I will focus on the following set of requirements while designing the parking lot:
The parking lot have multiple slots. Slots are filled in FCFS (First-Come-First-Serve) order.
Customers can register for parking ticket by providing informations such as vehicle's registration number, owner's name, email ID, date of allocation, slot number etc.
Once a slot has been occupied by a customer for a particular date, it won't be available for allocation by other customers for the same date. Only one vehicle can be parked in a particular slot on a date.
Customers can view, edit and delete allocation.
Deleting a vehicle will deallocate the particular slot for that date.
Search vehicles by registration number, owner's name, email ID, date of allocation, slot number etc.
Web UI
Languages and libraries used in this project:
- JavaScript ES6
- HTML 5
- CSS 3
- BootStrap v4.3.1
- jQuery v3.4.1