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ESLint rules for mocha.

Install and configure

This plugin requires ESLint 9.0.0 or later.

npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-mocha

Configuration via eslint.config.js

To use this plugin with the new eslint configuration format (flat config):

import mochaPlugin from "eslint-plugin-mocha";

export default [
    mochaPlugin.configs.flat.recommended, // or `mochaPlugin.configs.flat.all` to enable all
    // ... Your configurations here

Plugin Settings

This plugin supports the following settings, which are used by multiple rules:

  • additionalCustomNames: This allows rules to check additional function names when looking for suites or test cases. This might be used with a custom Mocha extension, such as ember-mocha or mocha-each.


        "rules": {
            "mocha/no-pending-tests": "error",
            "mocha/no-exclusive-tests": "error"
        "settings": {
            "mocha/additionalCustomNames": [
                    "name": "describeModule",
                    "type": "suite",
                    "interface": "BDD"
                    "name": "testModule",
                    "type": "testCase",
                    "interface": "TDD"

    The name property can be in any of the following forms:

    • A plain name e.g. describeModule, which allows:

      describeModule("example", function() { ... });
    • A dotted name, e.g. describe.modifier, which allows:

      describe.modifier("example", function() { ... });
    • A name with parentheses, e.g. forEach().describe, which allows:

      forEach([ 1, 2, 3 ])
          .describe("example", function(n) { ... });
    • Any combination of the above, e.g. forEach().describeModule.modifier, which allows:

      forEach([ 1, 2, 3 ])
          .describeModule.modifier("example", function(n) { ... });
  • interface: This allows to select either TDD, BDD (default) or exports. When using exports mocha variables are resolved from named import statements instead of global variables.



This plugin exports a recommended config that enforces good practices.

Enable it with the extends option:

    "extends": ["plugin:mocha/recommended"]


There's also a configuration that enables all of our rules.

See Configuring Eslint on for more info.


πŸ’Ό Configurations enabled in.
⚠️ Configurations set to warn in.
🚫 Configurations disabled in.
βœ… Set in the recommended configuration.
πŸ”§ Automatically fixable by the --fix CLI option.

Name                              Description πŸ’Ό ⚠️ 🚫 πŸ”§
consistent-interface Enforces consistent use of mocha interfaces
consistent-spacing-between-blocks Require consistent spacing between blocks βœ… πŸ”§
handle-done-callback Enforces handling of callbacks for async tests βœ…
max-top-level-suites Enforce the number of top-level suites in a single file βœ…
no-async-suite Disallow async functions passed to a suite βœ… πŸ”§
no-empty-title Disallow empty test descriptions βœ…
no-exclusive-tests Disallow exclusive tests βœ…
no-exports Disallow exports from test files βœ…
no-global-tests Disallow global tests βœ…
no-hooks Disallow hooks βœ…
no-hooks-for-single-case Disallow hooks for a single test or test suite βœ…
no-identical-title Disallow identical titles βœ…
no-mocha-arrows Disallow arrow functions as arguments to mocha functions βœ… πŸ”§
no-nested-tests Disallow tests to be nested within other tests βœ…
no-pending-tests Disallow pending tests βœ…
no-return-and-callback Disallow returning in a test or hook function that uses a callback βœ…
no-return-from-async Disallow returning from an async test or hook βœ…
no-setup-in-describe Disallow setup in describe blocks βœ…
no-sibling-hooks Disallow duplicate uses of a hook at the same level inside a suite βœ…
no-synchronous-tests Disallow synchronous tests βœ…
no-top-level-hooks Disallow top-level hooks βœ…
prefer-arrow-callback Require using arrow functions for callbacks βœ… πŸ”§
valid-suite-title Require suite descriptions to match a pre-configured regular expression βœ…
valid-test-title Require test descriptions to match a pre-configured regular expression βœ