus apply -f utils/metrics-exporters-with-service-monitors/litmus-metrics/chaos-exporter/
Deploy prometheus instance and all the service monitors for targets
kubectl -n monitoring apply -f utils/prometheus/prometheus-configuration/
Note: To change the service type to NodePort, perform a
kubectl edit svc prometheus-k8s -n monitoring
and replacetype: LoadBalancer
totype: NodePort
optional: Alert manager
kubectl -n monitoring apply -f utils/alert-manager-with-service-monitor/
kubectl -n monitoring apply -f utils/grafana/
You may access the grafana dashboard via the LoadBalancer (or NodePort) service IP or via a port-forward operation on localhost
View the services running in the monitoring namespace
kubectl get svc -n monitoring
Now copy the EXTERNAL-IP of grafana and view it in the browser
Default username/password credentials:
and thedatasource
are imported automatically by Grafana during deployment, if something goes wrong, you can manually set it up as shown below.
Add the prometheus datasource from monitoring namespace as DS_PROMETHEUS for Grafana via the Grafana Settings menu
Import the grafana dashboards
Import the grafana dashboard "Node and Pod Chaos Demo" provided here