issues Search Results · repo:llaske/sugarizer language:JavaScript
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inllaske/sugarizer (press backspace or delete to remove)The current cookie consent message needs refinement for better clarity and professionalism. The wording should be
improved while maintaining its original intent.
Current Message
- We need cookies to ...
- 1
- Opened yesterday
- #1765
In the story activity, when I write text and try to use the Speak Up option to have it read aloud, it isn t working.
- 3
- Opened 3 days ago
- #1764
- The individual puzzle scores are not updating in the UI.
- Instead of displaying each puzzle’s actual score, the UI repeatedly shows the same value for every puzzle level.
For Example: Puzzle 1: ...
- 3
- Opened 4 days ago
- #1763
Currently the activity supports only 3 languages. Adding new languages should help the activity become more useful
- 2
- Opened 9 days ago
- #1760
On Windows countries flags don t appear in popup when there is a click on the country. The country code is displayed
Works on other OS.
- 6
- Opened 10 days ago
- #1757
In the FoodChain Game, when the frog moves, part of its body remains behind while the rest moves forward, causing a
visual glitch.
- 11
- Opened 13 days ago
- #1756
In the FoodChain Game, when the frog moves, part of its body remains behind while the rest moves forward, causing a
visual glitch.
- Opened 13 days ago
- #1755
- Issue: In the FoodChain Game, the same card appears in two separate levels, creating unnecessary redundancy.
- Impact: This repetition leads to players already knowing the answer, reducing the challenge ...
- 7
- Opened 13 days ago
- #1754
The right way to use the Heading Element is # Head leaving a space after # But the lib renders the text starting with #
has a Header Element when the Expected output should be #text
Example: (see ...
- 2
- Opened 13 days ago
- #1752
Description: The current footer of the Sugarizer website provides essential information but could be improved for better
readability, alignment, and consistency. Below are the key issues and suggested ...
- 2
- Opened 15 days ago
- #1751

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