I'm a third-year Computer Science student at Trinity College Dublin, proficient in Java, TypeScript, Spring Boot, React, and Express. I'm looking for a summer role to gain experience and use my skillset. Feel free to reach out at my LinkedIn.
Some projects you can find on this profile are:
A Discord bot written with TypeScript and Node.js for Trinity's Science Fiction & Fantasy Society. Holly was designed to verify that newly joined accounts are society members by interacting with the Google Sheets API to pull data from a spreadsheet. Holly can now also play games and quote many famous figures in sci-fi.
This is a work-in-progress web game using a Spring backend (Spring Boot, Spring Web, Spring Data JPA, Spring Security, etc.), and a React frontend (Typescript & Tailwind CSS). The game provides "knights and knaves" puzzles, where knights always tell the truth, knaves always lie, and the player must determine which is which by making logical deductions from provided dialogue.
This is an app that allows users to create a sharable list of their favourite books, built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js). This app is partly functional, but I have put work on it on hold to prioritise my studies and other projects.
This is a Bash script I made for my Ubuntu desktop that downloads the latest Bing wallpaper every day, and sets it as the background for the GNOME desktop environment.