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This is a Hugo theme for the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure project. It provides a clean and modern design for the LLVM website.

Table of contents


  • Clean and modern design
  • Responsive layout
  • Easy configuration via hugo.toml or config.toml


  1. Clone the repository into your Hugo site's themes directory:
    git clone themes/www-template
  2. Update your site's hugo.toml or config.toml file to use the theme:
    theme = "www-template"
  3. Install Post CSS CLI
    npm install postcss-cli 
  4. Run your site locally with the theme:
    hugo server



The hugo.toml file contains various configuration options for the theme. Below is an excerpt with explanations for each option:

baseURL = ''
languageCode = 'en-us'
title = 'The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure'

  unsafe= true

# Navigation Bar Menu
name = 'Getting Started'
pageRef = '/'
weight = 10

name = 'Docs'
pageRef = '/docs'
weight = 20

name = 'Blogs'
pageRef = '/blogs'
weight = 30

name = 'Resources'
pageRef = '/resources'
weight = 40

name = 'Doxygen '
pageRef = '/'
weight = 1
parent = 'Resources'

name = 'GitHub'
pageRef = '/'
weight = 2
parent = 'Resources'

name = 'Code Review'
pageRef = '/'
weight = 3
parent = 'Resources'

name = 'Downloads'
pageRef = '/downloads'
weight = 50

    extended = false
    min = "0.116.0"

# Hero section links

  logo = "images/logo.png"
  navbar_logo = "images/logo.png"
  subtitle = 'The LLVM Project is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies. Despite its name, LLVM has little to do with traditional virtual machines. The name "LLVM" itself is not an acronym; it is the full name of the project.  '
  no_robots = true

    visible = false
    description = "Feedback for this website"
      text = "Feedback Form"
      url = ""
      text = "Old Website"
      url = ""

    title = "Get Started"
    url = "/get-started"
    type = "primary"
    title = "Releases"
    url = ""
    type = "secondary"

  # only first 4 links will be displayed
    title = "Latest Release"
    icon = "ri-hashtag"
    url = "/"
    title = "Upcoming Events"
    icon = "ri-play-large-line"
    url = "#upcoming_events"
    title = "Read the Docs"
    icon = "ri-book-open-line"
    url = "/"
    title = "Explore subprojects"
    icon = "ri-projector-line"
    url = "/"

# Table of contents config

    startLevel = 2
    endLevel = 4

# Footer config

title = "The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure"

title = "LLVM"
links = [
  { text = "Features", url = "#" },
  { text = "Documentation", url = "#" },
  { text = "Blog", url = "#" },
  { text = "FAQ", url = "#" },
  { text = "Resources", url = "#" },
  { text = "Download", url = "#" }

title = "Dev. Resources"
links = [
  { text = "Doxygen", url = "#" },
  { text = "Sources (GitHub)", url = "#" },
  { text = "Code Review", url = "#" },
  { text = "Bug Tracker", url = "#" },
  { text = "Green Dragon", url = "#" },
  { text = "LNT", url = "#" },
  { text = "Scan Build", url = "#" },
  { text = "llvm-cov", url = "#" },
  { text = "Compile-time tracker", url = "#" }

title = "About LLVM"
links = [
  { text = "Mission", url = "#" },
  { text = "Community", url = "#" },
  { text = "Events", url = "#" },
  { text = "Sponsors", url = "#" },
  { text = "Contact", url = "#" }

Configuration Options

  • baseURL: The base URL for the site.
  • languageCode: The language code for the site.
  • title: The title of the site.
  • markup.goldmark.renderer.unsafe: Enable unsafe HTML in markdown.
  • menus.main: The main menu items for the site.
  • params.logo: The logo for the site.
  • params.navbar_logo: The logo for the navbar.
  • params.subtitle: The subtitle for the site.
  • params.banner: The banner configuration.
    • visible: true or false, whether the banner is visible.
    • description: The description for the banner.
    • parqams.banner.buttons:
      • text: The text for the button in the banner.
      • url: The URL for the button in the banner.
  • params.hero_section_buttons: The buttons displayed in the hero section.
    • title: The title of the button.
    • url: The URL for the button.
    • type: The type of the button (primary or secondary).
  • params.hero_section_links: The links displayed in the hero section.
    • title: The title of the link.
    • icon: The icon for the link.
    • url: The URL for the link.
  • markup.tableOfContents: The table of contents configuration.
    • startLevel: The starting level for the table of contents.
    • endLevel: The ending level for the table of contents.
  • params.footer: The footer configuration.
    • title: The title of the footer.
    • columns: The columns in the footer.
      • title: The title of the column.
      • links: The links in the column.
        • text: The text of the link.
        • url: The URL of the link.

Creating New Website

To create a new website using the theme, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Hugo site:

    hugo new site my-site
  2. Change into the new site directory:

     cd my-site
  3. Clone the theme into the themes directory:

    git clone
  4. Install Post CSS CLI

    npm install postcss-cli
  5. Update the config.toml file to use the theme:

    theme = "www-template"
  6. Run the site locally:

    hugo server
  7. Open the site in your browser:

  8. Customize the site by updating the configuration options in the config.toml file.

Creating New Pages

To create new pages, use the following command:

hugo new <page-name>/

For example, to create a new page named about, run the following command:

hugo new about/

Front matter for the new page will be created automatically. Update the front matter with the desired content e.g.:

title: Sample Page
description: Markdown tutorial and syntax examples for common elements.
date: 2023-01-15T09:00:00-07:00
draft: false
tags: ["markdown"]
toc: true

You can find and example page in the content/sample-page/ file.

Using YAML Data Files

The theme supports YAML data files for defining content. To use YAML data files, create a new file in the data directory, refer to the other data files for the structure.

Then use the datamap.html shortcode.

Usage of datamap.html Shortcode

{{< datamap 
    "data_file_name" "data_array" 
  • data_file_name: The name of the data file.
  • data_array: The name of the array in the data file.
  • title: The title of the data item.
  • other fields: The fields of the data item.

Creating New Shortcodes (using YAML Data Files)

Create a new shortcode (e.g. new_short_code.html) in the layouts/shortcodes directory. In the shortcode file, use the datamap.html shortcode to display the data.

It is a HTML file, so you can use HTML tags to style the data.

More on shortcodes can be found in the HUGO docs here.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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