- Hillsborough, CA
- 8h behind - https://linkedin.com/in/ljharb
- @LJHarb
- @LJHarb@mastodon.social
- ljharb
- @jordan.har.band
Deprecated - Chosen is a library for making long, unwieldy select boxes more friendly.
Nullish coalescing proposal x ?? y
A proposal to make grouping of array items easier
Twitter-async is a high performance wrapper for Twitter's OAuth API which provides parallel/asynchronous calls. Follow @apiclient for commit updates.
ECMAScript Proposal, specs, and reference implementation for `global`
A TC39 proposal to add an .at() method to all the basic indexable classes (Array, String, TypedArray)
TC39 proposal for Object.fromEntries
Proposal to add `export v from "mod";` to ECMAScript.
Introduce await.all / await.race / await.allSettled / await.any to simplify the usage of Promises
ECMAScript Proposal, specs, and reference implementation for Promise.prototype.finally
ECMAScript Proposal, specs, and reference implementation for Promise.try
ECMAScript proposal: String.prototype.replaceAll
Proposal to add `export * as ns from "mod";` to ECMAScript.
An HTML superset/Markdown subset source format for ECMAScript and related specifications
ECMAScript Proposal, specs, and reference implementation for Error.prototype.stack / System.getStack
Object.hasOwn() proposal for ECMAScript
A proposal for a simple call-this operator in JavaScript.
ECMAScript proposal: Generator Arrow Functions
ECMAScript Proposal, specs, and reference implementation for Error.isError
ECMAScript Proposal, specs, and reference implementation for Object.values/Object.entries